Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (see below), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.
Our flagship organic baking mix—Budget Mix® Original (available also in Gluten Free) has given birth to an additional nine new versions. All decked out in their new attire (packaging), they’re ready to help you with your next standout homemade meal.
In the Feb/Mar 2019 issue of MaryJanesFarm, “Tiptoe Through the Flowers” (on newsstands Jan 1), I led you here to my journal for a chance to win a FREE variety pack of four of my Budget Mixes.
For a chance to win, tell me what you like most about my packaged foods in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-February.
Find my Budget Mix baking mixes here. You’ll discover:
• Organic Budget Mix Original
• Organic Budget Mix Gluten Free
• Organic Black Bean Corn Bread
• Organic Buttermilk Biscuits
• Organic Brownies
• Organic Chili Batter Bread
• Organic Corn Bread
• Organic Focaccia Bread
• Organic Garlic-Basil Bread
• Organic Walnut-Orange Scones
• Organic Shepherd’s Pan Bread

Organic Brownies
Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.
The winner of our Budget Mix giveaway is …
Lorna Chekenian, who commented:
Hi There!!! I am brand new to MaryJanesFarm magazine. My mother recently got a subscription for me. I must say I LOVE LOVE LOVE the magzine. I haven’t tried any of the products yet but each month I’m inspired. I’ve purchased the Wild Bread book and I’m planning on trying some bread this winter. Would love to try budget mixes! Thanks so much!
Congratulations, Lorna! Watch for an email from the farm.
Just ordered the bake over sampler kit. I can’t wait to try everything! Thank you for being such an inspiration and spreading farmgirl joy!
I love the fact that these mixes are organic and make baking, while still from scratch, a little easier.
I have not tried any of your mixes but would love to. The featured recipes are tantalizing!
I am a new subscriber to your magazine and your Budget mixes are new to me. I haven’t had the pleasure of trying them yet. I came across the recipe for the beautiful cinnamon swirl coffee cake and I thought I bet it smells as wonderful as it tastes.
I have only tried the original mix so far but can’t wait to try the new ones as well. Makes it so easy to bake with and tastes delish!
I love to bake and anything organic is a huge plus in my kitchen! I have not yet tried your products, but would love to give them a bakers try. I would love to have all your products as a staple in my kitchen. They all look good and your recipes sound delicious.
I am reading my very first issue of MaryJane’s farm. I have so many bookmarks and only as far as page 30. I work as a part-time grill cook/cashier/prep job. The menu unfortunately, is deep fried snacks. Your Organic on-the-go meals would be perfect. Finally, a healthy option that I can enjoy at work.
I have only used the Organic Budget Mix, and find it very handy for baking a wide variety of delicious and nurtritious foods. I bake everything from scratch, and use the Budget Mix when I am needing to make something a little faster. It really saves me so much time, and yet I can still produce and serve great homeade items. I live on a farm and have my own milk cow, milk goats, chickens, pigs, ducks, and beef cattle. I make my own soap, can and freeze and dry what I grow in my big garden, and sew as much of what we wear and use as I can. I love your magazine, and I am so proud of you for showing the world what a dedicated Idaho Farmgirl can do to make life better.
I haven’t tried these yet, but they look yummy!
I’ve only had your brownies and they were easy peasy, and SO delicious!
New to your products would love to try them out. This is my first edition of your magazine and love it
I would love to try the budget mix glutin free mix. I’ll bet it’s as delish as the Mary Janes magazine.
I have not tried any of the mixes yet. But I want to make your Cinnamon swirl coffee cake and Molasses-Oat bread!
Reading through the Feb/March issue again for tidbits I missed the first couple times, I land on a picture of Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake and Walnut-Orange Scones. The talent of baking missed my boat, so I’d like to have a chance to see if even I can bake something delicious, comforting and warming.
I would like to try them. Besides having nice packaging they sound very healthy. I cook from scratch, raise my own chickens and turkeys, buy only grass fed beef, have a garden and fruit trees. I think it is important to eat as healthy as possible.
Must admit I’ve never tried the budget mixes. Winning this sample pack will get me started. Enjoy each issue of your magazine. Keep them coming!!
Today I received my first issue of your fabulous magazine and have only now been introduced to your mixes. The recipe for garlic knots is one I want to try, but I notice it calls for your Budget Mix Original. Since that seems to be the most versatile of your mixes, Budget Mix Original would have to be my favorite of those you offer. I would be delighted to win and, therefore, able to try four or your mixes.
They all sound yummy! How can anyone pick just one? Thank you for a magazine that I look forward to getting each time. So much wonderful information!
I haven’t tried the mixes yet as I am a brand new subscriber. I’m loving the magazine! It’s one of those you get in hand and read from cover to cover without putting down. Always been a farm & country gal and I’m sure not changing!
I love the quality ingredients and the delicious simplicity of the mixes! We have only tried one, but I would love to try more! How perfect for bringing camping!
So excited! Its like a prayer has been answered. Being gluten free I can’t wait to start baking from my “Wild Bread” I just pushed. Now to order supplies I don’t have. Love my new magazine MaryJane’s farm. I’m just a farmgirl at heart myself.
God bless!
I haven’t tried your mixes yet but I do like that they’re organic and there’s a nice variety. I’ll probably try the cornbread and buttermilk biscuits first. The photography is beautiful too!
I have never used these but the organic ingredients are appealing!
Honestly I have not been able to try any of the mixes….YET but one of the reasons your packaged food caught my attention was the ingredients and the sustainability not only on how the food was grown but the packaging itself. You can cook the food in the pouch! Amazing!
I have not yet tried any of the mixes. I would definitely start with the walnut-orange scones.
Would love to try them.
I need to try them!
Hi, I haven’t tried your products but had the opportunity to review one of your magazines and fell in love with it. I am going to try your recipes and patterns to make the pocket book. I plan on ordering your budget mix and other items. I’m sure I will enjoy!
Have not tried any of these, but would like to. The recipes look wonderful.
I appreciate the fact that they contain wholesome ingredients, as well as being time savers when you are looking to whip up something yummy!
I haven’t tried these but I would love a chance two. I was looking for something going to feed my family