First-foot: [furst-foo t] Scot.
noun: the first person to cross the threshold of a house on New Year’s Day.
In Scotland, the first person to enter your house after midnight on New Year’s Eve is called a “first-foot” or “first-footer.” And if that person is tall, dark, and handsome …
well, lucky you … in more ways than one!

Tristan and Isolde with the Potion by John William Waterhouse via Wikimedia Commons
That tall, handsome, dark-haired man is thought to bring you good fortune for the year ahead. And even more good fortune if he knows to bring along a silver coin (good luck); bread (prosperity), salt (good eats), or whiskey (good cheer).
Who was your first-footer? I think my sure-footed tom cat, Jasper Tomkins, was my first-footer.
My first-footer was Mr. Bump. He still has a bit of a hitch in his giddy-up from the accident but it doesn’t seem to slow him down or hurt a lot unless he does too much running around in play.
Oh lucky me! My husband was the first person to enter my house after midnight and he just so happens to be tall, dark, and handsome. He also happened to be carrying a bag a chips. Does this count for salt? If so, it looks like I’m looking forward to a year of good fortune. I am going to keep this in mind for next year. This time I’ll plan it out and make sure he is carrying all the other items!!
My “first-footer” would have been my hubby . . . after he went out to check the thermometer and then back in. He IS a Scotsman . . tall, pretty handsome, but not so dark. He’s a keeper however!
My daughter, coming home from visiting friends.