

  1. Lisa Arthur says:

    I have a fetish for bird nests along with old birdhouses..i am always looking for nests, in the trees, under eaves, etc…if i am lucky to find a fallen on I like to keep it. Thank you for this pic!

  2. CJ Armstrong says:

    Love the birdnest! Do you know what kind of bird may live there?
    We have two very interesting and different birdnests in our pear tree. One is a very tiny one, made mostly of “fluff” . . probably dog hair. We believe it to be a hummingbird nest.
    The other one is quite large, make with twigs, grass and a lot of mud. We’ll be watching this spring to see who moves into that one.
    Very cool!

    • MaryJane says:

      I don’t know the answer to your question CJ. It’s not a barn swallow’s nest; they use mud. Although it’s on my barn. Could it be a Robin’s?

  3. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Nice location for a birdhouse! I like that is has built in safety and comfort parameters too. Birds are quite amazing how they select and built their nests.

  4. Lisa Von Saunder says:

    I just love birdnests. This is last year’s nest so you will have to see who shows up.

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