Craving a quiz?
Here’s one that’ll cause you to scratch your head in puzzlement before you even begin pondering the answers.

Photo by Asdfasdewdsewd via Wikimedia Commons
The following is a list of incredibly kooky laws from around the globe. Try guessing the locations that passed the laws (answers revealed next Sunday 8:30 pm 3/3/2024 ANSWERS REVEALED!!!).
- In this city, you must smile at all times (except during funerals or hospital visits). If you frown, you may face a fine. Milan, Italy
- In this small town in Italy, kissing in a moving vehicle is forbidden. Eboli, Italy
- In this city, it’s illegal to vacuum your house from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. during weekdays and 10 p.m. to 9 a.m. on weekends. Melbourne, Australia
- It is against the law to have a sleeping donkey in your bathtub after 7 p.m. in this U.S. state. Oklahoma
- Don’t host a luau after sunset in this city if you plan on singing loudly (i.e., breaking the law). Honolulu, Hawaii
- In this Celtic country, if someone knocks on your door and needs to use your toilet, you are legally required to let them enter. Scotland
- In this Texas town, it is against the law to make furniture while you are nude. Devon, Texas
- In this state, which was one of the original 13 colonies, it’s illegal to tie a dollar bill on a string, place it on the ground, and pull it away when someone tries to pick it up. Pennsylvania
- In this Polynesian country, it’s against the law to forget your wife’s birthday. Samoa
- Carrying ice cream cones in your pocket is illegal in this southern U.S. state. Kentucky
- Taking a lion to the cinema is illegal—not in Kenya, but in a city on our own country’s east coast. Baltimore, Maryland
- In this country, it’s illegal to name a pig Napoleon. France
- In this forested Canadian province, it’s illegal to kill a Sasquatch. British Columbia
- You must not fish while sitting on a giraffe’s neck in this windy city. Chicago Continue reading
I know there are HOAs which don’t allow clothes lines at all. Isn’t that terrible?!
Well, dang, you mean I have to stop building tables? Oh No!! But at least I know my pet Sasquatch is safe. LOL.
These made me chuckle! The best part is thinking how these laws even came into place. Did someone really take a lion into a cinema or go fishing on a giraffe’s neck? I think the vacuuming one really makes me laugh. Hopefully no one makes a mess that really needs to be vacuumed in the night.