Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.
In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, I led you here for a chance to win a FREE sampling of our very own MaryJanesFarm High Attitude organic chocolate. To enter, tell me how you feel when you eat chocolate:) in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.
Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.
Serene ; )
I’m blissfully happy!
Less stressed
Amazingly calm and peaceful!
Sublime! Thanks.
Like if the world came to an end, I would die happy eating chocolate.
For the love of chocolate……. I’m so glad it’s good for us now…..
Always feels great to have chocolate when feeling down. Great treat.
I feel happy because it means I am taking a break and indulging myself!
Carefree !
Delighted, relaxed, giddy!
carefree and NOT GUILTY !
Carefree and not one bit guilty.
I feel happy!!!!
Absolutely orgasmic! I love chocolate!
Chocolate makes me feel like I have slipped into a warm bath-relaxed and indulgent.
When I eat chocolate I feel satisfied!
I live for chocolate especially dark. It is its own separate food group for me. It can take me from sad to glad in a heartbeat.
Chocolate is my favoritefor when I need a moment of escape. An instant I feel better now. Eating a small square of a chocolate bar heals, treats, and gives that Ahhhh! That just makes me happy feeling.
I am a strong supporter of each and every study that says chocolate is good for you! We mustn’t neglect our health!
A moment of “my own time and pure pleasure.”
Wow…when I eat a great piece of dark chocolate so many ‘feelings’ pass through my mind! I slowly eat my ‘precious’ covering every tastebuds in my mouth and savor each bite as long as I can! It takes me away to a vacation type of moment! I feel as tho I just went somewhere I wasn’t supposed to go but it just felt so good to be there! I can’t eat much chocolate so when I do it is a very special experience for me. Not like eating a bag of chips but like eating a piece of dark soft gold!
Blissful, Happy, Content
Just plain happy!
Like I am someone special.
I feel rewarded.
Chocolate is the ultimate confection. People who claim to be chocoholics, but state they only like milk chocolate, are imposters! Sometimes the darkest chocolate is best to satisfy that yearning, craving, demanding of our brains for chocolate. I firmly believe that women’s brains are wired to NEED chocolate. We must answer to call!
Decadent! With a tiny bit of healthy!
Yum! Chocolate enhances calm and happy feelings as it melts in my mouth.
Chocolate, especially good dark chocolate, creates a sense of pleasure like no other sweets. I love to nibble squares with walnuts or pecans or ripe seasonal berries. It is a decadent treat that I don’t feel guilty splurging on each day!
with good chocolate, happy, happy, happy!
I view chocolate as a special indulgent treat. Since being recently diagnosed with gluten allergies this chocolate would even be more enjoyable.
Melt in my mouth goodness! What else can you say about chocolate. I feel happier and able to go another few hours just from a little chocolate pick me up at the 3PM slump in the day.
Chocolate–the dark especially is like a little getaway from the busyness of life, I feel like I’m on a little vacation
Chocolate ahhhh!
When I eat chocolate it makes me happy
Happy and if it is good dark chocolate – really happy!
I feel like I’m living on cloud 9 when I eat chocolate
Chocolate, the best of all
Chocolate is my reward for a good day at the office, (and usually for a bad day too).
It makes me feel happy and relaxed all at the same time
simply HAPPY!!
Chocolate is my reward after a hard day farming and
Gardening. I savor every little bite as I think back in my day of hard work. SAtisfaction!
Happy! I love chocolate… the darker the better!
Like i am on a vacation, somewhere calming, relaxing, total bliss.
I have had a life long love of chocolate. Every evening after dinner I have one piece of chocolate and sip some Kentucky bourbon. It is amazing!!!