Have you ever wondered what your brain waves would look like …
if they were knit, as in k2, p2?
No, I didn’t think so.
I’d never considered it either, until I heard about Knitic.
While it sounds like an invention concocted by the likes of Jane Jetson,

Image courtesy of www.scarlet.nl/~ivo/photo_JUDY.html
“NeuroKnitting” is not a figment of space-age fiction.
It’s a nifty experiment that has been designed to translate the brain’s reactions to music into a unique scarf pattern by way of a modified knitting machine.

Photo by Mar Canet via Flickr www.flickr.com/photos/mcanet/8752517057/in/set-72157633528626109/

Photo by Mar Canet via Flickr www.flickr.com/photos/mcanet/9110787760/in/set-72157633528626109/
I’m not sure how this will affect old-fashioned knitters like you and me in years to come,
but “space age” is not as far off as we’d once imagined it.
MaryJane meets Jane Jetson—who knows?
For now, take a sneak peek at the dawn of NeuroKnitting:
Wow, amazing!! I have to wonder what my EEG waves would produce for a pattern when I am trying to figure out which stitch was dropped and how to undo everything and get back to the right place?! Just guessing that it would be an interesting tangle of lines mixed with knots and snarls? At least that is how it feels. Who would have guessed that K2, P2, when messed up, can cause such a frustrating moment? I think I better stick to mastering that simple pattern before looking at my personal EEG. It might just look so wild that it scares me off!! Hehe!