Author Archives: mbajane

MBA Jane: Entrepreneurial Spirit

Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life

Well, the first thing I had to do to earn my Entrepreneurial Spirit Badge was figure out how to spell the dang thing. I like to write down my adventures in badges, you know, and I’ve been trying to better myself by not abusing spell check. (I like to think of spell check as an over-worked, under-paid serf, residing in my laptop). So, anyway, about 10 years later, I got the spelling of entrepreneurial right. And I’ll never forget it.

On to the actual badge. (Would a badge about starting a gardening business be a entremanure badge?) 


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Rocking Out

Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life

My first thought: now this is an unusual badge.

My second thought: this is a badge I can rock!

My third thought: I got rhythm … I got music … who could ask for anything more? Well, a girl could ask for Gene Kelly, but I’m realistic.

A whole merit badge on music; I am sooo ready for this.

I was sooo over confident.


Turns out I’m not as melodiously gifted as I once thought. I mean, yeah, I can peg the winner of American Idol three weeks in, sure, and I can nail a few childhood campfire songs. And you can bet I’m a good go-to karaoke partner, but REALLY knowing the ins and outs of crooning? Well, surprisingly enough, there’s more to it than I originally thought.

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Horse Dreams

Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life

I already told you about my love affair with horses (well, okay, more a love affair OF horses. The other isn’t quite right if you stop to think about it) so when I saw a way to earn a Merit Badge equestrian style, you better believe my boots were on before you could say “giddy up!”

And I’m not kidding around about the boots. Cowgirl boots are one of the best fashion statements EVAH. And they never go out of style! Boots with shorts, boots with fluffy skirts, boots with jeans; is there anything they don’t complement? I think not.


All dressed up, I headed out on a little Pony Scavenger Hunt, so to speak. I brought along a few horse books from the library, my binoculars, camera, and my cowgirl spirit. I figured driving along the back country roads, top down, wind in my hair, spying for my favorite animal in the entire world, was a pretty good way to spend my afternoon! I decided each time I saw a horse, I would look up its breed and jot it down in my journal. And who knows, maybe I’d get lucky and get to meet an owner who liked to share his livestock … you know? Just a turn or two around the corral?

Thumbing through my book, I realized I hadn’t known as much about the animal as I had originally thought. Turns out, owning every My Little Pony ever made doesn’t give you a real foundation for knowledge of the breeds.

My first lightbulb moment was learning that a pony isn’t a pony. I mean, a PONY is a pony, but a baby horse is a foal! Wha?? I know. I was just as confused as you are now. You aren’t confused? Well, humor me. Anyway, turns out a pony is an actual breed, not just a miniature horse. A Miniature Horse is a miniature horse. Are you with me? Hang on; the ride’s about to get even bumpier. Stallions don’t have to be black. Who knew, right? You knew? Fine. Now I know, too.

At the end of my drive, I had a journal list of the horses I’d seen and identified, a yearning for a Palomino all my own (or maybe an Appaloosa), and a database of new words like

Hand (for measuring how tall a horse is; one hand=4 inches)

My list of horse friends was growing, too. On it, I had

American Paint Horse
American Quarter Horse
Appaloosa (swoon!)
American Saddlebred
Peruvian Paso
Tennessee Walking Horse
Clydesdale (made me want to be pulled on a sleigh while singing Christmas carols, but maybe that’s just me)

Palomino (squeal!)

I even got lucky and set up a riding lesson with the owner of an adorable Quarter Horse named Spunky. Spunky and I are going to be good friends; I can feel it. She even matches my boots.

Farm Kitchen: Dad’s Baked Beans

Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life

The other day, I got to thinking. I know. It happens sometimes, usually when I least expect it. I was thinking, pondering, marinating if you will, on food. Yup. Food. That glorious stuff I’m really learning to enjoy mightily now that I’ve taken the plunge to really notice what I’m putting in my body. And you know what they say: You are what you eat. For too many years, I was a Big Mac with fries and a Diet Coke. Now I’m more of a veggie pita with iced sun tea!

So, anyway, I was thinking about food from my past. Like, for example, that red velvet cake I had for my seventh birthday, Uncle Bill’s chocolate chip cookies, Midge’s waldorf salad, Gramma Barbie’s pot roast, Mom’s eggnog, and Dad’s baked beans. You know, food that has a specific time and date and memory attached to them? Yeah, those kinds. Eggnog from 1994, that’s what I’m looking for … figuratively speaking, of course.

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That’s right, peeps …

Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life

For this week’s merit badge, I’m making a commitment …

A commitment to never hearing these words again:

“Would you like paper or plastic?”


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Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life

For weeks now, I’ve been planning to outfit my favorite craft store clerk with her own homemade, ruffle-icious apron. That drab and sad thing she wears is depressing and doesn’t do anything for her figure. Of course, I realize it’s part of her uniform, but there’s no way management won’t approve the little number I’ve got up my sleeve!

I’ve been inspired lately on Pinterest …


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Bee Good to Your Mother Earth

Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life

For my newest Merit Badge, Bee Good to Your Mother Earth, I am attempting no small feat. Well, it’s kinda small if you’re going to compare me to my neighbor, Mrs. Over-Achiever Gardener, but I have to start somewhere. Someday, maybe, perhaps, if I dream big, I can compete with her award-winning pumpkins, larger than life zucchinis, and heirloom tomatoes, but for now, I am setting realistic goals:

An herb garden.


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Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life

Howdy, girls! MBA Jane here. Working on my Beginner Level Farmgirl Grammar Badge. A new word every day for two weeks—whew! That’s a lot of reading in my big ol’ bright-red dictionary (but it totally matches my new red shoes, so whatevs).


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Families Forever

Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life

Some badges are just plain tasty. Homemade potato chips, organic grocery shopping …

Visiting Gramma Barbie in Florida this week gave me a fabulous chance to earn my Families Forever Badge. Not only was I going to be there (in Gramma’s posh retirement home—hellooooooo, pool boys), but Auntie Skipper and Auntie Kelly were visiting as well. It was the perfect chance for some good old-fashioned fun …

Game Night!


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Wondering who I am? I’m Merit Badge Awardee Jane (MBA Jane for short). In my former life

Since I’ve been in the homemade gift-giving spirit lately, I decided to just keep on going with the flow and work on my other Stitching and Crafting Merit Badge: Scrapbooking.

Now I know what y’all are saying: has Jane been living under a rock? We’ve all been scrapbooking since like, 2003! Well, I don’t mind saying, sometimes I’m behind the times and I just haven’t gotten around to all the fun girly crafts yet. I mean, I just now learned how to stamp and that whole craze is pretty much over. Ah well.


(My inspiration poster. I added my boyfriend, Mr. Wonderful, after we met last year. It was love at first sentence!)

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