GIVEAWAY: “Chocolate, On the Sunny Side”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, I led you here for a chance to win a FREE sampling of our very own MaryJanesFarm High Attitude organic chocolate. To enter, tell me how you feel when you eat chocolate:) in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.


Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Kim Fredette says:

    I feel GOOD when I eat chocolate, especially since we all now know that it is full of antioxidants and is heart healthy!

  2. Nelle Schwarzwalder says:

    I love chocolate. I can only eat dark chocolate. Eating chocolate is like a soothing walk on the beach when the breeze is in your face.

  3. Suzanne says:

    Chocolate – My guilty pleasure

  4. Marguerite Bonniwell says:

    Chocolate is a food group in our house! It is a reward, a guilty pleasure, a wonderful indulgence…sometimes a necessity.

  5. Mary G. says:

    Relaxed! The darker the better…and it’s such a good feeling knowing that it’s even healthy!

  6. Sandi Duncan says:

    wonderful, I feel wonderful…

  7. Marianne Regan says:

    Chocolate is an old friend!

  8. Nancy Couden says:

    I enjoy chocolate–but my husband is the one who eats it the most–he is good about limiting how much he eats or I think he would eat it until he gets sick.

  9. Jaci Chambers says:

    When eating chocolate, I feel….. like everything is right in my world!

  10. Michelle O says:

    B L I S S ………… ♡

  11. Before I eat a chocolate bar, I open it slowly, and then take a deep breath of it’s aroma, where I am transformed back into a little girl- and it’s a moment of perfect happiness 🙂

  12. Rosalie says:

    Yummy for my tummy

  13. Dolores Springer says:

    CHOCOLATE!!!!!! It is my soul food. It makes me feel good. It makes me feel Loved.What can’t I say about CHOCOLATE!

  14. Reba G says:

    Dark chocolate makes me feel relaxed and a bit spoiled. It’s a special treat and I savor the flavor!

  15. Cay McShurley says:

    I always share my chocolate with friends. It tastes good and brings a smile to those enjoying it.

  16. Clair Malo says:

    Biggest chocoholic on the planet! Just a bit each and every day for health reasons of course!

  17. Leslie Toth says:

    Chocolate…yummy memories of hot chocolate by a cozy warm fire, feeling special having a sweet chocolate treat with tea while reading a delightful book or just a little taste of a decadent piece on our way to watching the movie, Chocolat! Perfect!

  18. Veronica Lutz says:

    Chocolate is a cozy, warm comfort. 😊💕

  19. ann says:

    Chocolate makes me feel like a much-loved, well-worn, relaxed-in-arms-of-my-loving-child, stuffed toy.

  20. Patti Levine says:

    Ahhhhh chocolate….a little bit of heaven during the day. Thank you for the chance to win!!

  21. Dianna B says:

    I LOVE IT AND WOULD SHARE IT WITH MY FRIEND AT WORK. WE will take our time eating it. Can not wait to have it.

  22. Jody Riecke says:

    Yum, yum in my tum, tum!!!;)

  23. Christina Marsden says:

    I’ve been making my own chocolate lately. And I have to say it’s better for for you than the store bought and tastes just as good in is own way. Chocolate is sweet and creamy, it’s a taste I love to savor! In done ways it’s energizing.

  24. Deborah Powell says:

    A single piece of dark chocolate tastes rich and is layered with flavor. A piece each day satisfies my sweet cravings and is even a little healthy.

  25. Teri says:


  26. Janet says:

    I begin and end each day with chocolate! Chocolate in my coffee and a small truffle as the last bite of the day. It “completes me”. Yum!

  27. Libby Blaha says:

    Totally relaxed !

  28. Rosemary says:

    I love chocolate and it makes me feel happy 🙂
    I have never tried your chocolate before and would just LOVE to taste a sample. Thank you for all you do for all of us! Have a blessed day 😇

  29. Cathy Werner says:

    Satisfies my sweet tooth!

  30. Lisa says:

    Really good chocolate makes me feel spoiled.

  31. Lisa says:

    When it’s dark, organic and non-GMO and hopefully fair-trade chocolate … I fully In-Joy a piece almost every day. Both delicious and nutritious. A treat that can’t be beat!

  32. Juanita Mathews says:

    A little bit of chocolate after a long day is such a treat. Chocolate also reminds me of family since it is something my father and brother both really enjoy.

  33. Eleni O'Neill says:

    When I eat chocolate, I finally feel . . . Normal.

  34. Joan Hendrix says:

    I just feel good. And happy. And like I’m having a special treat. Plus I think THIS particular chocolate would go so nicely with the homemade graham crackers and marshmallows from the magazine! 😉

  35. Laura Kusik says:

    Happy! 🙂

  36. Eating good chocolate makes me feel spoiled and a little naughty.

  37. Ute Vasina says:

    Better then anything else! <3

  38. Janet Guidry says:

    Love Chocolate, who doesn’t. It takes me away to place that I can’t even describe.

  39. Val says:

    Mary Jane has CHOCOLATE! Sign me up!!

  40. Janet Guidry says:

    Love love love chocolate. It takes me to place I can’t describe.

  41. Rae says:

    It removes the stress of the day!

  42. Jean says:

    Chocolate makes everything better. Right?

  43. Jessica T. says:

    Eating chocolate is part of my self-care routine. I usually enjoy a square of my favorite dark chocolate a few times a week and I focus on savoring it. It feels like a well-deserved treat.

  44. CandyC says:

    I feel indulgent when I eat chocolate, especially really good chocolate!

  45. Linda Pavey says:

    I feel luxurious eating dark chocolate 🍫

  46. Brenda says:

    Utter consuming bliss!

  47. Linda Lou Crosby says:

    Chocolatier could have been my profession; I ate up all the stock.

  48. Liane Glick says:

    Chocolate… Is a special treat. I eat it so rarely now because I’ve been working on taking better care of my earthly temple… But when I treat myself to some chocolate, I savor it as long as I can.. Enjoying the flavor and feeling wonderful 🙂 So if I’m going to eat chocolate, it must be good chocolate!! This would be good chocolate!

  49. Wanda Bamberg says:

    Comfortable and full of the GOOD memories. 🎈. 🎉. 🌺. 🎶. 💥

  50. Darlene Sorensen says:

    Chcolate is historically known for its health benefits. Cacau nibs are my go-to in my blended morning coffee with coconut oil, tumeric, pepper, and cinnamon. Keep it simple and clean! NO GUILT!

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