Author Archives: maryjane

A Gentleman in Moscow

Giveaway! There’s an acknowledgment due for this book giveaway. Is there a gentleman in your life worthy of a book? Tell me who!

My gentleman would be Joseph Barron, who I milled flour with for three years. From my Wild Bread book, here’s who he was in my life, and ALWAYS the gentleman.

A Gentleman in Moscow

A Gentleman in Moscow is a bestselling book, recently turned original series from Paramount, and for good reason … it’s joyful. And oh, so beautifully written. After reading Amor Towles’s Gentleman, I immediately read two more of his books: The Lincoln Highway and Rules of Civility. Please, please, please, Amor, don’t stop writing books!

Gentleman, practically speaking, is about mastering practicalities and finding joy in your daily-ness, your routines, while keeping your head in the clouds. Lovely.

“Having acknowledged that a man must master his circumstances or otherwise be mastered by them, the Count thought it worth considering how one was most likely to achieve this aim when one had been sentenced to a life of confinement.

For Edmond Dantes in the Chateau d’If, it was thoughts of revenge that kept him clear-minded. Unjustly imprisoned, he sustained himself by plotting the systemic undoing of his personal agents of villainy. For Cervantes, enslaved by pirates in Algiers, it was the promise of pages as yet unwritten that spurred him on. While for Napolean on Elba, strolling among chickens, fending off flies, and sidestepping puddles of mud, it was visions of a triumphal return to Paris that galvanized his will to persevere. 

But the Count hadn’t the temperament for revenge; he hadn’t the imagination for epics; and he certainly hadn’t the fanciful ego to dream of empires restored. No. His model for mastering his circumstance would be a different sort of captive altogether: an Anglican washed ashore. Like Robinson Crusoe stranded on the Isle of Despair, the Count would maintain his resolve by committing to the business of practicalities. Having dispensed with dreams of quick discovery, the world’s Crusoes seek shelter and a source of fresh water; they teach themselves to make fire from flint; they study their island’s topography, its climate, its flora and fauna, all the while keeping their eyes trained for sails on the horizon and footprints in the sand.”

Hear Ye!

Below are the Merit Badges that were approved today.

Congratulations Sisters!!

Nancy Joplin, #8352, Nancy Joplin

Beginner Garden Gate / Horse Dreams

Intermediate Garden Gate / Herbs

Debbie Klann, #770, debbieklann

Intermediate Make It Easy / Through the Looking Glass

Beginner Make It Easy / Through the Looking Glass

Expert Make It Easy / Through the Looking Glass

Emily Nellinger, #8229, citychick03

Intermediate Each Other / Farmgirl Gratitude

Hear Ye!

Below are the Merit Badges that were approved today and last Sunday.

Congratulations Sisters!!

Debbie Fischer, #1582, Blessed in Colorado

Beginner Each Other / Languages/Culture

Beginner Each Other / Families Forever

Beginner Each Other / Lost Art of Letter Writing

Intermediate Each Other / Lost Art of Letter Writing

Beginner Stitching & Crafting / Buttoned Up

Intermediate Stitching & Crafting / Buttoned Up

Debbie Klann, #770, debbieklann

Expert Farm Kitchen / Apples

Beginner Each Other / Lost Art of Letter Writing

Intermediate Each Other / Lost Art of Letter Writing

Expert Each Other / Lost Art of Letter Writing

 Expert Farm Kitchen / Icing on the Cake

Denise Thompson, #43, levisgrammy

                  Intermediate Stitching & Crafting / Embroidery

Beginner Cleaning Up / Recycling

Intermediate Cleaning Up / Recycling

Expert Cleaning Up / Recycling

Heather Neeper, #4701, nndairy

    Beginner Stitching & Crafting / Scrapbooking

Intermediate Cleaning Up / Recycling

Expert Make It Easy / Relaxation

Expert Farm Kitchen / Get It Together

Joyce Hein, #6071, GinghamGirl

Beginner Cleaning Up / Living Zero Waste

Intermediate Cleaning Up / Living Zero Waste

Expert Cleaning Up / Living Zero Waste

Karen Martell, #8422, Jokamartell

Beginner Garden Gate / Herbs

Krista Davis, #528, maryjanesniece

    Beginner Each Other / Families Forever

Tina VanDaam, #8431, TinaTina

   Beginner Each Other / Calligraphy

The Life She Was Given

This story made me think of the quote by Harper Lee: “You can choose your friends, but you sho’ can’t choose your family.”  Meet heroine number one, Lilly, who survives daunting familial abuse only to face even more when she is sold to a circus sideshow traveling through the town in which she lives.

Lilly is a beautiful child, but because it’s the 1930s and she’s a child with albinism, she’s turned into a freakish oddity. Her family locks her away in their attic until she is sold by her mother to the circus at age 10. Having never been allowed to venture outside of her attic domain, she is terrified by her new surroundings and struggles to adjust to them. Ultimately, she develops friendships, finds love, and becomes a featured star performing with her beloved elephants in the Big Tent.

Fast forward several years to when heroine number two, Julia, inherits a horse farm, including the family mansion where Lilly was incarcerated as a youngster. As Julia explores the house, she uncovers hidden areas and secrets to which she is determined to find the answers. She finds her father’s diary. For what horrible deeds did he seek forgiveness? Who is the mysterious Lilly? Her father’s mistress perhaps? Or?

