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My featured Merit Badge Awardee of the Week is … CJ Armstrong!!!
CJ Armstrong (ceejay48, #665) has received a certificate of achievement in Garden Gate for earning an Expert Level Rootin’ Tootin’ Merit Badge!
“I decided to try a few new things in my garden this year, and for root crops, chose red potatoes, parsnips, and leeks. I know that some say leeks aren’t a root crop, but my research tells me that they generally are considered to be a root crop. I’ve purchased them at the farmers’ market in the past and really like them, so thought I’d give them a try. My mom always planted parsnips in her garden, but in all my adult years and gardening, I have not. Thought it was worth a try. I always plant beets and carrots, and have my favorite varieties, but do try different ones.
We have researched different ideas for storage for our root crops, but usually leave them in the ground and dig as we need them. In our climate, typically the snow layers insulate from the cold, and if we mark where they are planted, we can usually just go dig up what we need. The leeks will be kept in the refrigerator. I don’t have a large crop, so they probably won’t last long.
I didn’t put any potatoes in the photograph, as I didn’t want to dig any of them up just yet. I did post a pic of the plant with blossoms on it in the Garden Gate section of the forum. I’m always happy with planting a garden and even happier when things grow. This year has been relatively successful, and I hope to try a couple new things next year … just for fun!”

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