Looking for some frightening fun this Halloween? About.com has published a list of things to see this spooky season. From theme parks to The Big Apple, you’ll find events like Guavaween, a Latin-themed Halloween celebration in Ybor City, Florida; creepy corn mazes; horrifying haunted houses; and more.

The Pumpkin King outside of Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion, by Imperpay via Wikimedia Commons
Or check out The Travel Channel’s “Best Halloween Attractions 2014.” Not for the faint-of heart, these attractions have been chosen by Ghost Adventures lead investigator Zak Bagans and paranormal expert Jeff Belanger, and will give you shivers to last a lifetime … if you survive the thrills and chills.
Halloween is a favorite holiday of mine as it falls right in the heart of my favorite season. Although there is a huge popularity on the macabre therein most places , my preferences are still rooted in family fun of the 1950s. Funny homemade costumes, carved pumpkins, and old fashioned fun like apple bobbing, and a wee bit of spookiness appeals to my sense of a celebration. I always wanted to attend a Halloween Murder Mystery Dinner at an old castle that was all decorated out for Fall but where this unexpected event takes place. Sort of in the Hercule Poirot style or maybe Miss Jane Marple style. Attendees would dress in clothing of the era and the dinner would be set up as just a fall dinner party. Or maybe I am dreaming of a Downton Abby Halloween experience?
If you find a good venue, I’ll join you!
That would be awesome to find such an event and show up together! Hey, How about this one. When you get your farm set up for the B&B plans, we plan the perfect Wall Tent Halloween Murder Mystery dinner? ……. on a cold crisp Halloween night, amid big orange grinning pumpkin faces on the main lodge porch, and the warmth of the inside fire as guests lingered over pumpkin cheesecake and hot tea or cider, a sudden scream was heard that broke the cozy dreamy ambience. The Headless Horseman back for another scare? And who let out that scream? Everyone is here inside……
Love it!!!! You have to help decorate, carve, murder …
Deal!! We might have to seek out the local apple cider for the pre-party!
Or press some of our own … with you here to identify varieties:)