This is not a particularly happy story. However, it shines with the resilience and determination of strong women who refuse to be defeated by adverse circumstances. It also is an insightful look into the bonds created between animals and humans as well as behind-the-scenes life as a circus performer. Does Julia solve the mystery of Lilly? Well, you’ll just have to read the book to find out.

Go to Great Finds and Giveaways for the chance to be the new owner of my copy of Ellen Marie Wiseman’s The Life She Was Given.

Giveaway: The Life She Was Given

Giveaway! There’s a clue due for this book giveaway. What is The Life She Was Given about?

I’ll put your name in my hat of names, pull one out, and my copy of The Life She Was Given will be on its way to a new home.

Sisters of Fortune

Tell boredom to take a hike … with Sisters of Fortune in hand. Released just six days ago, has anyone read it? Is this a book that interests you?

photo of Sister of Fortune

It’s a law. Where, you say?

Craving a quiz?

Here’s one that’ll cause you to scratch your head in puzzlement before you even begin pondering the answers.

Photo by Asdfasdewdsewd via Wikimedia Commons

The following is a list of incredibly kooky laws from around the globe. Try guessing the locations that passed the laws (answers revealed next Sunday 8:30 pm 3/3/2024 ANSWERS REVEALED!!!).

  1. In this city, you must smile at all times (except during funerals or hospital visits). If you frown, you may face a fine. Milan, Italy
  2. In this small town in Italy, kissing in a moving vehicle is forbidden. Eboli, Italy
  3. In this city, it’s illegal to vacuum your house from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. during weekdays and 10 p.m. to 9 a.m. on weekends. Melbourne, Australia
  4. It is against the law to have a sleeping donkey in your bathtub after 7 p.m. in this U.S. state. Oklahoma
  5. Don’t host a luau after sunset in this city if you plan on singing loudly (i.e., breaking the law). Honolulu, Hawaii
  6. In this Celtic country, if someone knocks on your door and needs to use your toilet, you are legally required to let them enter. Scotland
  7. In this Texas town, it is against the law to make furniture while you are nude. Devon, Texas
  8. In this state, which was one of the original 13 colonies, it’s illegal to tie a dollar bill on a string, place it on the ground, and pull it away when someone tries to pick it up. Pennsylvania
  9. In this Polynesian country, it’s against the law to forget your wife’s birthday. Samoa
  10. Carrying ice cream cones in your pocket is illegal in this southern U.S. state. Kentucky
  11. Taking a lion to the cinema is illegal—not in Kenya, but in a city on our own country’s east coast. Baltimore, Maryland
  12. In this country, it’s illegal to name a pig Napoleon. France
  13. In this forested Canadian province, it’s illegal to kill a Sasquatch. British Columbia
  14. You must not fish while sitting on a giraffe’s neck in this windy city. Chicago Continue reading

Hear Ye!

Below are the Merit Badges that were approved today.

Congratulations Sisters!!

Merit Badge Awardees (click for latest awards)

Debbie Fischer, #1582, Blessed in Colorado

Beginner Outpost / Farmgirl’s Best Friend

Beginner Make It Easy / Let’s Get Physical

Beginner Make It Easy / Relaxation

Krista Butters-Davis, #528, maryjanesniece

Beginner Each Other / Calligraphy

Expert Stitching & Crafting / UFOs

Hannah Frankowski, #6994, GinnyBelle

Intermediate Make It Easy / Relaxation

Denise Thompson, #43, levisgrammy

Beginner Stitching & Crafting / Embroidery

Tina VanDaam, #8431, TinaTina

Expert Stitching & Crafting / Quilling

Joanne Seruto, #7580, JoanneMS58

Beginner Stitching & Crafting / Sew Wonderful

Beginner Stitching & Crafting / Knitting

Beginner Stitching & Crafting / Cross-Stitch

Intermediate Stitching & Crafting / Cross-Stitch

Beginner Stitching & Crafting / Quilting

Heather Neeper, #4701, nndairy

Beginner Farm Kitchen / Kitchen Renegade

Intermediate Farm Kitchen / Kitchen Renegade

Expert Farm Kitchen / Kitchen Renegade

Ode to Abby

Today, I’m feeling grateful for our farmhand Abigail and want to say so right out loud. Known as Abby to her university cohorts, she’s Abigail to me. Abigail responded to a help-wanted ad I placed on Craigs List two summers ago looking for someone to help me run my B&B. Having worked hard to obtain her PhD in math and then secure a professorship at one of our local universities, she bemoaned the fact that she had “next to zero practical knowledge.”

She’s still working here part time during the school year and full time in the summer, and as it turns out, she and I make a darn good team. When needed, she pitch-hits order fulfillment in our food facility, with a smile and a willing attitude. Always. Plus she’s really good at navigating computers and I am anything but.

And when one of my granddaughters, who excels in math, said she was bored in school and needed help beyond what school had to offer, Professor Abigail came to the rescue!

And Abigail was enthusiastically willing to pitch in when I put together a team of helpers to plant native flower plugs in my prairie using an auger. It was hard, hot work, and the days were long.

And then there was that wintery day she was itching to be outside so I lent her my insulated suit and out the door she went to move help move lumber and firewood.

For my b-day, she gifted me a precious rendition of Farmgirl that she painted free hand.

Last summer, she chose our Valley Lutheran church for exchanging vows with her sweetheart. The night before her wedding, her gaggle of girlfriends camped out here in the B&B venues that Abigail fusses over.

Now you know why I’m grateful for Abigail’s friendship and help.