Few destinations on Earth inspire such wintry notions in our imaginations as Iceland. I mean, the name alone is shivery, not to mention the landscape …

Photo of Sunset at Goðafoss in Winter, Iceland by Andreas Tille via Wikimedia Commons
Excuse me while I grab my parka.
Now that I’m sufficiently bundled, I hope you’ll don your warmest winter apparel and tag along to the far reaches of the far north, where sturdy little turf farmhouses are currently blanketed in snow and cloaked in darkness. That’s right—only four to six hours of skimpy sunlight each day. But don’t fret, there are wonders to behold …

Photo of the northern lights in Iceland by Francisco Diez via Wikimedia Commons
and laufabraud to be made!
“In Iceland, the beginning of the Christmas season means it’s time to make laufabraud, snowflake breads,” writes Linda Raedisch in The Old Magic of Christmas: Yuletide Traditions for the Darkest Days of the Year.
Laufabraud, which literally translates as “leaf bread” but is also known as snowflake bread, is a thin, circular cake fried in oil or lard. Intricate designs carved into each bread often look a bit like geometric leaves, hence the name. They remind me of the paper snowflake cut-outs that elementary school kids proudly bring home this time of year.

Photo courtesy of Nordic Thoughts
Fallegur! (That means “beautiful” in Icelandic—thanks Google Translate.)
“Laufabraud is an Icelandic Christmas tradition that originated in the north of the country. The bread possibly has a much older origin, but references to it in written sources appear around 1736 as the Icelanders ‘candy.'” explains worldly food enthusiast Esther Martin-Ullrich, who blogs at Why’d You Eat That?.
“Many families have their own personal traditions surrounding the bread,” says Martin-Ullrich. “They gather together in the beginning of December, usually on the first Sunday of Advent, and make a full day out of it. Groups of 12 to 15 can make several hundred cakes at a time. At the end of the day, the cakes are split evenly between all and are stored in cookie tins until Christmas. Recipes are passed down from mother to daughter, and there are also designs passed down through generations.”

Photo courtesy of http://whydyoueatthat.wordpress.com/ 2011/12/01/day-1-laufabraud/
The patterns were traditionally created using a heavy brass roller called a laufabrauðsjárn (leaf bread iron) like the ones below, but they can also be cut by hand with a paring knife.

Photo courtesy of Islensk.is via Pinterest
Here’s a short video about the making of laufabraud:
I will be landing in Iceland on the morning of December 28 and it will still be the holiday season! Oh, I hope I get to see some of these beautiful leaf breads in bakery windows. I will take photos and try them out and let you know. Also, the recent report says that the seeing the Northern Lights has been pretty good this year so far. Here is hoping that holds true when we get there. It is going to be a huge change for this Florida Girl, but I think I have put together enough warm woolies and boots to keep me warm. The tour people told us to bring our bathing suits, however, for swimming in the termal hot pools. I can’t imagine, but I’m taking my suit that includes a LONG sleeve swim shirt I got at Lands End on sale this past summer!
We can’t wait to hear EVERYTHING about your trip to Iceland. I thought a post on laufabraud would be a good send off. Fingers crossed on the Northern Lights.
Oh Winnie, I am soooo envious of your trip !( ok ,even though I usually don’t travel to cold countries if I can help it- ok I’ve been to Iceland 4 times but it is one of my ” airport countries”- never even got out of the terminal, solid ice outside, no thanks! )
Please Do take lots of photos and keep us posted. I have seen the fabulous “southern lights ” when I was travelling in Antarctic waters and they were mind boggling.
We had Northern Lights when I lived in northern New Hampshire but not the spectacular ones like in Iceland by a long shot. They were mostly in ribbons like curtains, not like in these photos of Iceland. But still wonderfully magical.
Enjoy your trip Winnie !
Beautiful! Lots of work looks like to me!
Thanks for sharing MaryJane! The Laufabraud is so beautiful! I really want to try making this. I have only witnessed the Northern Lights once and wish I could experience them again.
Winnie, how exciting for you!!! Have a wonderful and safe trip 🙂
Wow! Thanks for sharing such an interesting tradition with us!
I am fascinated by these beautiful breads. I have searched the internet as to where one of the brass rollers that cut the pattern into the bread could be purchased, but was unsuccessful. Does anyone know where one could be purchased.
Nice article. The video was so nice to watch.
Thank you. Caryn