Giveaway: The Life She Was Given

Giveaway! There’s a clue due for this book giveaway. What is The Life She Was Given about?

I’ll put your name in my hat of names, pull one out, and my copy of The Life She Was Given will be on its way to a new home.

  1. Suzanne Gibbens says:

    I will check it out. I’m so glad you are posting again. I know your life is busy but I have been a subscriber from day one and love hearing about what is going on with the farm. Happy spring.

  2. Heather Neeper says:

    I am shocked and intrigued! I would love to read the book and figure out how a mother can sell her daughter!!! And if Julia can solve the mystery of Lilly. This sounds like a book that will keep me up late!

  3. Kristina Ciminillo says:

    Looks like a fascinating read and will remind me of my Lilly & Willow, my baby and my daughter’s baby (miscarriage, and death by pneumonia at age 7 months). Perhaps reading about the search for healing of Julia and Lilly will bring us some too. πŸ’“

  4. Debbie Fischer says:

    This sounds like a book I would love to read for so many reasons. I will have to check it out.

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