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Merit Badge Awardees (click for latest awards)
My featured Merit Badge Awardee of the Week is … Sandy Merrigan!!!
Sandy Merrigan (#6186) has received a certificate of achievement in Each Other for earning a Beginner, Intermediate & Expert Level Families Forever Merit Badge!
“Here are some of the things we did at family night for my Beginner level: crafting a clothespin doll, played with dolls, and played board games. Every night, I read to the girls, and the girls read to me too.
It was hard to create a journal for my Intermediate level. I live with my daughter and her family and she has 3 girls. They don’t watch much TV—we are too busy. My son-in-law has his father living here and he watches several hours a day, but in his room, so the rest of us are not watching it.
The kids have show restrictions, and any adult that is watching a show has to explain to the girls if they ask about a comment on the TV. No one wants to do that, so very little adult TV.
For my Expert level: We are continually doing outdoor activities and camping in canvas tents. We are involved in rendezvous. We will continue to camp and learn as long as we can.”
Sandy, congratulations on earning this badge at all the levels. It is very hard to change routines with families and appeal to varied interests. Plus keeping kids and adults engaged in activities that are appealing is challenging. I think your camping in the tents was a great idea for fun and learning. Plus, who doesn’t love to snuggle up with kids and read every night!