GIVEAWAY: “Possibilities, Circle Gardening”

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (see below), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

In the Apr/May 2019 issue of MaryJanesFarm, “Possibilities” (on newsstands March 5), I led you here to my journal for a chance to win a FREE copy of Circle Gardening: Growing Vegetables Outside the Box by Kenneth E. Spaeth Jr., a soil and ecosystem specialist who provides a fresh approach and thorough guide to growing vegetables for all gardeners, experienced and beginner alike.


For a chance to win, share with me your favorite variety of carrot that you grow in the comments below. I’ll toss your name into a hat and draw a lucky winner sometime mid-May.

Stay tuned for more magazine-related giveaways. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my magazine, MaryJanesFarm, subscribe here for $19.95/year.


The winner of our “Circle Gardening” giveaway is …

Lily Herndon Weaks, who commented:
“For our South Carolina garden I love Chantenay Red Core Carrots, a short, blunt, beautifully deep colored carrot that works in all sorts of soils, even our dreaded clay! It is an heirloom introduced from France in the late 1800’s. We get our seed from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, an amazing organization that works to save heirloom seeds, providing the varieties that work best for our region and sources them from small growers all over the south.”

Congratulations, Lily! Watch for an email from the farm.

  1. Judy Burton says:

    I like Danver yellowstone, I have poor soul conditions

  2. Michael Mitrisin says:

    Scarlet nantes are a favorite, but in quickly falling in love with the dragon carrot for its spicy flavor and beautiful color!

  3. Pam Rose says:

    I prefer Seeds of Change, Colorful Carrot Blend. They are 100% organic and I love the variety of colors you can add to your dishes instead of just orange. It gives great eye appeal.

  4. Jaci Chambers says:

    I havent fount a favorite carrot to grow yet. I have tried a few different varieties, but havent had much luck, I think I have a hard time thining them, so they dont grow as well as they could, but I will keep trying!

  5. Pam Bundy says:

    Purple haze-and I was an extra in the movie!

  6. Laura Enoch says:

    So far I like these short ‘n sweet Zanahoria

  7. Naomi C says:

    Seed tape carrots!! 😉 I think these are usually Nantes.

  8. Cathyjo says:

    Purple carrots are our favorite

  9. Melissa Ferguson says:

    Nantes Scarlet

  10. Jacqueline White says:

    Last year we planted a Kaleidoscope blend. I enjoyed the different colors.

  11. Linda says:

    Just plain Orange carrots.

  12. I like the baby carrots. Thanks for the chance

  13. Barbi says:

    I have 3 raised garden beds with strawberries, rhubarb & blueberries. Would like to expand & raise vegetables.

  14. Evelyn Tennant says:

    I have not grown carrots yet but plan to this year for my two beloved rabbits Lily and Charlotte.

  15. Crystal M Pung says:

    I don’t necessarily have a favorite variety of carrots, but I sure love a roasted carrot with a honey rosemary glaze

  16. SHERI GIBSON says:

    I have not yet grown carrots, but inspired now to do so. Love this website and your magazine.

  17. I have tried to grow carrots and the rabbits love me for it! I will keep trying.

  18. Kelly Paquet says:

    The carrot I have grown most often is the little stubby fat variety. They seem to grow best in my backyard soil.

  19. Bonny Garland says:

    I can 30 pints of carrots every fall. I think I’ll get brave and try new and different kinds.

  20. I love the orange carrots. Love to dig them up after we have had a frost. So much sweeter. We even leave them in the ground during the winter ,with straw on top of them, then dig them in the spring. Sweet, sweet, sweet.

  21. For our South Carolina garden I love Chantenay Red Core Carrots, a short, blunt, beautifully deep colored carrot that works in all sorts of soils, even our dreaded clay! It is an heirloom introduced from France in the late 1800’s. We get our seed from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, an amazing organization that works to save heirloom seeds, providing the varieties that work best for our region and sources them from small growers all over the south.

  22. Sally Cozy says:

    I have to say Scarlet Nantes are my favorite! They are delicious right out of the garden as a snack, in salads with all other veggies, or a glass of fresh vegetable juice. I can’t wait to start digging in the dirt and planting seeds. Happy Gardening!

  23. Cindy Duda says:

    Rainbow carrots without a doubt are my favorite. We have trouble due to rocky soil though, so I’m trying in window boxes this year!

  24. Cheryl Herron says:

    I have tried growing the traditional carrots but also Thumbelina carrots which are so cute and just with a quick cleaning and one slice in half they are ready to cook in most recipes

  25. Had luck with an Heirloom!

  26. Julie Mesdag says:

    Cosmic purple!

  27. Michael Rabideau says:

    Nantes Carrots we grown in our Garden and good in a Salad.

  28. Patty says:

    Nantes scarlet and the Parisienne. I like the size of them. They are easy to freeze and add to salads and soups.

  29. Sheila Boettcher says:

    Parisienne Carrot

  30. Nila Howard says:

    I like ‘Cosmic purple carrots’. Mine have been spicy but also sweet tasting. The thing I learned with good carrots is the ground has to be finely prepared and the seeds have to be kept moist with burlap covering until they sprout a bit. Then kept watered on a very regular basis. They’re kinda fussy but the carrots you get are wonderful!!

  31. Jodi Carpenter says:

    We’ve never had much luck growing carrots but when we buy carrots my kiddos love the purple carrots.

  32. Brenda Dunlap says:

    This year I planted organic Ferry Morse Dancers #126 carrots. My first attempt in many years to grow carrots!! Hopefully they grow!!

  33. Penny Umstattd-Cope says:

    I’m just starting to garden so I don’t know which h is my favorite yet.

  34. Keeba Cunningham says:

    I have not grown carrots yet, but will definitely research all the different varieties listed here and look forward to choosing my favorite

  35. Chris Guilbeault says:

    Alberta Canada presents challenges for carrot gardening even more so when you live in a glacial belt of clay loam and sand. This year however, was a record year of 20 dragon carrots with the red carrots being the winner. It was a battle for the carrots between my husband for his smoothies and the guinea pigs, Peanut and Templeton. I am also a school garden teacher and always trying new varieties of veggies to share with my students

  36. Janice Riner says:

    My 92 year old aunt has the most beautiful African violets. When asked what her secret was she simply replied, “coffee and the right light!” Once or twice a month when the plants need watered, she uses cool left over coffee. I’m giving it a try, but it’s too early too see the results she has.

  37. Marie Farmer says:

    I inherited my mother-in-law’s set of dishes. Some of her set came from her mother. She called the tea pot her Genie wishing lamp. I would love to add to the set. I am 72 years old and trying to add to the set to pass on to my daughters. Thank you for giving me a chance to do that.

  38. Peggy Jo Skelton says:

    I am old enough and an ex- farmgirl from a Georgia farm that stories of Jewel Tea are part of my memory. My poor Mom, which I say laughingly, was a city transplant on that farm and she learned a lot, I mean a lot. Working the garden out front of our farm house, learning canning, freezing, and cooking the harvest for her large family of seven. Learning how to wrangling cows, horses and pigs, and help in the feeding of theses animals and milking of our dairy cow, feeding chickens and gathering eggs. She probably had done some of this on her grandparents farm but I know for a fact that it is different when this is your responsibility.
    During this time Mom collected a few pieces of Jewel Tea, Autumn Leaf pattern. I think she had a bowl or two, Salt and pepper shakers and the one item I remember the most is the tea kettle that you steamed your tea in. I would love to start a collection, and would love to win the salt and pepper shakers.

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