And the winner of the third of five Milk Cow Kitchen books I’m giving away …
is …
Jill G., who wrote on May 15, 2014: “I would name my cow Franny, because I just met the most wonderful woman of the same name. She is 85 and she volunteers to mentor teens. And, I would drink my first cup of milk warm from the cow!” Watch for an e-mail from the farm, Jill. Congratulations!
Congratulations Jill! Each day, I am reading it word by word and loving learning about all the information. This book truly is a beginners manual of all the basics one should know and look out for with the set up of a backyard cow.
By the way Mary Jane, I realized on the page about making butter that I could do that right now with a butter churner of sorts. Last night I was lost in link after link of Ebay options and store options. I am not sure if I should purchase a new one that I know I can use or risk a vintage one I can’t really look at first. Do you think the vintage ones with wooden paddles would still be a good choice? There are some adorable depression glass ones in colors that immediately caught my attention.
You’re welcome to send me links and I can take a look. Main thing is to avoid aluminum paddles or a churn that might have rusty parts that the butter would touch. I love my vintage churns that are fully functional. Lehman’s has one modeled after the wooden churns. Good luck! Soon you’ll be meemawing it on your Florida porch. I know you have the frock already.
Thanks Mary Jane. These are good points I never considered as I was so enamored with the look of the churner and the entire idea. Lehman’s is really the best choice for a new one but at $149 I was wondering if I would really use it enough to warrant the investment. Most likely yes. I guess the best idea is to try your jar and marble idea, taste the difference, and then decide if I would use the new one. The problem with Ebay is purchasing sight unseen, which is fine for collectibles , but for real use, some cutie might be full of rust, aluminum or who knows what else. Meemawing on the Florida porch reminds me that someone on the connection made your Bug Off bar from the Outpost book. Is is possible for you to do another post with this recipe? Meemawing on the Florida porch gets dicey in the early am and evening. There is a joke down here that the state flower is mold the state bird is the mosquito. Sad but true!
Heehaw meemaw, mold and mosquitoes!!!! Stay inside and make better butter (free of the dreaded M&M). Watch for the June issue of MJF Sister Issue for bug-off bar recipe. Good idea!
Good idea!Thanks for giving us the bug off bar recipe in June. I for one will use it till November!!! And one more thing, I finished reading your cow book this afternoon. It was wonderful, insightful, informational, and packed with so many wonderful recipes and related cow ideas. Thank-you for all of your hard work! I wrote down a list of things to try and now comes the fun part of trying them out.
LOOOOVVVVEEE your magazine!
Thank you Cheryl!
great winners
I agree. My grandgirl did a great job digging into that milk bucket to pull out five names.
Congratulations Jill G.!
Jill, I love that you’d just want a warm glass of milk! My husband is a good sport and has let me aim for directly for his mouth when I was practicing. Results…hilarious! Congrats!
Thank you MaryJane! I am so excited and looking forward to reading your book!