Beaches of Idaho

Here’s the view from our tent flap last weekend. Notice the little girl and puppy footprints from a weekend filled with digging in the sand, playing in the water, and enjoying a campfire. One last weekend sleeping under the stars before the weather cools.

September 2014 004

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    What a peaceful scene! Is this the Salmon River you have mentioned before? I bet now it is a great time to camp because it is cool enough to have fewer mosquitoes and other bugs to deal with.

    • Megan says:

      It is and yes, fall is often the most beautiful time of year to get out in our neck of the woods. We did have a deer that kept showing up at meal time. Apparently, it had been bottle fed as a babe. A rather large pest now but a beautiful one.

  2. connie-kilalrney says:


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