Pen pals are back in style in a new and creative way, thanks to a gal named Janette Lane and the growing sensation of her Pocket Letter Pals network. Pocket letters are pen-pal letters in a pocket format. The idea is to fill all nine pockets of a 9-pocket trading card sleeve and send it to someone who’s agreed to swap with you. Pen pals connect by signing up on the free network, where they can also create a profile, join groups, receive news, and message other members.

Pocket letter samples via
The swap can be a one-time exchange, or you can exchange indefinitely if you find someone you really like. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a collection of new pen-pal friends from all over the world? I’m thinking it would. Visit to learn more.
In the fourth grade, we all got pen-pals at school and mine was a girl who lived outside of London. We stayed in touch through high school. You can imagine how excited we both were talking about the Beatles debut. She actually went to a concert and wrote me all about it and sent a postcard or two! Later on in early high school, I had a pen-pal from India who was related to a graduate student who studied under my Dad at the University of Virginia. I found a letter from her recently in a box of my keepsakes. I think it is a great idea to meet new friends and exchange letters from others who are interested. It definitely is a wonderful experience for young children and the neatest way to open the windows of the world community.
And this may be the reason you’re a world traveler. You never know what will make a permanent impact.
This is a super cute idea. I had pen pals growing up from Australia and somewhere in Europe. I also had lots of penfriends from here in the U.S. I love writing letters and receiving them. It’s such a great way to connect with people in a tangible way. I love my penpals from MJF! Maybe we should have a Farmgirl version of this!