Are you a museum lover?
Art, history, science … there’s so much fun stuff to explore within the hallowed halls of our nation’s museums.

Photo by Ingfbruno, CC-BY-SA-3.0, vvia Wikimedia Commons
And, it just so happens that September 28 is National Museum Day. This tidbit of trivia also comes with a sweet deal: free admission.

Photo by Paul Duke , CC-BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia Commonsvia Wikimedia Commons
It’s true!
The Smithsonian Institution is sponsoring Museum Day Live, in which participating museums across the country invite visitors to download tickets (one is good for two people) and explore their exhibits for free.
Tickets and a full list of participating museums are available on the Museum Day Live website.
Will you be including a museum in your plans this coming weekend?
Museums are such treasures in our cities and communities. No only do they always have something worth learning about, they usually have wonderful small restaurants where you can get a bite to eat and sort of make an outing from the event. Their gift shops are also great places to pick up a nice card or gift for someone special as well.
“Are you a museum lover?”
A resounding, Yes! is in order here. I’ve been to/through more than a few museums & I must say the Smithsonian is a must see ~if you truly enjoy museums ~ they have something for everyone there.
There is the infamous Hope Diamond (along with an outstanding gemology section).
Humungous & itsy-bitsy fossils & dynamic sculptures.
Paintings so grand & rich in color & emotion that I could spend days looking at & never tire of seeing.
Hmmm, so I’m a little bit partial to The National Gallery of Art;-) But there are plenty of nice museums right here in the USA!
How can anyone not love a museum? When I was growing up, we went to the one at Michigan State University a lot. Totally rich with history. I haven’t been there in what seems like forever and a day. Everyone needs to get out there to a museum whenever they get a chance. Very educational and fun.