GIVEAWAY: Aspen Herbals

Thank you for dropping by my Raising Jane Journal to participate in my giveaways! We’ve chosen a winner for this giveaway already (click here for details), but don’t be afraid to leave a comment anyway. I love reading them. And stay tuned for more great MaryJanesFarm giveaways.

Give a big farmgirl welcome to Lacey Berg of Aspen Herbals, a new Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made) business member. Handcrafted in Baker, Montana, Aspen Herbals sprang forth from Lacey’s love of nature and desire for natural body care. Why Aspen? ” One will never find a single Aspen,” says Lacey. “They grow in communities, sharing a common root system. We thrive on community, and that’s exactly what we’re building here at Aspen Herbals.”

To win this herbal sampler (solid body lotion, eye balm, and lip tint), share with everyone here what your favorite herb is and why it’s your favorite in the comments below. We’ll put your name in a hat and draw a lucky winner soon. Stay tuned!




  1. Tammy says:

    It helps calm and relax

  2. Janet Conn says:

    Lavender has always been my favorite. Can’t get enough of that beautiful scent.

  3. Really enjoy lavender. Oh, the aroma just makes me feel good.

  4. Junebug says:

    My favorite is Rosemary followed by Lavender!! I love the smell of both and use oils in my diffuser!

  5. Puddy McCutchan says:

    Rosemary! I love using it in cooking and soap making!!!

  6. Lisa Lundberg says:

    Probably my favorite herb is basil since I use that quite a bit in my cooking – especially pasta dishes. It really enhances flavor of the dish.

  7. Ellen Clack says:

    My favorite herb is rosemary. I love the way it smells!

  8. Therese Clouse says:

    Lavender is my favorite because it’s calming and relaxing.

  9. Laurie says:

    Peppermint for sure! Makes me happy and reminds me of Christmas 🙂

  10. Sherry A. Harris says:

    Patchoule is my favorite. I LOVE how it smells and have just discovered it has many healing properties also. I mix it with a bit of coconut oil and use it for perfume.

  11. Kneffy says:

    So many to choose from…but I’ll say Lavendar! I use it in my diffuser,
    fresh lavendar in the garden is the best!!!

  12. Mary says:

    I love lavender
    It is very calming

  13. Jama K says:

    I love mint! It’s easy to grow, it smells good, it tastes good! I use it in my iced tea, my water, grab a couple of leaves when I need a sweet smell on my hands, and I chew on it when I need a quick “sweet” taste! My favorite is peppermint, but I grow ginger mint and chocolate mint, too! Yum!

  14. Mary Frances Rauch says:

    Cilantro. It was an acquired taste for me, and now I never want to be without it.
    Thanks for the introduction to your products. I never knew about them before.

  15. Lorita Lange says:

    I agree with Taffy, I too love rosemary. I’m making bone broth right now and I love adding rosemary for the health of it and the luscious smell.

  16. Margo Frimodt says:

    Peppermint is my favorite! I use it frequently for indigestion and headaches. To help free up my headache, I put a few drops on my finger and then rub across my forehead. This little trick works great!

  17. andrea b says:

    Definitely Thyme – just makes everything better.

  18. Teresa Freeman says:

    I was reading all the posts from others and each time I read a new herb I would say, Oh, yes, that has to be my fav…until I saw the next. So I would have to say my absolute favorite is Larobathysamint…in case you have never heard of it…it’s a mixture of Lavender, Basil, Thyme, sage and peppermint…. okay, I’ve never been good at making choices so that’s the best I can do. 😛

  19. Shanna says:

    Lavender…. so many wonderful uses! Love the aroma also. Mint for headaches, tummy aches. Thank you for this beautiful giveaway.

  20. Helen Rowinski says:

    My favorite herb is lavender. I love leaving fresh sprigs to dry all over my house, it makes everything feel so soothing. I also make sachets filled with dried lavender and tuck them into my fiber baskets to keep moths away. It’s much more pleasant than moth balls.

  21. Jennifer Heim says:

    Basil! Basil = summer!

  22. Gail McG. says:

    I love lavender! It instantly soothes and relaxes me in whatever form I use it!

  23. Gloria Smith says:

    Lavender is my favorite. I love the fragrance. I also love how the plants look in my flower bed!

  24. Susan says:

    Though I love all the aromatics, right now my favorite is sage because it grows so robustly in my high desert, high elevation garden.

  25. Judith Nance says:

    Rosemary is my favorite, because it is so easy to grow and goes with most everything. It looks beautiful arranged in a vase as well.

  26. Rudi graefe says:

    Preppermint is my favorite. Sparks energy and brings the senses alive.

