GIVEAWAY: “Chocolate, On the Sunny Side”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

In the Aug/Sept issue of MaryJanesFarm, I led you here for a chance to win a FREE sampling of our very own MaryJanesFarm High Attitude organic chocolate. To enter, tell me how you feel when you eat chocolate:) in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-August.


Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.

  1. Renee Lawrence says:

    It looks good how does it taste and how much sugar is in it

  2. Tina Ebertowski says:

    I love chocolate and even a small piece can curb my sweet tooth

  3. Faye brown says:

    How do I feel when I eat chocolate? I feel sweet inside with a little bit of Yummy was beside me. It’s like kissing the one you love and being happy on a sunshiny, breezy day.

  4. Donna Kowicki says:

    I love chocolate especially dark chocolate. It is soooo calming and heart healthy. Something that is good and healthy too what more could one ask for

  5. Tammy Marquardt says:

    When eating chocolate, a feeling of overwhelming contentment and indulgence!

  6. Marla Herrington says:

    eating chocolate is delightful, just heavenly. It takes you away from it all for just a moment oh but so worth it !!

  7. Lisa K says:


  8. Trina Rosa Robinson says:

    Chocolate, a tiny treasure that melts in your mouth, and gives you a few minutes of heaven. It takes me back to my college days, when a small bite of chocolate just melted the days troubles away. This was more than 40 yrs. ago, but I still remember how it made me feel.

  9. Kathy Shaughnessy says:

    Chocolate is my all time favourite treat! It’s my comfort food. 😀

  10. Janeen says:

    Eating a good dark chocolate just says “Yum” in my mouth. Close your eyes goodness.

  11. Jenny Hoagland says:

    Amazing. There is nothing better in the world. Okay my there is but since we are talking chocolate I need to go find me some.

  12. Tracey Holly says:

    Chocolate is my vise. I try to live without it, but I just can’t. Some people can’t live without coffee, I can’t live without chocolate. If I think about it, my mouth waters. It’s rediculous!

  13. Wendie George says:

    When I eat chocolate, I always slow down for a few minutes to savor the complex flavors and the creaminess. I am sure I always close my eyes to really let it sit in. I was able to take a trip to Salt Lake City, Utah this spring and was so delighted to find a few gourmet Chocolate Shops there. One of my favorites was The Chocolate Conspiracy. It was a little bit of Heaven here on earth.

  14. Cindy Cope says:

    Chocolate – so yummy. Feels so good melting in your mouth. A real treat!

  15. Garnett Ashworth says:

    I feel: 🤗🤗🤗

  16. Marie says:

    Quality, GF chocolate is my one vice. Two small squares with a cup of tea or coffee…ahhhhhh! Lovely. Life is so darn Good!

  17. Janine R says:

    Chocolate just makes me feel happy!

  18. Janey says:


  19. Sara Laughlin says:

    Chocolate… What a special creation. It makes me feel a bit calmer and more relaxed. I love the feel of warm chocolate melting in my mouth, closing my eyes and going inside my head to escape the world for a few moments.

  20. Charlotte Haralson says:

    I feel like I’m in floating state of mine♡

  21. Chocolate makes me feel calm and comforted.

  22. Lucy says:

    Loving dark chocolate is not a weakness, but a step toward health! How can anything so healthy taste so heavenly?? I must have at least one square at bedtime, or I feel lousy the next day. Honest!

  23. Sherilyn PETERS says:

    Dreamy as I feel the satiny smooth taste of chocolate.

  24. Kate Amon says:

    Chocolate both energizes and calms me, and brings more joy into my life – especially organic chocolate!

  25. Nancy Garabrandt says:

    I love chocolate! Feels like a party in my mouth 🙂

  26. Joy Pascarella says:

    Half the fun is how it feels on your tong and how it melts or crunches between your teeth. The whole thing is an event.

  27. Patti Hough says:

    Chocolate makes me feel like a child again. It’s memories of warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies barely out of the oven; my mom’s “crazy cake” recipe; holidays over-flowing with chocolate treats; finishing off boxes of “turtles” meant for a school fundraiser.

    Life is so much responsibility and not enough chocolate.

  28. Cynthia Meier says:

    Eating high quality chocolate makes me feel good knowing it is good for me…a cup of organic tea alongside and I am in heaven!!

  29. Alice Lawson says:

    Eating chocolate makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

  30. Tanya West says:

    Chocolate–Ahhh! Mmm!

  31. Jaylyn Morehouse says:

    It’s a pick-me-up in the afternoons. Similar to people who need coffee in the morning, I need dark chocolate in the afternoon.

  32. Terri Doria says:

    I feel like my whole body appreciates it from my head to my toes.

  33. Terry steinmetz says:

    I love the peace I get from a small piece of chocolate, plus all the health benefits!

  34. Lisanne Smith says:


  35. Roksanna says:

    I love chocolate!

  36. CindyKay Clark says:

    When I eat chocolate, “it’s all good”. I reach for chocolate when I’m just not my best or am troubled by something and it calms me down.

  37. Marla Taylor says:

    Yum , when I bite into chocolate ,I feel all warm and happy inside. My tastebuds do alittle dance and they want more . Chocolate does away with my headaches which at times I have . I love chocolate and I would really love to win this .

  38. Carol boyer says:

    Dark chocolate? Sheer bliss!

  39. Emilie W says:

    A little Dark Chocolate is my daily treat!

  40. Ronnie McMillen says:

    Chocolate and Books!!!!! My obsessions!!!!

  41. Donna says:

    I love chocolate it is blissfully indulgent and the world is a better place
    Also thankfully we have options like gmo free, gluten free etc

  42. Jeanne James says:

    Eating chocolate makes me feel whole and I smile and all is right with the world, at least for a little while.

  43. Kathleen Kennedy says:

    After all the financial difficulties with everything going wrong lately, I NEED chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. Fran Knokey says:

    Happy, happy, happy 😀😀😀!!!

  45. Linda Olson says:

    I don’t keep chocolate in the house, as it is my weakness. The worse part about retirement is there is no vending machine in the house for the quick afternoon chocolate fix. I would love to have a sampling inventory!!!

  46. Elizabeth Lazor says:


  47. Sarah Ross Moberg says:

    Chocolate…how do I love thee…let me count the ways…

  48. Shirlee P. says:

    Chocolate in any form is awesome!

  49. Chocolate makes me feel warm and loved.

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