Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.
In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, I led you here for a chance to win a FREE copy of my Milk Cow Kitchen book. To enter, tell me how MaryJanesFarm has helped you realize your farm dreams in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.
My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window. Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.
Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.
I love all the ideas of how to live closer to the land in many ways.
i love the magazine and have 2 alpaca’s on my parents place which will one day be mine. will then add some more animals then. your magazine is so inspiring.
I LOVE this magazine. I love cows. To own a cow would be a dream come true. Owning a book about how to care for a milk cow would be awesome!!!!!
I live in an apartment but practice healthier eating, container gardening and many crafting ideas thanks to inspiration from Mary Jane!
I live in an apartment but practice healthier eating, container gardening and many crafting ideas thanks to inspiration from Mary Jane! *reposted because I noticed my email address was wrong after I hit post*
Your magazine is a vacation from the every day chores on the farm. Lots of ideas to try, and sometimes a different perspective. Nice to “talk” to people who are interested in the same things.
MJF is a reminder to do so many fun things and to try something new I have a few of her other books and just like the magazine there is always something for everybody cooking from scratch, sewing, decorating, art, cheese making and so much more this book sounds a bit different since it deals with cows but interesting still i look forward to reading it and learning more new things
My reason for wanting the milk cow book; is that after a few major heart surgeries I need something funny to laugh at! Sounds like this is my self prescribed medicine. My grandparents being farmers, gave me some insight to milking. I think with the book, I might get the whole picture!
MJF has creative projects with good directions.
I grew up on a farm, and I’ve always loved animals. I try new adventures quite often, as I have chickens, katahdin sheep, cattle, sheep dogs, and recently, started into beekeeping. The only way to learn is to just do it, sometimes heartache, sometimes pure joy! I love having a milk cow, and have recently purchased Jersey heifers for future milking! We also garden, and give to elderly neighbors as well as our own use. The elderly truly appreciate the vegies! Your magazine inspires me to keep doing what I love!
Brought me back to my childhood living on a farm raising Pygmy goats and fruit. Love my goats and later in life had my mini farm and raised Pygmy goats to sell to the FFA and 4-H members for fair projects. At one time I had 5 does, 2 Bucks and 13 kids. What an amazing time birthing was and the spiritual therapy was so healing. I loved every minute and miss that time so much.
I don’t live on a farm, so your magazine gives me the feeling that I do.
MaryJane’sFarm has helped me realize my farm dreams with its ongoing inspiration to live the farm girl life no matter where I live! I live in a suburban setting but am a true farm girl at heart. I dream of having a few acres, but for now, the magazine has shown me I can be a happy farm girl right where I am!
Your magazine has given me a lot of ideas and instructions for making a more natural life.
I love the beautiful photographs, the timely advice, the recipes. What an amazing publication! I share it with all of my farm girl friends too!
Maybe I will have a milk cow. Who knows? A little brown and white one with doe eyes and a pink nose.
Mary Janes Farm has helped me continue to be inspired time after time. It is a sweet break from the farm work just for me and help me dream of bigger things for myself, my children and my land. One of the true gems left in magazines.
I live in the city but my heart is on a farm. Mary janes farm takes me to my happy place and helps me thrive until i get there thank you!!
Hi! Thankyou for the great magazine. I enjoy it so much! I grew up near Moscow Mountain on a farm, love the area. We had a jersey cow back then loved the milk and we made our own butter. I have lived in Pennsylvania, now for many years.I’d like to have a jersey cow again. Right now I have dairy goats,I’d like to make cheeses.
–more like resurrected my farm dreams, MJFARM!
Love this book. Chock full of good information and recipes.
I’m nearing retirement age and longing for a simpler life. Your magazine transports me to better days. Enjoying the outdoors and my garden with my grandson. I miss being home with my children when they were little, enjoying nature through their eyes. Your magazine brings a smile to my face rememberiing those days.
I am the proud owner of two Nigerian dwarf goats, which is something I never thought I would be able to say! After diving into the farm scene, owning goats just seemed like a natural path to take in order to help with our closed loop system that we are constantly working on. They help with land management through foraging and clearing out a lot of the weeds and unwanted trees and bushes (and poison ivy), they help contribute to healthy soil and boost the compost pile, and will be providing us with milk down the road.
I grew up dreaming of living on a ranch, even going as far to join the local 4-H without owning a single farm animal! Now I’m grown up with young daughters of my own, and we have taken up backyard chicken keeping, and boy do we LOVE it!! Now we’re searching for my dream farmhouse with the hopes of taking in all kinds of farm animals, and Mary Janes Farm has helped inspire me to make my childhood dreams reality.
I also grew up on a farm and was raised eating fresh garden produce and home grown beef, pork and chicken. My mom and grandmas taught me how to can and dry and freeze our garden surplus for the long winters in Minnesota. I wasn’t thrilled when I had to hoe those long rows of vegetables and lug feed and water to the critters or shovel manure and thought I would never miss all the work when I was “grown up”. But the love of that life style was in my soul. I’m 63 now and have lived for the last 40 plus years about a mile down the road from that farm place. I have a big garden and a flock of chickens, with fresh eggs every day. My daughters have learned from me, the same as I did from my mom. I love making things from “scratch”, from bread to Kitchen cupboards.I am blessed with good health and the company of 7 dogs and 3 cats and 2 acres of what I consider heaven on earth. I wouldn’t trade my life for anything. It is a comfort to know how many other “farm girls” feel the same way. I love your magazine!
My Mother found your Magazine and gifted it to me. I really enjoy reading it for ideas and inspiration. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of the “Milk Cow Kitchen” book. I once had a cow follow me around a fair stall; and I will always remember the loving eyes!
Your wonderful magazine is full of fond memories and stories that bring me back to days growing up on the farm…love the magazine in all its glory!!!!
I too, like many of the other women, am not a country farm girl, but very much a country girl at heart. I absolutely love your magazine. There are so many helpful articles. I would so love to have the Milk Cow Kitchen book.
I love your magazine and can’t wait to read every issue. I love on my family dairy farm and love the connection i feel with my farmer ancestors when I can find and make preserves.
MaryJane has helped me in more ways than I can say. I think mainly by showing me I’m not the only one who couldn’t own a 100 acres but still wanted to do what I could with the little I had.
Confirmation and courage. That’s what I’ve gotten from MaryJanesFarm. Friends tell me that I’m 20 years ahead of my time in my thoughts and plans. My father has so often shot down my ideas, like the idea of growing and selling produce or Christmas trees, things unheard of at that time. I think he’s just scared of new things.
I was raised on a traditional farm, mom milking a few cows in a small wooden barn and (everyone) raising hay originally. Plus my dad was a logger. It has since evolved into a nice concrete milk barn with a much larger herd of cows (all with names), with some field crops for silage, and yes, hay. Since my parents’ retirement a few years ago the cattle are mostly beef instead of dairy and my little brother has taken over the logging operation and added a sawmill which supports most of our families.
I’ve owned a farm of my own for a few years now. I am in the process of planning fencing and water in order to put cattle on it – and possibly cabins and a solar farm (please don’t tell Dad, he just couldn’t handle it). Your gift of the book “Milk Cow Kitchen” would help some of my “forward thinking” come to fruition. You guessed it, even though we produced milk, making anything other than butter just wasn’t done. I would like to change that. You would be a part of that change with this gift.
In true appreciation of your generosity,
The Lady Of The Woods
I am a farmer’s wife…the magazine helps me realize I’m living the dream