Buy props used in MaryJane’s books and magazine!
5% of profits will benefit www.firstbook.org, a non-profit that provides new books to children from low-income families throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here’s how:
MaryJane will post a photo and a description of a prop and its cost along with a few details as to its condition here: https://shop.maryjanesfarm.org/MaryJanesCurations. It’s a playful way to be the new owner of a little bit of farm herstory.
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Bees are awesome!
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Oh my, what a sweet face! Is that one of your new mini Jersey babies?
How precious! Those eyes get me every time!
She is beautiful! Look at those eyelashes.
I love Jersey’s. They were the cows that my grandma had – and she always loved them because they were so pretty and dainty. I have always had a soft spot in my heart for them – even though I am a city girl. When I go to the MN state fair – I always have to go see all the animal barns and I spend a lot of time looking at these beautiful cows! Calves are just extra special!!!!!!!
She is just BEAUTIFUL!! Congratulations again!
Epitome of ‘softness’…..beautiful.
What a perfect beautiful creature. She looks like suede. It’s love at first sight! Love all of the pictures. She’s covergirl material.
How precious! I have been waiting for a jersey with white spots for a long time. We have mostly Holsteins in our herd, but the jerseys are my favorite! What a beautiful name for her too! Thank you so much for sharing.
She’s beautiful. I’d love to give her a little kiss right on the top of her head!
Love that face!
Toooooo cute ! 🙂
Still hoping for a Sally O’Malley…
ooooh i wanna hug and kiss that beautiful ans so sweet face! precious….
Ahhhhhhhhhh! Just adorable.
Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!
She is beautiful – just look at those lashes.
God is so good ! This animal is so beautiful.
How positively dear she is! I worked at a jersey milk cow farm many years ago and always have had a soft spot in my heart for these adorable and gentle cows. Great milk but not so much volume so they are not often raised anymore, certainly not in Lancaster County PA where I live. They do raise Brown Swiss though another beautiful breed you seldom see for dairying . She has 2 mommies now and she will be the happiest calf with you as one of them.
So cute!!
How cute reminds me of my baby calf 50 plus years ago. Fawn. When she grew up and Daddy sold her I was really mad. I never forgave him for that, or my lamb Tippy. He passed away this May at 85, but I am still mad about it. He told me “you needed a pair of shoes”. I would rather have gone barefooted all winter as well as summer. Life sure has changed now. Can you image one pair of shoes a YEAR?
OH MY what a beautiful, precious baby. With eyelashes like that I wouldn’t need mascara another day in my life. I just love animals especially babies. This one is so cute and precious.
Love that calf! So cute!
Thanks for the wonderful picture. Isn’t she gorgeous? Oh, those eyes; they say, “I love you.” And we all need to hear that:)
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MJB Coffee for this Florida girl in Idaho this morning????? Sounds perfect to me!
How clever!! Alas, I am NOT a coffee person.
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We were just poking around some antique shops this Saturday and saw several of these oldies but goodies! I think my Grandma had one on the farm, but I might be wrong.
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Completely captivating! Do you know the name of the buds/flower/plant he is visiting? The leaves look soft & fuzzy similar to Lambs Ear? Either way, you captured a precious moment in time.
Wow!!!! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!
Call someone! This needs to be in a national gallery! Wow! What a great photo.
Lovely! Every time I see a hummingbird it reminds me of my dear sweet mother, whose been gone nearly 10 years now. She was a hummingbird aficionado. Now they make me smile w/ a longing in my heart to hear her squeal w/ joy as she saw them fluttering at her feeders. Simply beautiful! Thanks for the memory!!
Oh there is nothing like the humming bird, to hear it buzzing it’s wings in the trees and watching it dart in and out, such beauty!
darlene -
Thank you so much for giving Karina the opportunity to improve her photography skills…this is truly an amazing photo…I thought mine was good until I saw this one…she beat me for sure!!! Love it!
I have two hummingbird feeders. Love to watch them dart in and out. They are so comical. If they would tolerate each other better, they would feed more and expend less energy. They are just so much fun to watch. Makes my day!
I am just learning how to use my new Cannon and I have a lot of Hummingbirds so I am hoping to get a great shot too. This one is perfect hope I can do as well.
Such an enjoyable picture. Makes you want to go sit in the garden and watch for all the wonders that are there.
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How does your county rank?

