Buy props used in MaryJane’s books and magazine!
5% of profits will benefit www.firstbook.org, a non-profit that provides new books to children from low-income families throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here’s how:
MaryJane will post a photo and a description of a prop and its cost along with a few details as to its condition here: https://shop.maryjanesfarm.org/MaryJanesCurations. It’s a playful way to be the new owner of a little bit of farm herstory.
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Oh My!!! Was this set on purpose to burn the fields. They do that here in Kansas to burn the the tall grass prairies and it does get so smoky but is a beutiful site at night.
My husband and I returned last week from a 1,600 mile road trip through Wyoming and montana. We left Vale,Oregon(home)with smoke and returned to smoke. We sooooo need to pray for rain.
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Summer Day in the Neighborhood, Day Two

Last January I shared photos taken in my neighborhood. Here are the same scenes again, taken a couple of weeks ago.
Unfortunately, progress came to our neck of the woods. Scroll down for our BIG change.
The “No Traffic Signs” sign has been upgraded to no-traffic-sign. In other words, somewhere beyond my son’s house, halfway to Genesee, one must assume there is now a …
Is that the Freeze Church? I don’t remember it from that angle.
Idaho is such a beautiful state. The prairie, mountains, beautiful rolling landscape is just breath taking. Visiting is right up there on my list of “gotta get there soon” list.
Lovely photos – reminds us, once again, why we live “out here”
That definitely looks like a Lutheran church. And the “Go in Peach, Serve the Lord” ends in “Thanks be to God.” Thank you so much for sharing your photos. What does it look like in the dead of winter with snow on the ground? I’ll bet it is beautiful then too.
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Summer Day in the Neighborhood-Day One

Last January I shared photos taken in my neighborhood. Here are the same scenes again taken a couple of weeks ago.
Stay tuned for Day Two of it’s-a-beautiful-day-in-the-neighborhood.
The changing of the seasons are always so good!
I love the contrast of seasons. The photo of ripe apples is just so inspiring! Who does not like the Indian Summer Days of September when the landscape changes to gold and the apples change to RIPE! Apple pie is not far off.
Very lovely and interesting to see the contrasts. And what a beautiful neighborhood indeed.
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Idaho’s oldest building

Welcome to Idaho’s oldest building. We passed it en route to our glamping destination in South Dakota and just had to stop.
I love this! I’m always fascinated with the architecture of buildings. I have to stop to see some on our trip coming up! Thanks for the view.
I love historical buildings and places. It is so interesting to me to see where and how previous generations lived and gathered. It is a peek into how we got to where we are today. That continuum life journey so many decades before!
I’ve been there! The details are amazing. Now I’m going to have to pull out all my photos from that trip. Thanks for giving me a reason to relive trekking through Idaho with my sister. 🙂
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Mount Rushmore

Kim, Ace, and Willie took a little trip to Mount Rushmore while we were glamping in the Black Hills of South Dakota last week. Did you know, according to their guide, that the Black Hills of South Dakota were named after the Ponderosa Pine that dot the hills? They cast a dark hue on the hills they inhabit.
I love Kim’s blonde hair!
My family and I were at Mount Rushmore just 2 weeks ago. Wish the stars would have been aligned so our trips had synced up. It would have been neat to see you all there! -
Loved the note written to Ace’s parents. It’s something my own girls would write!
Mount Rushmore is indeed amazing and inspirational!! What a beautiful day with that azure blue sky . Your trip has been just fabulous!
Looks like you girls are havin’ a good old time! If you can, check out the Crazy Horse Memorial.
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Old Town, Wyoming

Snooping around Upton (Old Town), Wyoming, enroute to a rodeo.
Classic Wyoming. Georgia O’Keefe?
Love the photos! Now I’m even more anxious to get on my trip to the Grand Canyon. I love to visit new places & imagine what others lives have been like. It gives life a whole new reality when the past touches the present. And it makes me wonder just what the future will look like to me.
Oh My! You were in my backyard, you drove by our cows on the way to Moorcroft! The Upton farmgirls were resting up all of saturday afternoon from a weekend of partying with you & your girls. We finally left the campground at 10:30 AM, Sunday. My glamper looks like a herd of squirrels packed it for the trip home :o) I’ll be recovering from over-the-top farmgirl fun for a week! May the last leg of your journey be relaxing and safe. Godspeed. ~ Shery, your MJF ranch farmgirl blogger
What is gluten and why do so many folks have difficulty with it?
Hi Betty,
Gluten, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is a tenacious elastic protein substance, especially of wheat flour, that gives cohesiveness to dough. This article I found really helpful in explaining the gluten-free diet choice and why it may be right for certain people. Check it out! It’s really informative. 🙂 -ace http://health.usnews.com/health-news/articles/2012/06/01/making-sense-of-the-gluten-free-food-frenzy