GIVEAWAY: “All American Clothespins, Out on a Limb”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (see below), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

For a chance to win 20 FREE beautiful, handmade clothespins from All American Clothespins, tell me how long you’ve been reading MaryJanesFarm in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-September.


Albert Crooks and his 15-year-old son, Al, craft beautiful, sturdy clothespins from ash (the perfect hardwood for clothespins) and heavy-duty, stainless-steel springs manufactured in the U.S. “No more using four or five cheap clothespins to hang a wet towel to line dry. Our clothespins are tumble sanded and are finished with tung oil, which will not leach out and stain your laundry.” For beautiful clothespins that will last a lifetime, visit

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.


The winners of our clothespin giveaway are:

Suzanna Drozd-Kowalski, who said in response to our question, “Tell me how long you’ve been reading MaryJanesFarm.”:

“I have been reading MaryJanesFarm from the get-go. I have your books too. The magazines have been passed to my daughter-in-laws or squirreled away for future reference. I was just watching my grandson’s today and looking at their bookcases and there was a stack of MaryJanesFarm magazines and MaryJane’s Outpost book that I borrowed for the camping mixes to go with quinoa. Love your books, mazagines, and products. Also love hanging laundry.”


Deborah Jackson, who said:

“I have been reading MaryJane’s magazine for so long, I couldn’t put a date on it. I remember the first time I saw it, I grabbed it and said yay!, a magazine that really has my personality. Love it! And keep up the good work.”

Congratulations, Suzanne and Deborah! Watch for an email from the farm.

  1. Judy Nance says:

    I purchased these a few years ago and absolutely love them No comparison to the light-weight ones you buy in the local stores. I need to get another set real soon.

  2. Deon Matzen says:

    I am always looking for good clothespins. Only hang out the laundry in the summer because we have so much rain, but would love a few more.

  3. Mary Jane Nostrom says:

    My son started the subscription for me years ago & I have enjoyed every issue. I
    share them with various people, unless I have them taken apart for patterns or
    recipes, etc. I want to save. Keep up the good work. Appreciate the down-home

  4. Michelle Kirby says:

    It’s been so long, I’m not even sure anymore! More than 5 years, but less than 10?

  5. Sharon N. Black says:

    I have joyfully read and saved your wonderful publication for about 6 years now. Thank you for the joy you bring me. Shari Black

  6. Sonia Lynch says:

    I have been a subscriber for 6 or more years.

  7. Kimberly Cowen says:

    My mom started gifting me with a subscription over 5 years ago. I love it and so look forward to finding my issue in the mailbox. Thank you!

  8. CJ Armstrong says:

    I’ve been reading Mary Janes Farm for TEN years! Have been a member of the Sisterhood for NINE years! What an encouraging, wonderful time this has been! Thank you Mary Jane for the “journey of joy”!

  9. Colleen says:

    I’ve been reading (and sharing with others) your magazine for almost 10 years now, and get excited every time I open my mailbox, and see the newest issue. Thank you, Mary Jane!

  10. Catherine A Webb says:

    Thank you for entering me. I just signed up for another 2 years, and I’ve lost count of how many years. 6, 8? Love your articles, the Drs articles and all the healthy ideas. Of course I hang up clothes, so…..

  11. I do believe my husband and I first subscribed in 2007, maybe even earlier. What I love is that he is the one who typically renews. We love Mary Jane’s Farm – look forward to it every month. Thanks for keeping it going.

  12. I have been reading Mary Jane from the get go. I have your books too. The magazines have been passed to my daughter-in-laws or squirreled away for future reference. I was just watching my grandson’s today and looking at their bookcases and there was a stack of MaryJane Farm magazines and Mary Jane Outpost that I borrowed them for the camping mixes to go with quinoa. Love your books, mazagines, and products. Also love hanging laundry.

  13. Teri Schneider says:

    I’ve been reading MaryJane’s magazine for 10 glorious, craft inspiring years!