This is cool.
With a click of your mouse, you can now find out how healthy your county is.
The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Program has compiled truckloads of data and distilled it into easy-to-read stats that appear when you select your state from the U.S. map on their website.
Factors that affect a county’s ranking range from the usual suspects, like smoking and obesity, to slightly more obscure variables such as drinking water safety, education levels, and recreational access.

Photo by Petar Milošević via Wikimedia Commons
The goal behind the program is to “help communities create solutions that make it easier for people to be healthy in their own communities,” explains the program’s founders. “The County Health Roadmaps show what we can do to create healthier places to live, learn, work, and play.”
The site offers Webinars, a Tools & Resources page, and a hands-on Action Center that counties can use to nurture their residents and boost their rankings.
I’ve always believed that small changes close to home are crucial to bettering the nation as a whole, and I do what I can to contribute to my county’s health. I was happy to see that Latah County, my little patch of paradise, is the fourth healthiest county in Idaho.
How about yours?
Our county did very well. I only glanced at the criteria but will look more thoroughly next web visit. What I like most about our county (hands down) is our library system…although clean water & nice green spaces is high~up there too:-)
Our county was 18 overall. Not so great. We are in the north of Florida and rural in nature compared to the rest of the state. While our county is better off than the less populated counties around us, we struggle with obesity, uninsured, poverty, and inadequate social services. In general, Florida is still struggling to regain footing from the 2008 economic fall. We are one of the states that still has the highest number of foreclosed houses still on the market and weak economic recovery. Plus, here in the deep south, eating foods that are high in fat are traditional. All of those rib platters, fried fish, and pecan pies are leading folks to diabetes and other health issues associated with obesity!
In California, San Diego County was 17. Marin County was number one in California…
Chisago county in Minnesota was 35.
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My 4th of July Trail

This path took me along the outer edge of Canoe Island, part of the San Juan Islands in Washington State. I am told the total circumference of the island is 3/4 of a mile, so I ran two laps. Trail running is an entirely different ballgame. I had sore muscles where I hadn’t even noticed muscles before! But the sound of the water lapping at the shore as I ran was marvelous. Continue reading
I have passed by the San Juan islands on the Ferry from Seattle and wondered what sort of things went on there. What a lovely camp on Canoe island! Oh, La, La!! Your running path was beautiful, but that dinner looked out of this world !
Looks like you had a wonderful adventure together! Beautiful scenery, good food, combined with family and friends- sounds perfect!
Hugs, -
We used to go island hopping (love the ferry ride) in the San Juans most summers, but I never did get to Canoe Island. One of these days…
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Grilled Cheese? Yes, please!

A food cart, by definition, is a mobile kitchen that is set up on the street to facilitate the sale and marketing of street food to local pedestrian traffic.
On a recent visit to Portland, Oregon, for a college reunion, I experienced the growing trend firsthand. Food carts have evolved! Airstreams and Shastas are serving it up all over the city. Food for this farmgirl’s heart, for sure.
We decided on grilled cheese sandwiches from an Airstream called The Grilled Cheese Grill … had to be good, right? And this was not just any old grilled cheese! I had the Jersey, which consisted of sauteed mushrooms and Swiss on rye with added sauerkraut. The fan favorite at our table was definitely the BABS, made with bacon, apple, blue cheese, and Swiss. Consensus? A grilled cheese made in an Airstream is delish!
We topped off our choices with cold, Northwest-brewed beer—served farmgirl-style in canning jars—from the Captured By Porches bus next door. Yes, this farmgirl would definitely say that Portland can serve up some good eats and drinks in the most fashionable of ways.
We just recently got a grilled cheese trailer to a newly opened plaza. Although not in an Air Stream, it is mobile and serves up a variety of grilled cheese sandwiches and beverages. It is quite popular because as you know, who doesn’t love a grilled cheese??
I live about 2 blocks from The Grilled Cheese Grill, and have yet to eat there. I guess living in a city with food carts on almost every block, one takes it for granted. I think it’s past time I try this cart. Thanks for the review!
Love it!
How cool is that Meg! Looks and sounds delish! Glad you had a good time at the reunion, and thanks so much for sharing. Love the beer in canning jars idea too!
Ladybird Beetles are awesome!