Our fingers, dark with soil, press seeds and pluck fruits.
Our shoulders feel the heat of the sun.
Come tomorrow’s sunrise, our muscles will ache with work done diligently.
And we will begin again.
You see,
no matter where in the world you may be,
we’re not so different,
you and me.
So, to celebrate common ground across the globe,
let’s have a little female farmer geography bee, MaryJane style (all fun, no foul).
What do you say?
It’s easy—just scroll through the photos below and try to guess each farmgal’s geographic location.
Jot down your answers as you go, and check them at the bottom of this post. I’ll provide a map link within each answer so that you can investigate (plan a visit?) if you wish.

Photo by Kate Holt/AusAID, Africa Food Security 17, via Wikimedia Commons

Photo courtesy of Florida Memory via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by David Baldi (user PandaDB) via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by Meena Kadri via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by Swathi Sridharan (ICRISAT) via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by Leonardo Aguiar via Wikimedia Commons
Sigh, only two right – would have been three if I hadn’t changed one. Still, the fact that I got any correct at 4:30 a.m./b.c. (before coffee) is impressive ~ to my own self 🙂 It just proves your point ~ that we are all more alike than we might think.
I am intrigued about the Florida location as it would be about a 3 hour drive from me. The Florida islands are always beautiful along the Gulf Coast too!