Bring on the butterflies, moths,
and, of course, the bees!
I can’t hide my penchant for pollinators.
It’s that time of year …
Blooms are bursting open around the farm, spiffing up the place with color and fragrance. I welcome the annual buzz and whir of those wondrous little magicians who make food happen. Last weekend, I was showing my grandgirls some flowers that were covered in our honeybees. I explained how it all ended up as honey, but more important, I explained that without the bees buzzing around the flowers on our blueberry bushes, we wouldn’t get blueberries. (Blueberries are Mia’s favorite food.)
Six years ago, the U.S. Senate unanimously declared the third week in June as “National Pollinator Week” to help address the declining pollinator crisis, and Pollinator Week has blossomed into an international celebration.
This year, the party kicks off on June 17, and the Pollinator Partnership website offers ideas about how you can get involved.
For my part, I’m focusing on some of my garden’s most charming guests: