GIVEAWAY: “Chocolate, On the Sunny Side”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, I led you here for a chance to win a FREE sampling of our very own MaryJanesFarm High Attitude organic chocolate. To enter, tell me how you feel when you eat chocolate:) in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.


Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. MS Barb says:

    There’s just something delectable about having chocolate melt over my tongue and savoring the wonderful flavor…sigh…

  2. Jo Ann says:

    heavenly happy

  3. Deidra Lowery says:

    My one word…satisfied!

  4. Sunnie says:

    I like chocolate, it tastes good!

  5. Wham I eat chocolate I am relaxed and my stomach is settled. I only buy and eat chocolate with clean stuff in it.

  6. Peggy Smith says:

    At times a good bite of chocolate makes me feel like a new person. I am a 24/7 caregiver to my husband and at times I need that little extra pampering for just me.
    I feel revived and like I had a really nice treat to keep my day going.

  7. Charlene Catherine Hummel- Fleming says:

    Hi ALL, I’m continuing to work through also deal with some very strong emotion’s, fear’s, worry’s, stress!!! while 2 Family member;s are in 2 hospital’s with very serious medical problem’s, one being a head injury, and the other surgery followed by a sroke!, and each is in a distant from where I live in Rhode Island, state. Also we’re all Navy Veteran’s of the Viet Nam war time period.

    So “can” I use some good-tasting CHOCOLATE “right now” to help ease this all, OOOOH YA

  8. Kaye Traynor says:

    You know in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when Charlie finds money and the first thing he buys is the marshmallow bar and gobbles it up sometimes that’s how I feel, but usually I get excited like when he takes the big bar back to Grandpa Joe and they peel back the gold wrapper looking for the golden ticket it looks so beautiful and shiny wth that lucious chocolate peeking through then you brake of a piece and let it melt n your mouth, mmmmmmm thats how chocolate is for me. Like winning a golden ticket.

  9. Avis says:

    I see your new Dark Chocolate has Esspresso in it also! OH MY! What more could a girl want. Since I can only eat dark chocolate I have never found any with Esspresso. My mouth is watering!!!!!

  10. Kristina says:

    Chocolate is a delicacy. One that I have an addiction to. Dark Chocolate is my favorite. I love the bite that dark chocolate has. 🍫

  11. Karen Spires says:

    I’m lucky to not be hungry most of the time. Chocolate soothes me when angry, lonely or tired (the famous Weight Watcher acronym). I still like milk chocolate the best. Dark is a taste that has to be acquired and I am not totally there yet.

  12. Sandy Rees says:


  13. Linda Welle says:

    Just like a little bit of heaven

  14. who doesn’t love chocolate and organic! I find eating chocolate is a sensual pleasure in life. Just put a piece in your mouth, close your eyes, let it melt and take in the taste and all it pleasures. Now ladies, lets not forget that the latest health claim is that it is full healthy things as well. Just a small piece will solve all of your problems of the day.
    I find that 70% cocoa is better for you if you like rich dark chocolate. If you are going to indulge as they say get the best. What a fun prize to win. May the person enjoy each and every bite!!!!! Winnie

  15. Theresa Barger says:

    Eating chocolate makes me feel happy, calm, serene!

  16. Pearl Maxner says:

    I feel HAPPY.

  17. Norma Jean Brilliant says:


  18. I am on a stricy low fat diet for m,y heart and when I eat a piece of chocolate I am in heaven..then back to diet.I am 80 years old and love chocolate but cant have it very when I do iactually love it and savior it for a few minutes

  19. Mari Lewis says:

    How do I feel? There are no words, I am in my own piece of chocolate heaven.

  20. Robena says:

    Okay, I have a confession. I am almost 80 years young, and I have kept a chocolate stash hidden, for most of those 80 years. It is my private soother when I have a bad day or life throws me a lemon. I have had two husbands(both deceased) raised two daughters, and no one knows where I keep that stash of chocolate. I’m going to take that little secret to my grave!

  21. Makes me feel like I’m treating myself! I can escape a minute or two before getting back to the “real” world!

  22. Monika Piwowarczyk says:

    Chocolate has always been like finding treasure with my grandmother.

  23. Sharon Mcclain says:

    Mmmm…. chocolate….smooth!!!

  24. Deb Morris says:

    Satisfying…bring it on!

  25. Keely Pearce says:

    I feel like a child when I eat chocolate!

  26. Complete, whole and satisfied. My brain does not consider the meal to be finished until I’ve placed that piece of Dark 70% or 80% Organic chocolate on my tongue to let it slowly melt and fill my mouth with silken heaven. milkaTheAppreciator

  27. Patricia Arbuckel says:

    warm and wonderful ,a little naughty

  28. Landwehr Mary Jane says:

    A brief sweet moment of calming bliss!

  29. adele says:

    So good — with really good chocolate, words don’t describe it.

  30. Cindy says:

    Usually eating chocolate makes me feel pretty darn happy!

  31. Kristen Bateman says:


  32. Lisa Harness says:

    It’s smooth, so it just makes me feel ahhhh!

  33. Theresa L King says:

    I love dark, dark, dark chocolate!! I have some every day, always seeking out the best kinds, so I really want to know how yours is! I love the ancient, bitter flavors on my tongue and the texture, and also the knowledge that I’m doing something really good for myself.

  34. Cindy Hagat says:

    yum yum chocolate!

  35. Bonnie Parker-Duke says:

    Best chocolate ever! And healthy! It satisfies and energizes me!

  36. Roberta Bacskay says:

    it is a Wow !

  37. Paula Ann Leyva says:

    Oh My God, Dark Chocolate & I are BFF, words can’t describe our LOVE affair!!!!AMEN!

  38. Annie Trexler says:

    When I eat chocolate, life is good. 😀

  39. Laura hughes says:

    Comfort. Just a little treat can calm a stressful day.

  40. Deborah Tiffany says:

    I have a love affair with chocolate! Chocolate makes me feel happy…what can I say. I try to eat dark chocolate everyday!

  41. Marissa Weaver says:

    Love to savor each bite!

  42. Sherri Winters says:

    Chocolate is my happy place, and the better the quality of chocolate, the happier I am!!

  43. Eileen Burelsmith says:

    Calm and satisfied.

  44. Martha Koukios says:

    Love love love chocolate

  45. Rosemary says:

    Chocolate gives me a lift… without being too addictive. 😉 Chocolate makes me smile. Chocolate even calms me. Dark chocolate rocks!

  46. Zoe Siperly says:

    Eating chocolate gives you a high, like a High Attitude… chocolate needs to melt in your mouth to enjoy the full experience.

  47. deb rowley says:

    Chocolate is my favorite way to relax. the darker the chocolate the better! I want a bold flavor to wake the taste buds.

  48. Nanette Boots says:

    Most of the time I love a good dark chocolate. My current like is Ghirardelli Minis when I can get them. I love one with my afternoon coffee.

    We were in Belize in April and toured an organic chocolate farm from start to the finished product. We got to make our own chocolate bars, and sampled the byproduct, wine that about knocked me off my feet. FYI…If you ever get to go on an adventure like that. eat the chocolate bars very soon after because it’s just not the same a few days later. I still have cocoa nibs to grind into something, and the chocolate tea is delicious.

  49. Kathy P. says:

    Deliciousness and antioxidants in every nibble – what can be better for your mind and your body?

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