  14. sonya says:

    I love your magazine. My husband gets home before I do and gets the mail. He will text me a picture when your magazine is in the box!

  15. Been a subscriber since day one of the magazine!

  16. Mary Arntson says:

    Mary Janes Farm magazine has been in my home since the beginning of the magazine.

  17. Tammi K says:

    I have been reading Mary Jane’s magazine about four years now. My mom first gifted me a prescription when my husband was out of work. It began a cheerful pick me up when I went to the mailbox and continues to be. Thank you for all you do for us.

  18. Leisa Joan says:

    I’m not really sure, but it has to be since 2010 or before…my mom gave me the Life book for one of my birthdays…saying this sounds like a Leisa book. I’ve been a fan/reader ever since. xoxo

  19. Cherie adams says:

    I’ve been reading MJ farm for over two years. Love it

  20. Linda D'Lamatter Killian says:

    I have been reading Mary Jane’s Magazine for at least 5 years now. I hoard them & re-read them all of the time!

  21. Connie Rich says:

    I have loved Mary Janes Farm for 3 yrs now . I look forward to every issue!

  22. Jacqueline Lynch says:

    I have been reading Mary James farm for a couple years. I love it!

  23. Jacqueline Lynch says:

    Been reading a couple years. Love it!

  24. June says:

    I have been reading Mary Jane for at least 10 years and what a wonderful experience it has been. I pass my issues on to my niece and then my sister in law, who enjoy them as much as i do. Thank you for the inspiration!

  25. Paula Meyer says:

    I have been reading MaryJanes Farm magazine for at least 4-5 years. I read every issue cover to cover and have been known to go back & re-read a second time in the same day…. So inspiring! I grew up a country girl but have been living in a city the past 38 years. This magazine takes me back to my roots. I hang laundry out every chance I get – capturing the freshness of nature. Would love to have clothespins that would last & local crafted.

  26. Kate Scott says:

    I’ve been reading Mary Jane’s Farm for approx. 6 years. My friend has gotten me a subscription renewal the 3 Christmases. I love the simple life!

  27. Lonna Manthe says:

    I’ve been reading MaryJanesfarm from the very beginning!

  28. Karen Wampole says:

    I’ve been reading Mary Jane Farm for about 6 years. Enjoy it very much. Find lots of idea’s.

  29. Cheryl Herron says:

    I have been receiving and reading Mary Jane’s Magazine for about 4 years now. My mother makes the purchase as a Christmas gift and I have to say, I think it’s always one of my favorite gifts. I enjoy reading it cover to cover when it comes. I bookmark a few pages in each magazine so I can refer back to the issues. In my neighborhood, I am the only person who hangs clothes on a line to dry…I especially love sheets and towels sun dried. I would love to own these handmade clothespins.

  30. Denvalee Corff says:

    It has been a few years that I have enjoyed your magazine. I bought my first one to read while on vacation and enjoyed it so much that I subscribed to get it at home. Then I gave a subscription to my daughter. I always look forward to finding your magazine in my mailbox!!

  31. Rhonda Boyce says:

    I have been subscribing for around 3 years now. My sister & I take turns paying for the subscription and I pass the magazine on to her after I read it a time or two. We LOVE your magazine. I also love hanging out clothes on the line and appreciate a chance to win free clothespins.

  32. Rebecca McCoy says:

    I’ve been reading your magazine for a little over 8 years. The first issue I ever read had been left in a cabin we had rented in the mountains of West Virginia. I read and re-read every page. When I went home I sent in the card to subscribe and love every issue.

  33. Lauren says:

    I Think I have been reading the magazine for about 2 years now. It’s the one magazine I always keep coming back to and the only one I subscribe to. I find so many projects I want to do and have been happy with the purchases I have made from businesses featured. Thanks for a wonderful magazine!

