The winner of our Hexagon Pillow giveaway is Lisakay Mindel , who said in response to our question, “Tell us how MaryJane’s ‘farmgirl is a condition of the heart’ message has impacted your life for the better.”:
“ I am holding this magazine in my hand because I purchased it to get the subscription card inside. My mom LOVES your magazine so I am giving her a subscription for Mother’s Day. Looking through MaryJanesFarm, I can see why and plan on getting a subscription for myself as well. I can’t wait to make the pickled radishes from my garden and to patch the jeans I am currently wearing using the techniques in this issue. I love my mom and couldn’t think of a better gift! Thank you. ”
Congratulations, Lisakay! Watch for an email from the farm.
Thank you to all the women who responded with such lovely comments. I thoroughly enjoyed reading them!
New Email….
Madelyn Shields