Period Panties.
I wonder if, when you read the phrase above, you pictured “time of the month” or “historic” undergarments (do comment).
In fact, I was referring to the former.
Time of the month, that is, not …

Photo by Marshall Astor Food Fetishist via Wikimedia Commons
Sheesh … bye-bye, historic bustles.
Moving right along, it’s no surprise that the modern world is all about hustle now rather than bustle.
And as the world of fashion has modernized, so have underthings (albeit a bit more slowly than the average runway ensemble).
And, with today’s tendency toward putting ALL subjects on the table, it is no surprise that enterprising women have put their minds to building a better mousetrap.
Somehow, that doesn’t sound right when referring to underwear. Maybe I should avoid idioms here.
Plainly speaking, a trio of women in New York City has, in their words, “reimagined feminine hygiene products to provide support, comfort, confidence, and peace of mind.”
A lot to ask from undies?
The gals at Thinx think not.
They report that 80 percent of American women have had accidents during, and have expressed anxiety about, their periods …
(you’re nodding, I’m nodding)
… and they set out to change all that.
Yup—with underwear.
But not just any underwear.
Thinx “period panties” are truly innovative.
In short, they’re extraordinarily absorbent, antimicrobial (via embedded silver, not chemicals), so low-profile you won’t see them through clothing—and they’re pretty.
These panties are designed to fully replace panty liners, eliminating a lot of waste and discomfort as well as leaks, and they can be used in conjunction with tampons or menstrual cups on heavy flow days.
What’s more, Thinx are helping girls in need of much more than peace of mind while wearing white pants.
According to Thinx, 94 percent of girls in Uganda report having problems at school due to menstruation, and many drop out of school entirely as a result.
“We see a world where no woman is held back by her body,” the Thinx team declares. “We will work proudly and tirelessly until every single girl has an equal opportunity for the brighter future she deserves.”
Here’s how they’re doing it:
You buy a pair of “period-proof” THINX undies (and relish the results, even in yoga pants). Meanwhile, Thinx sends funds to their partner organization, AFRIpads, which trains Ugandan women to sew and sell reusable cloth pads, creating entrepreneurs in the process.
Watch this video for the full monty … er … the whole shebang?
This story is fantastic and globally important. Who knew this was all happening? It never occurred to me to think it through on my own. Of course women in these impoverished areas of our country and the world need a better solution! These young twin women are amazing in their openness, creativity, and positive attitude that menstruation wear is a solvable problem that everyone needs. I am so impressed at what they have come up with and started for women around the world.
Ha! Okay, I will admit reading that phrase brought an image of huge cotton/spandex panties that go up to the waist… Yeah, that dated me a little. What a great video about an equally great innovation! There should be a major award for such a positive and useful creation. Passing this info on. Now… if we can just figure out a way to get people to stop making nasty remarks and blaming PMS when a lady is having a bad day.
I couldn’t agree more about the focus on women, PMS, and hormones. If anything we should be remarking about men’s testosterone levels–maybe regular hormone checks like at a Walgreen drug store so that if it gets too high, they’d take something to bring it back down. Less crime, less wars maybe? I raise Jersey bulls and I’m well aware of fluctuations and spikes in their testosterone levels.
I refer to that as “He-M-S”.
That’s a first. Love it!
Love the He-M-S. I too hate the snide remarks, especially as I approach menopause. I wonder if they ever stop to think that the problem is a lack of alone time and if we were left alone our mood would improve.
Just saying…….
Isn’t it odd that with all the inventions and the knowledge that’s been shared over the last 100 years, this is the first real solution to a real problem?
P.S. I love the hormone check idea at Walgreens, and I’m trying to think of a sneaky way to get all males to participate. I know – a free beer after each check!
Ha, beer and chicken wings!!!
I’m signing my husband up!
Hahaha! That’s an excellent idea!!
Ah, yes the REAL world for women! I’ve learned a LOT lately, several years postmenopausal, about hormones! Very complex!
I, too, am glad to see great products available for those who need them!
Having lived and taught in several ” third world countries” ( there are new more politically correct terms but I am using this as this was what it was called when I was there.) I know from personal experience with my own students, this is a huge issue for young women. Brilliant idea and affordable for these young women. In some african nations they are confined to a separate hut when they have their period and this actually still goes on.I could tell you horror stories from my own experiences in these countries. This goes on in the entire world actually, like with Orthodox Jewish women for instance, right here ,right now in the USA. Kudos to the Thinx women for coming up with a simple and affordable solution !! I am in awe!
As I watched this video my heart broke. Our society treats women terribly for things that are out of our control and that our bodies were designed to do. It reminds me of the big debate about breastfeeding in public. When did these things become inappropriate and unacceptable by society? I was unaware of this being an issue in other countries. I feel so bad for those young girls. It’s wonderful to see that after all this time we are finally having breakthroughs for improving lifestyles during periods and helping other countries at the same time. Spread the word.
I have tried these! I love them so, so much. They are beautiful, well made, comfortable and protect from leaks. My flow is too heavy to use these on their own except at the end of my cycle. I wear these with a diva cup and I feel 100% protected and thrilled to not be creating gross trash or exposing my body to more chemicals.
Thinx are amazing and their customer service is fabulous. I hope they take over the feminine hygiene industry. (I am not affiliated with Thinx in any fashion. I simply stumbled upon them about a year ago and I love what they are doing and I seriously love their skivvies.) Buy some…..make your period panties be your pretty ones.
As my daughter approaches this next stage in her life a few of us mothers hope to get together and throw a special kind of party welcoming them into puberty and budding womanhood. Plans are still in the brainstorming phase, but I think I will add this to our list of products that help us be positive about ourselves and comfortable in our bodies. Thank you MaryJane for introducing us all to this.