  27. Virginia Plowman says:

    I have used so many herbs for so many years because I love all of their healing properties. I just love all of the mints, lavender, basil, rosemary, thyme, calendula, and sage. I use all of these alot. But I must say my favorite is comfrey. I have 2 large plants in my garden that has been there for over 25 years. I love it’s healing properties. Each year I make a huge batch of comfrey salve and give it all to my family and friends. Everyone just so loves it. I just think that I couldn’t live without it. The plant is beautiful in my garden and our bees love the flowers on it.

  28. Deb Morris says:

    “Lavender’s blue dilly, dilly, lavender’s green…” I love the scent, not too hard to grow in your own garden, and such a pretty song. Lavender…my favorite!

  29. Phyllis says:

    I have two favorite herbs which are rosemary and basil. I love cooking with them…

  30. Deborah Huff says:

    Just planted and herb garden and have so enjoyed the pleasure of picking my own to herbs. Guess to pick just one I would do with basil!

  31. Becky says:

    Love all herbs! They’re my favorite thing to plant in my flowerbeds– practical and pretty! 🙂 I guess the one I liked the best last season was Pineapple Sage. The red flowers were fantastic, my 2 little farmers loved rubbing the pineapple scented leaves in their fingers to smell them.

  32. Janet says:

    I agree so many of the ladies….lavender! It’s so much fun to go to lavender farms to see the beauty of these plants and all the amazing products made from this relaxing, calming herb.

  33. Cynthia Bohli says:

    Lavender. The scent instantly makes me feel calm & relaxed, especially if mixed w/ vanilla.

  34. Kat Pettycrew says:

    Welcome, Lacey!
    My favorite herb is lemon balm (or lemon verbena). I can putt some crushed leaves in my diffuser for a calming pick-me-up, toss some in a salad or mushroom soup, mix it in with some potpourri, add the oil oil to my cleaning solutions, or just walk or sit on my creeping versions and inhale the fresh scent while I read or meditate. And I’m sure there are medicinal benefits too, but I’m just starting about herbal medicines.

  35. Mary Vono says:

    Hello, I love sorrel. It has a wonderful lemony taste. It can be munched on in the garden, added to salads or sauteed. Love this website and magazine. Thank you

  36. Rene Freeman says:

    My favorite is lavender. It has such a wonderful aroma and is so soothing to soak in and makes my body feel smooth and relaxed.

  37. Swan says:

    Currently my favorites are comfrey and horsetail. They are great for the skin and nails!

  38. Lynn Bontrager says:

    My favorite herb is lavender. I love the smell, the tiny flower and the color. I t also helps me sleep at night and brings a sense of calm.

  39. Melissa Davis says:

    My favorite is lemon verbena . It is so refreshing and lovely in teas , or cookies or
    whatever you like . I make sachets with it too .
    It is easy to grow but it does freeze where I live . I dry all of mine to savor the flavor year round .

  40. Marianne Regan says:

    Lavender!! It is wonderful to walk by in the garden and I love having enough to dry! Calmness follows the scent of lavender

  41. Charlene Gravely says:

    Schisandra, Loving the taste with some rose for a tea.

  42. Laurie starr says:

    I love sage! Everytime I cook with sage it takes me to my love of the mountains and where someday I will retire… nature heals my soul and heart And even though im not where I want to be in my life the smell of sage reminds me to pull up my big girl boots your gonna make it there , I promise…

  43. K Bateman says:

    Cilantro for cooking, peppermint for headaches and stomach pain

  44. Mary Elko says:

    My favorite herb is lavender. It not only smells great and is great in sachets and bath pouches, but it is great in cookies and lemonade as well.
    It’s property to,help sleep is a real plus, also

  45. Mary Sullivan says:

    This is a tough one! Basil for cooking, calendula for soap making and rosemary for it’s magnificent aroma.

  46. Tidy says:

    Mine is rosemary . Since my job relocated me to city Houston from my rural home in western Pa, it’s the first herb I put on my little apartment balcony. And when I break off a piece of it ,the smell takes me back to my little home in the woods.

  47. Julia Case says:

    Lavendar and chamomile…they are so calming!

  48. Marsha says:

    I love basil, I could eat pesto with anything that contains tomatoes!

  49. Pearl Maxner says:

    Lemon Balm is my favorite. Soothing and wonderful in the garden. Healing in the tea pot. Easy to grow. that about sums it!

  50. Cheryl Fiske says:

    I love lavender! It’s relaxes me, and I put lavender oil on my pillow at night. I’m thinking of growing more it at home!

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