GIVEAWAY: “Possibilities, Circle Gardening”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (see below), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

In the Apr/May 2019 issue of MaryJanesFarm, “Possibilities” (on newsstands March 5), I led you here to my journal for a chance to win a FREE copy of Circle Gardening: Growing Vegetables Outside the Box by Kenneth E. Spaeth Jr., a soil and ecosystem specialist who provides a fresh approach and thorough guide to growing vegetables for all gardeners, experienced and beginner alike.


For a chance to win, share with me your favorite variety of carrot that you grow in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-May.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.


The winner of our “Circle Gardening” giveaway is …

Lily Herndon Weaks, who commented:
“For our South Carolina garden I love Chantenay Red Core Carrots, a short, blunt, beautifully deep colored carrot that works in all sorts of soils, even our dreaded clay! It is an heirloom introduced from France in the late 1800’s. We get our seed from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, an amazing organization that works to save heirloom seeds, providing the varieties that work best for our region and sources them from small growers all over the south.”

Congratulations, Lily! Watch for an email from the farm.

  1. Becci Bartz says:

    As of right now the only carrots I have grown are the Danvers. However, I have seeds for several different ones, different colors and different sizes, that I want to grow this year. I love to garden, and I love trying no varieties as well as new (to me) vegetables. I’ve also experimented with different growing methods. I look forward to this years experiment… growing in a 2′ square….plan to put in all the ‘cool’ weather greens. Wish me luck!!

  2. I love the cosmic purple carrots! The unexpected color is fun!

  3. Michelle Kirby says:


  4. Leisa Joan says:

    We like the rainbow carrots, red, orange, purple etc. not sure of their varieties.

  5. Lorraine Hess says:

    I haven’t grown carrots at this time. I only had a small garden before but, my husband bought a small tractor with a rototiller attachment last fall. Now my backyard is half garden! This year I can try more veggies. I’m ready for spring

  6. Mary Rauch says:

    Nantes, or if we can get the seeds, Scarlet Nantes.

  7. Julie Hofmann says:

    Scarlet Nantes are a must plant to my garden.

  8. BarbaraJean Smith says:

    We grow any and all carrots. My grandbabies love to plant the tiny seeds, watch the fernlike leaves mature, but most of all the little girls absolutely love to pull them up. Even if they are so skinny they’re hardly a mouth full. But our carrots are sweet and my girls claim that every one is the best carrot ever!!!

  9. Krystle says:

    Right now, my favorite has been Ox Heart carrot. It grows so well in the harder soils and has such a wonderful, sweet flavor when other carrot varieties I’ve grown tasted metallic. I want to try the purple Dragon Carrot this year!

  10. Sue Swafford says:

    I don’t grow carrots, but I want to. My favorite kind of carrot is any kind of carrot. I love carrot salad and carrot souffle.

  11. Ours weren’t fancy. Just simple orange carrots but they were yummy.

  12. Cindy Foote says:

    A few years ago I grew carrots and they tasted earthy. i’d love to try another variety since I love carrots raw and use them to cook with often.
    Any advice?

  13. Donna Stone says:

    Trying a new one this year Chantenay Red Core. Don’t do real well with carrots but always like to try new ones just for fun.

  14. Brenda S Bradds says:


  15. Renee Broome says:

    I have planted Danvers. This year, I may try a Rainbow blend.

  16. Stacy Dazet says:

    I have not planted carrots, but I have fond memories of a very robust garden my dad used to plant. Along with memories of having to wake up way before I was ready to help tend to it. 🙂 I am attempting to carry on this tradition with my own family.

  17. Bonnie Elsey says:

    I haven’t grown carrots in the past. But I would love to try some this year, as I have enlarged my garden and have more room for them. We love carrots and look forward to Growing them

  18. Baby carrots were grown for healthy snacks for our yellow Lab, Manny. He loved them and relished every chew. They cleaned his teeth, gave him a little sweetness and he crunched away

  19. Joyce Hines says:

    I haven’t tried carrots yet but planned to this year.

  20. D Zupko says:

    A few years back I grew Red Dragon – absolutely fabulous. It is on the list to go in the garden this year

  21. Christina Burnham says:

    I love all carrots but I need one that does well in zone 4. Right now I have sand for soil but I am going to have my husband build me a garden spot

  22. I likr rainbow carrots. So much color to everything.

  23. Deborah Nay says:

    I love to fry them and put in salads. I have all you books and love you magazine since you started it. Would love to live my life like yours. Your life is wonderful. I have ordered alot of stuff from you.

  24. So for I don’t have a ‘favorite’ carrot to grow. I have tried a few different varieties over the past few summers, but they all seem to have a metallic taste to them. Is it the carrots, or am I doing something to cause this?

