

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Ohh, I love that magenta pink! Those flowers are stunning. How gorgeous they would be in one of those enamel ware coffee pots.

  2. Cindi says:

    Now that would be a stunning sight first thing every morning. Brilliant! πŸ™‚

  3. Kristi says:

    Five years ago today I lost my mother to cancer, but every year I look at the beautiful perennial flowers she shared with me and remember. This year, I have discovered that this particular plant (the one pictured) is missing from my flower bed. I think the Minnesota weather may have gotten the better of it (or maybe some weeds choked it out), and I want to replace it. Someone please give me the name. Even my mother didn’t know. These flowers, and others still in my garden, give me a way to remember her passion for beautiful flowers. People used to drive past her home for the sole purpose of viewing the flowers in her yard.

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