Buy props used in MaryJane’s books and magazine!
5% of profits will benefit www.firstbook.org, a non-profit that provides new books to children from low-income families throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here’s how:
MaryJane will post a photo and a description of a prop and its cost along with a few details as to its condition here: https://shop.maryjanesfarm.org/MaryJanesCurations. It’s a playful way to be the new owner of a little bit of farm herstory.
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Fragrance and beauty matched! Stunning colors!!
I use MJF for an altered journaling course. Every gal LOVES MJF. They usually subscribe. Great to help faciltate authenticity. Stirs many memories. Thank you.You
I have been reading MJF for a couple of years now and enjoying every artical. You see I am a farm girl. I feel every artical was written just for me. Some times I wander what the heck I am doing and then I read your magazine and I feel grounded again. Thank you so much for every thing you do.
What I love about MaryJane’s Farm most, is the back to basics lifestyle you help farmgirls, and wanna be farmgirls like me, acheive or aspire too!!! Also the best years of my married life were there on the Palouse, I only lived there a few short years but it will forever be a treasured home away from home. Sure miss “home” on the Palouse. Your beautiful & educational magazine brings me back & helps me live the farmgirl life here in CA where I love & also call home. Thank you for sharing your vision! Sincerely, Dolores
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Farmgirls in NYC, Days 5 & 6

On our last two days in the city, we got to what all girls gotta do, a little shopping!! We had saved up our chore and birthday money so we could visit the biggest toy store in the world, FAO Schwarz. It was crazy!
We had the hardest time deciding what to pick … but the life-size piano was pretty cool, and Mom says one of her favorite movies from a real long time ago was filmed there—the movie Big with Tom Hanks. I certainly wasn’t around that long ago.
Love it! So glad you had a great time, and got to experience so much of New York City!
American Girl Store is a fun, fun place that I have visitied many times with my daughter Juliana. She even had her 8th Birthday party there. Thank you for sharing your trip with all of us! -
Wrap a wrap up to a fabulous vacation! The visit to the American Girl Store would have been a dream come true for my daughter who loved and played with her Kirsten doll. NYC is such a treasure trove of interesting things to see and do. Glad your trip was so fun!
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Farmgirls in NYC, Day 4

We got to see what NannyJane, Mom, and Dad do when they come to the city!!
This is the showroom where we display samples of what we’d like to sell next season. My favorite comforter was the one on this bed.
StellaJane, I agree with you that the comforter on the bed is a must for next year. I hope you have had a great time in NYC too!!
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Farmgirls in the City, Day 3

Mia and I loved New York City! We could have spent the entire week in Central Park. At first, we thought it was a forest and couldn’t believe that new playgrounds kept popping up everywhere.
A forest surrounded by skyscrapers.
Hiking on all these nice paved trails is much easier than in our forests back home.
Sure wish I would have known y’all were here in New York, so close to me! I surely would have loved to come visit and show you around Manhattan, or had you out to Long Island for a visit! I am only about an hour and 20 minutes from Manhattan- so next time you are in town, be sure and look me up!
Central Park is an amazing place isnt it? Did you get a chance to go to the Museum of Natural History?
So much to see and do in New York!
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Farmgirls in the City, Day 2

One of our aunties attended college in New York City. When we were babies, she gave us a book all about the city. It was part of a whole series of children’s books about different cities across the world. We LOVE our NYC book.
We took it with us so we could visit some of the places illustrated in our book.
What a fun trip you are enjoying in the Big Apple! I love that snowy view from the Empire State Building. I think sightseeing when it is cold is better than when it is 90 degrees out and humid! Your girls are adorable all bundled up in pink!
“You know you’re an Idaho girl when the people around you complain because it started to snow and “ruin” the view. But all we could think about was how cool it was to be up that high and have it ALSO snow on us!!”
I agree with you & Winnie; snow could only improve the view there. But I love snow & am trying to convince my husband that having a vacation property in Maine would be, “a good thing”…he remains unconvinced.
Your family is doing much better than we did the first time we took the NY subway. We got off at the wrong stop & ended up very lost. We were looking for a highly talked about chocolatier (?) but when we finally found the chocolate shop, it was disappointing. However we did manage to find a couple of good restaurants:-) How about you? Have you found a must try restaurant there? We stumbled across a really nice (out-of-the-way) bakery too & everything looked good so I wanted to try one of everything…but didn’t. What pastries we did try, were really good.
Stay safe & have fun!
So glad all of you are enjoying NYC. I enjoyed it so much that I’m already talking tomy son & daughter-in-law about another trip to see more!
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Farmgirls Visit the City

Twice a year, manufacturers and retailers—people that buy, sell, and make linens (sheets, towels, bed sets, aprons, etc.) come from all over the world and meet in New York City. This means my daddy and sometimes my mommy and Nanny Jane get to travel from our wonderful and quiet little Moscow, Idaho, to the big and bustling city of Manhattan. This year, my spring break just so happened to be the same week that my dad was scheduled for his bi-annual trip, so we signed up to go, too!!
My mom, sister, and I had a blast in the big city!
Farmgirls on Park Avenue!
Every year I look forward to my annual “Mother/Daughter” trip. Some of them have included the Country Living Fair in Atlanta and Columbus; a 3-day flea market in Florida, Airboat ride through alligator swamps, and even scuba diving with the giant whale sharks at an aquarium. I wonder what this year will bring. You are lucky, like me, to have daughters. I hope you have as many adventures as we have.
What a fun experience for the girls to see someplace so different from home! NYC has so much to see and do. Just walking the streets and seeing all of the diverse shops and people is exciting!!
NYC is so-o-o great to visit. I love to visit there! Hope the girls see great places. Try Central Park–truly a fun excursion!
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I love this old farmhouse. What a beauty from generations past!
Lovely! You just can’t have too many daffodils in your life!