  34. Rose Hinkle says:

    I found you at the airport, someone left you on a chair so i picked you up and starting reading. It’s been a year 1/2 now and still reading. Thanks for being there. 🙂

  35. LaRoyce Eskew says:

    I have subscribed to your magazine for several years now…it is totally my favorite magazine!

  36. Jennifer Miller says:

    I’ve been subscribing and have been a Sister for about three years now. I enjoy the magazine and the bulletin board very much. It’s nice to be able to connect with like minded people!

  37. Susanne Osborn says:

    I was gifted a subscription way back – The Art of the Egg issue I believe. I have not been able to subscribe all that time, just off and on over the years but I have kept all my magazines that I did subscribe to. Fun reading for this country girl who’s lived in town for too many years!

  38. Teresa Roberson says:

    I bought my first Mary Jane’s Farm magazine at a local farm supply about 8 years ago. Every time I’d go in, I’d purchase my magazine and devour it from cover to cover. Almost 2 years ago, the magazine wasn’t on the shelf! That’s when I decided to subscribe and join the sisterhood! I’ve also given subscriptions to my daughter, my daughter-in-law and one for my best friend. I always look forward to the next edition in my mailbox!

  39. Honey says:

    Maybe five fabulous years? My mother-in-law gave me one of your books, which started me on the journey to discovering the magazine. I’ve gifted it to my daughter as well. A fine publication filled with positivity which we can all use now.

  40. Jamie Chandler says:

    Never heard of these clothes pins, but the ones you buy in the stores aren’t worth a flip! I’ve been reading MJF for many years – me and my mom both love to read it – I get so excited when I go to mailbox and it’s there!! I grew up a country girl out in the sticks, and this reminds me so much of my childhood.

  41. Linda Hancock says:

    I am a new subscriber but have periodically picked up copies when shopping.
    I would love to get a set of these clothespins. My neighbor and I were just
    lamenting the fact we can’t find good ones anymore.

    Thank you for a “real person” perspective on country living.

  42. Linda Hancock says:

    Love the magazine and would love to have some clothespins that would last more than one year

  43. Mckensey says:

    I had found Mary Jane’s books at the library over two summers ago and just recently this summer found a store near me that stocks her magazines.

  44. I adore this magazine! It is a great stress break from my wild days. Returns me to a simpler space and mindset. I can’t help but read it from front to back. A relaxing happy place. Thank you so much for producing such a wonderful piece for my prairie heart!

  45. Judi Hinrichs Majewski says:

    I found Mary Jane Magazine many years ago while visiting a small independent bookstore near my daughter’s college. It was love at first sight! I searched book stores continually looking for the latest issues until I could subscribe.

  46. Eileen McClure says:

    Its been awhile now that I have been getting your magazine. A friend got me a subscription for Christmas and love it ever since. Really enjoy all your articles and stories. Thank you!

  47. Denise Germano says:

    Just found your site and I’m hooked. My favorite past time this summer is to weekly hang my sheets on the line. I’ve recently retired and love the simple pleasure of fresh aired bed linens. My old clothespins bought as a new bride 40 years ago and used since we moved to the country are showing their age. My daughter replaced them with “brand new” clothespins. Definely not the same as the old hardware store purchase I made as a newlywed. Didn’t know quality clothespins are still being made. Thanks for sharing.

  48. I have been reading Mary Jane’s magazine for so long, I couldn’t put a date on it. I remember the first time I saw it, I grabbed it and said yay!, a magazine that really has my personality. Love it! And keep up the good work.

  49. Amber says:

    Our family just began an “adventure” that has begun with an RV and will hopefully end with a homestead! A friend gave me my first MaryJane’s Farm magazine as an inspiration for our dreams!

  50. Elaine says:

    The very first magazine issue that found me was in the waiting area of my therapist. By the time I got called in, I had gone through the issue rather fast. When I sat down to talk all my woes had subsided since I just finished reading some wonderful articles. I need to have Mary Janes Farm in my home to go back to time after time. Thank you so much for all you do!!

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