Samson might inspire this in you, ladies … or Fabio. Possibly Jennifer Aniston … or Carrot Top. Marge Simpson, definitely. Crystal Gale? For sure.

book cover by Katalin Szegedi via Wikimedia Commons
What is it? By now, you’ve figured out it’s something to do with the follicles atop one’s head. Specifically,
(n.) running your fingers through the hair of someone you love.
Pronunciation: ka-FOO-nay
So, it begs the question, do balding men inspire the same kind of odd behavior in those of us smitten with them? If we can’t run our fingers through the hairs of our beloveds, will a nice rub or caress do the trick?

Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons.
Someone get Mrs. Bruce Willis on the phone. Tell her it’s an emergency of the cafune type.
I could send you a picture of my husband and you could see for yourself why he’s so appealing? A picture is worth a thousand words. His hair was gone long before I met him. Take my word for it. He’s a keeper.
ooh, Ive been ” cafune’d all my life! I have waist length hair and you of all people, MaryJane, know how that affects people! Didn’t know there was a specific name for it .