Love, love, love SAYING this word … in addition to the fact that it fits certain behaviors. (You know what I’m talkin’ ’bout. Hmmmm, there’s skulduggery in the world?) Skulduggery. A type of crime? Or maybe a ship from The Pirates of the Caribbean? The kids in The Goonies sure get into some skulduggery on their way to finding buried treasures.
Say it with me: Skulduggery \skəl-ˈdə-g(ə-)rē\ noun. Underhanded or unscrupulous behavior.
Those kids were up to nothing but skulduggery. (I’m sure you have at least once instance of skulduggery you can cite.)
It is fun to say!!! I think of digging up skulls when I hear it but I know this is not a proper definition of the work.
Not only has their vocabulary gone downhill, but their spelling is atrocious.