I can take a hint … especially from my mother.
It’s not that I am uninterested or even disinterested. I do not lack the interest and I am not impartial.
I might say she has alluded to my grammar skills a few times. She has said as much in a round-about style. Then again, she has simply referred to these skills as needing some improvement. Yup, she has directly mentioned it, come to think of it!
Well, it is probably high time I hone my grammar skills, now that we’ve homed in on the problem! Time to sharpen my skills now that we’ve zeroed in on the reason why. 🙂
I have simply not owned Woe is I, The Grammarphobe’s Guide to Better English in Plain English. From the Mixed Doubles section (note the italics above) to the Blunders with Numbers, it’s all written in a way I can understand. So, I might actually be able to put some of these useful lessons to use.