Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.
In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, I led you here for a chance to win a FREE sampling of our very own MaryJanesFarm High Attitude organic chocolate. To enter, tell me how you feel when you eat chocolate:) in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.
Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.
I feel GOOD when I eat chocolate, especially since we all now know that it is full of antioxidants and is heart healthy!
I love chocolate. I can only eat dark chocolate. Eating chocolate is like a soothing walk on the beach when the breeze is in your face.
Chocolate – My guilty pleasure
Chocolate is a food group in our house! It is a reward, a guilty pleasure, a wonderful indulgence…sometimes a necessity.
Relaxed! The darker the better…and it’s such a good feeling knowing that it’s even healthy!
wonderful, I feel wonderful…
Chocolate is an old friend!
I enjoy chocolate–but my husband is the one who eats it the most–he is good about limiting how much he eats or I think he would eat it until he gets sick.
When eating chocolate, I feel….. like everything is right in my world!
B L I S S ………… ♡
Before I eat a chocolate bar, I open it slowly, and then take a deep breath of it’s aroma, where I am transformed back into a little girl- and it’s a moment of perfect happiness
Yummy for my tummy
CHOCOLATE!!!!!! It is my soul food. It makes me feel good. It makes me feel Loved.What can’t I say about CHOCOLATE!
Dark chocolate makes me feel relaxed and a bit spoiled. It’s a special treat and I savor the flavor!
I always share my chocolate with friends. It tastes good and brings a smile to those enjoying it.
Biggest chocoholic on the planet! Just a bit each and every day for health reasons of course!
Chocolate…yummy memories of hot chocolate by a cozy warm fire, feeling special having a sweet chocolate treat with tea while reading a delightful book or just a little taste of a decadent piece on our way to watching the movie, Chocolat! Perfect!
Chocolate is a cozy, warm comfort.

Chocolate makes me feel like a much-loved, well-worn, relaxed-in-arms-of-my-loving-child, stuffed toy.
Ahhhhh chocolate….a little bit of heaven during the day. Thank you for the chance to win!!
I LOVE IT AND WOULD SHARE IT WITH MY FRIEND AT WORK. WE will take our time eating it. Can not wait to have it.
Yum, yum in my tum, tum!!!;)
I’ve been making my own chocolate lately. And I have to say it’s better for for you than the store bought and tastes just as good in is own way. Chocolate is sweet and creamy, it’s a taste I love to savor! In done ways it’s energizing.
A single piece of dark chocolate tastes rich and is layered with flavor. A piece each day satisfies my sweet cravings and is even a little healthy.
I begin and end each day with chocolate! Chocolate in my coffee and a small truffle as the last bite of the day. It “completes me”. Yum!
Totally relaxed !
I love chocolate and it makes me feel happy

I have never tried your chocolate before and would just LOVE to taste a sample. Thank you for all you do for all of us! Have a blessed day
Satisfies my sweet tooth!
Really good chocolate makes me feel spoiled.
When it’s dark, organic and non-GMO and hopefully fair-trade chocolate … I fully In-Joy a piece almost every day. Both delicious and nutritious. A treat that can’t be beat!
A little bit of chocolate after a long day is such a treat. Chocolate also reminds me of family since it is something my father and brother both really enjoy.
When I eat chocolate, I finally feel . . . Normal.
I just feel good. And happy. And like I’m having a special treat. Plus I think THIS particular chocolate would go so nicely with the homemade graham crackers and marshmallows from the magazine!
Oops, i already replied. That’s how much i love chocolate.

Eating good chocolate makes me feel spoiled and a little naughty.
Better then anything else! <3
Love Chocolate, who doesn’t. It takes me away to place that I can’t even describe.
Mary Jane has CHOCOLATE! Sign me up!!
Love love love chocolate. It takes me to place I can’t describe.
It removes the stress of the day!
Chocolate makes everything better. Right?
Eating chocolate is part of my self-care routine. I usually enjoy a square of my favorite dark chocolate a few times a week and I focus on savoring it. It feels like a well-deserved treat.
I feel indulgent when I eat chocolate, especially really good chocolate!
I feel luxurious eating dark chocolate
Utter consuming bliss!
Chocolatier could have been my profession; I ate up all the stock.
Chocolate… Is a special treat. I eat it so rarely now because I’ve been working on taking better care of my earthly temple… But when I treat myself to some chocolate, I savor it as long as I can.. Enjoying the flavor and feeling wonderful
So if I’m going to eat chocolate, it must be good chocolate!! This would be good chocolate!
Comfortable and full of the GOOD memories.
Chcolate is historically known for its health benefits. Cacau nibs are my go-to in my blended morning coffee with coconut oil, tumeric, pepper, and cinnamon. Keep it simple and clean! NO GUILT!