Oooh la la …
Art, literature, and some of my favorite female figures from cherished fiction?
Pinch me!
I must be dreaming.
I’ve just enjoyed a tantalizing glimpse into a new book that will be released on August 27.
Look …
“A treasure of a gift for the well-read woman, this collection brings together 50 stirring portraits, in watercolor and in word, of literature’s most well-read female characters. Anna Karenina, Clarissa Dalloway, Daisy Buchanan …”
And, yes—Jane Eyre!
“Each seems to live on the page through celebrated artist Samantha Hahn’s evocative portraits and hand-lettered quotations, with the pairing of art and text capturing all the spirit of the character as she was originally written,” extols the book’s description.
Are you drooling?
Me. Too.
As if I wasn’t hooked already, I hear that the book will have a silkscreened cloth spine, debossed cover, and “pages that turn with the tactile satisfaction of watercolor paper.”
Pardon me while I swoon.
I’m a sucker for a book with tactile appeal, and I cannot wait to get my hands on this one.
Tell me—which characters are you hoping to see?

Holly Golightly; Photo courtesy of Samantha Hahn;
I’m with you on the drooling! I love tactile things as well. I will definitely be checking out this book. Maybe I can get the library to get a copy for all to enjoy?
Did someone say JANE EYRE? Ok, I’m all for that. Reading that book changed my life at 14 and taught me that being pretty (which I’ve never been accused of) isn’t everything! Gave me confidence and courage. Been to Haworth (where the Bronte family lived and the books were written from)………well, “worth” the trip. Our once in a lifetime journey. I’d go back in a nano second. So, I’ll look this book up certainly!