  25. Debra Starnes says:

    I haven’t tried carrots in a long time. When I did I planted Nantes. I would like to try them again -this time in my raised beds.

  26. Lisa says:

    I haven’t grown any yet. This will be my first year! I do love watching the cut tops of the carrots resprout! The soft, feathery greens make me feel happy and hopeful! I can’t wait to experience pulling an entire carrot from the ground and tasting it!!

  27. Carol says:

    Coincidence, maybe, but last year I planted carrots during the waning side of the moon and had the best crop ever. I enjoyed having enough for eating and juicing. They were the type that my local lumberyard sold in bulk. 🥕🥕🥕👏🙂

  28. Ann Burgess says:

    I haven’t grown carrots yet – but as my clay soil continues to become better and suitable for carrots I hope to try this spring.

  29. ida settlemyer says:

    I grow a bouquet of carrots, planting Yellowstone, Purple Haze and Heirloom Scarlet Natchez.
    I love carrots raw from the garden, and sharing bouquets with friends!

  30. Brooke McKenzie says:

    I haven’t had much success growing carrots. Would love to learn what I’m doing wrong!

  31. Arlene Beyer says:

    I like to grown rainbow carrots and short fat carrots, I cant remember the name. I like to make them into ribbons with my peeler.

  32. Susan says:

    Hi thank you for your fun educational encouraging drawing!!
    I’d have to say my favorite would be danvers half long..from homesteading in west Virginia and storing them in a root cellar until the next spring, growing them in longer light days in Quebec where they became very large, to Ohio clay soils..I’d have to say danvers..saving seed was from these was my maiden voyage in saving seed!!….i owe them alot..they taught me about the earth..gardening…bunnies..alot of things..

  33. Diane Ditzler says:

    I could never get carrots to grow! I’ve tried so many times. Maybe your book will help !

  34. adele orsini says:

    I recently moved from Dallas to the mountains of NC and have not grown a garden yet. I hope to this year. My goats love carrots and I love to garden.

  35. Gwendolyn Booth says:

    I am hoping to be moving to a new home in the near future! Something with a yard for garden space. Carrots are one of the first things my grandkids want me to plant! Wish me luck!!

  36. growing Danvers and Tendersweet

  37. Darlene McDowell says:

    Hybrid Fire Wedge Carrots are easy to grow

  38. Suzanne says:

    Scarlet Nantes in the raised bed!

  39. Gerri Leigh says:

    The Parisienne. I mean, who couldn’t love little round carrots! The Kyoto Red is my very close second favorite.

  40. Christine Urbom says:

    Last year I grew basic Earl May short length carrots in a raised bed. They were fairly good – but I would have liked to grow more than I did.

  41. Liz Lindsey says:

    Carrots I love purple and Parisian!

  42. Myrta Rohde says:

    I have always had good luck with Danvers Half Long carrots. One year I did a circle garden for the fun of it and it was the best garden ever. I got teased a lot but had a lot of fun with it and showing those skeptics how great it was.

  43. Renee Coates says:

    I love purple Haze but make a dish called carrot mush…..just like potatoes but with carrots!

  44. linda S says:

    Ive grown the Atlas( parisian type) and Caracas from Johnny’s

  45. Jennie says:

    Dragon. I love their purple color.

  46. Renee Hall says:

    Well, to be quit honest I haven’t grown any. I’ve tried to grow some vegetables in a little side garden beside my house but it doesn’t get adequate sun. However, we just bought 10 acres of land and I have a HUGE area where I can grow all I could possibly dream of. It’s already plowed and ready to plant. I can’t wait!!! My husband got this magazine for me and I love it. What little growing I have had success with is in pots around my house or in the greenhouse. So I am excited for the new adventures of growing straight from the earth.

  47. Susan Rector says:

    My husbands favorite meatloaf that begins with sautéed onions and garlic!

  48. Millie Butler says:

    My five kiddos and I LOVE the rainbow carrots we plant every year!

  49. Karen Howard says:

    I generally try to grow easy to grow carrots , but they don’t seem to grow very well. for me or get large enough. I only do organic gardening& don’t understand what goes wrong. I water enough & Rototill the soil before planting & have open sun all around a planted fenced in garden on farmland. I have no greenhouse though, which I would love to build or purchase someday; so I go to Trader Joe’s & buy the tri colored big carrots. Usually purple, orange & yellow or white in the bags there. I usually pick up parsnips there as well. Would love to grow some, if they’ll grow for me. Got any helpful tips or breeds that are easy to grow & get big like those tri color ones? Thank you.

  50. Kay Brown says:

    I always plant a big garden with the help of a neighbor and my husband. I enjoy the “Scarlet Nantes” carrot–so sweet. Every year I try a new variety of something, as well as the tried and true favorites–Contender green beans are lovely, and I stick with Yukon Gold potatoes for summer eating.

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