

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Nothing is more beautiful that lots of daffodils blooming together. I miss that they won’t grow down here.
    Perfect for a bouquet on your Farmgirl table 100!

  2. Cindi says:

    These are so, so pretty. I will have to make another attempt to get bulbs in this year. Learned the hard way that it does matter where you purchase from, though it was a happy surprise to get ONE flower this year ~ from a sole surviving crocus planted two seasons ago.

  3. Heather (nndairy) says:

    What beautiful flowers! I like the white ones with yellow centers. Mine are just starting to pop out of the ground, but I do have some pretty purple crocuses blooming right now πŸ™‚

    • MaryJane says:

      I just came in with a huge bouquet of daffodils and some crocus. I even put a bouquet in my milking parlor. Isn’t the crocus fragrance amazing?

  4. bonnie ellis says:

    Daffodils make Minnesotans jealous at this time of year when we are usually still in frozen ground and expecting snow. I saw some in the store today when I was buying mums. Next time I will buy them. Our crocus managed to come up and bloom with the tiniest flowers I have ever seen. Flowers are always wonderful no matter what time of the year. Thanks Mary Jane.

  5. Nancy Coughlin says:

    I keep trying to plant bulbs all around here, but all I seem to be doing is providing squirrels with tasty snacks. In fact, when I am planting, I get the distinct impression I’m being observed from the trees. Can just imagine the squirrels making up maps for one another, with the exact placement of each bulb! I will keep on trying, despite their best efforts!

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