Do you tend to …
- shy away from certain kinds of group activities?
- express yourself in writing?
- enjoy solitude?
- dislike small talk?
- listen more than you talk?
- do your best work on your own?
- avoid conflict?
- think before you speak?
- feel drained after group interactions, even if you’ve enjoyed yourself?

Photo by Andrew Kudrin from Novosibirsk, Russia (CC-BY-2.0) via Wikimedia Commons
If you answered “yes” to most of my questions, join the club.
Don’t worry,
I’m not talking about a club where people party to the beat of loud music, or meet up in noisy restaurants, talking over one another.
I know that would make you uncomfortable.
I’m using the term “club” figuratively to describe 57 percent of the U.S. population
(that’s right, more than half)
who are introverts.
You may be wondering what exactly separates introverts from their polar opposites, extroverts.
“Extroverts are energized by people, and wilt or fade when alone. They often seem bored by themselves, in both senses of the expression. Leave an extrovert alone for two minutes and he will reach for his cell phone. In contrast, after an hour or two of being socially ‘on,’ we introverts need to turn off and recharge,” writes Johnathan Rauch of The Atlantic. “This isn’t antisocial. It isn’t a sign of depression. It does not call for medication. For introverts, to be alone with our thoughts is as restorative as sleeping, as nourishing as eating.”
Still with me?
Then you’ll be interested in a book called Introvert Power by Laurie Helgoe.
“Most Americans, whether introverted or extroverted, have learned to look like extroverts,” Helgoe explains.
But, the truth is, an introvert needs to embrace her need for alone time in order to truly flourish.
Summoning her own introvert power, Laurie Helgoe steamrolls stigmas and presents introversion in a refreshingly positive light.
Being introverted, Helgoe asserts, isn’t a weakness or condition that needs to be overcome. Introverts have incredibly valuable ideas and gifts to contribute to society—they simply need to do it in their own way, unashamedly.
Sometimes, learning how to channel creativity through an introverted personality and bestow it on our gregarious culture can be a challenge, but Introvert Power helps readers build the confidence to follow their hearts and realize their dreams—without compromising their precious quota of quiet and alone.
This is a book that deserves to be read by introverts and shared with the extroverts that love them.
I should know …
I’m part of the “silent” majority struggling to adapt to an increasingly loud all CAPS world.
Oh my goodness!! Thank you for posting this! I’m 47 years old and a high school teacher. I’ve been called anti-social for years, recently (last week) by my own mother. I work with 150 teenagers every day in a small district. In a place where everyone knows everybody and everything, sometimes it’s overwhelming. I’ll get to the point where I can’t stand to hear or speak another word. I MUST be left alone to just . . . whatever. I’m going to get this book.
I am an introvert but can function in groups well. Too much “people” stufff exhausts me. It feels overwhelming and chaotic if there is too much of group activity for long periods of time. I don’t apologize for being an introvert because people who know me accept me the for who I am. I feel very lucky to have this personal freedom!
“But, the truth is, an introvert needs to embrace her need for alone time in order to truly flourish.”
“I’m part of the “silent” majority struggling to adapt to an increasingly loud all CAPS world.”
And again I say, AMEN!…but quietly & often to myself:-)
MaryJane you put a smile on my face this morning just reading this & knowing/feeling it was meant for me to read at this very time. I am going to read this book. Thank you for caring enough to share some of what makes you; you.
OMG! You just made my day! I have always felt like something was wrong with me. I will definately be reading this book. Thanks!
Oh so true! I need my alone time. I have missed or cancelled many things to have time to be with myself. I have been known to talk to myself during stressful times because none knows me better than me.
And I thought is was just me! Looks like a good book.
Thank you for calling attention to the silent sufferers. Extroverts just do not understand that excessive noise and activity is painful for introverts. Now I’m off to find a quiet place.
I’ve been an introvert all of my life. During my childhood it was definitely more evident as I was very much a introvert and shy. Even into my adulthood I struggled to blend in with extroverts. I have a better handle on being able to blend in now but there are times when the inner introvert in me longs to just enjoy quiet solitude. I don’t think I would enjoy complete alone-ness for a real long period of time, meaning I couldn’t live on an island all by myself without giving coconuts names and eventually making conversations with them, but for short periods of time it can be recharging to be alone. I enjoy gatherings with other people but do find that I enjoy it the most if it’s on my own terms and not something that I’m forced into.
Pingback: Introvert Video | Raising Jane Journal
I didn’t realize over half the population is introverted. I also am an introvert. I don’t like big crowds and don’t go to concerts or races or where people crowd you. I need my space. I like small social gatherings or alone time most of the time. I am a country girl. I would love to read this book.
I am going out to buy this book right now…I’ve always known I was an introvert who loved to be alone with my animals and talk to my wonderful small group of friends once a week or so. One of my extrovert friends always said I was anti-social and I replied …”and I’m proud of it” ! I look forward to reading this book and passing it on to my friends and family.