Author Archives: megan

Farmgirl REVIVAL

Drum roll please! Introducing Farmgirl Revival bath soaks—these relaxing and aroma-therapeutic blends of natural USDA certified organic herbs and essential oils, are combined with Epsom salts in a way that will leave you …

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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from my house to yours, from prom queens to …

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Over the rainbow at MaryJanesFarm

Isn’t there supposed to be a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow?

My little Mia, age 2 1/2 said from her car seat yesterday as we were stopped at an intersection, “Isn’t that a money truck?” pointing to an armored car. I said, “It is, how did you know that?” She replied, “Mommy, I want an ice cream truck full of money.” From the mouths of babes … don’t we all want a money truck or at least that pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?

(With at least an ice cream cone or two.)

MaryJanesFarm Bed & Breakfast featured on Yahoo

Our Bed & Breakfast was featured on Yahoo News today as one of the Top 5 Places to Unplug!!!! Gadgets stay in the suitcase. However, the organic food you eat here and the outdoor bathing takes you far, far, far away from all the constant twittering and yammering. Come glamp with us!!!!

I’ve fallen madly in love … again

Mom and I were summoned to testify as witnesses after someone stole our store sign recently.

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Pop Quiz

Pop Quiz: If you tuck a message into a bottle and launch it into the Atlantic Ocean from Prince Edward Island, where will it end up? Take a guess—there is more than one correct answer.

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Today’s Recipe: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner (and Soup)

It all started at last weekend’s family reunion on my dad’s side held here in Moscow in a local park. Posing as a group for about an hour for photos is ALWAYS an ingredient at any family reunion. Ours was no different. But you know those old family photos (vintage) from 80 years ago that we now cherish?


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Today’s Recipe: In the Mood for Chicken?

Are you in the mood for chicken? I was last week. But not just any chicken. I wanted two different kinds of chicken. (The leftovers from my afternoon in the kitchen were amazing.) I’m now FAMOUS for FABULOUS chicken. Who knew?) Our local co-op sells ready-made breaded chicken breasts, but I wanted to see what I could come up with on my own. After I gathered up all my ingredients, I was on a roll.

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Rootstalk Festival

We received an email yesterday from a sister who took a photo of my mother during her Rootstalk workshop, How to Live an Organic Lifestyle. I think Beth completely caught who she is in photo form! This will go down as one of my favorites. Thanks Beth!!!!!!!

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Great Find: A Tisket a Tasket, SOLD AT $65

This SPECIAL vintage wire basket is the one MaryJane is holding on the front cover of her first book: MaryJane’s Ideabook, Cookbook, Lifebook—For the Farmgirl in All of Us. Perfect for collecting apples, eggs, cats, or as a wonderful accoutrement to your Ideabook. $25 plus shipping. But wait!!! That’s the minimum bid. This item is going to find its new home through an auction that ends at 3 pm PST, October 5, 2011.

Call the farm (per directions below) and let the bidding begin. We’ll post updates but not WHO is bidding. That will remain private. Did you know that a copy of MaryJane’s first magazine sold for $450 on Ebay? I feel another song coming on.

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