There’s an App for that! (including delicious recipe)

Much to my vicarious delight, vacation and work commitments recently took Alyson Oüten to Europe for a month; from Spain to Portugal to Italy and Israel. (If you read my magazine or CLUCK newsletter, you’re already familiar with Alyson.)

For some of my Geography Journal entries she’ll take you to each of those stops (and more), but today she begins with her business trip to Italy where her travels spanned from Milan to Rome … and from pizza to Puttanesca.

Take it from here. It’s all yours, Aly!!!!!

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  1. Patty says:

    This is Great! I’ll probably never get to Italy but the photos and taste of their culture was so fun!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Jennifer Russell says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this Alyson! Thanks for sharing this great story, recipe and photos. I am excited for this blog.

    Mary Jane – do you have plans to push out emails to subscribers once you load new blog updates?

    • Jane says:

      We do plan on some email alerts once we get all the kinks worked out. Thanks for visiting!!!! Come back real soon. We’ll leave the porch light on.

  3. Christie says:

    Awesome. Love the article. I don’t know if I will get to visit many countries like that, but I sure enjoyed sharing your experience. The recipe looks good. I will have to try it one of these days!
    Thanks so much!

  4. Shannon says:

    Amazing! You made me feel like I was there and the mushroom pasta looks amazing!

  5. Linda says:

    LOVE the photos, story, recipe, and looking forward to more of the same. Maybe sometime you can take me on your adventuresome trips. — Alyson’s Mom 🙂

  6. Judy Jones-McCown says:

    Thank You so much for sharing that with us. I can still smell and taste those mushrooms! I would love to go to Italy someday! How wonderful would that be?

  7. Dee Ritter says:

    Love this.
    I am 1/2 italian but have never been to Italy yet. Some day. True Italiano.

  8. Gabrielle says:

    This is really good… I use raw zucchini noodles and it was wonderfully carb free. Thanks for the recipe. BTW, I have a huge tarragon bush if you ever need any. 🙂

  9. Pingback: Basque Country | Raising Jane Journal

  10. Pingback: Portuguese Fish Stew | Raising Jane Journal

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Under an Abruzzan Sun

As I sit here cradling my cup of tea and watching dawn tickle the fringed edges of pine trees outside my window, I can already see that this morning might be another day of rain. Mind you, I’m never one to pick a fight with the weather (naturally, weather always wins). Still, I can’t help thinking about places where I might find sunshine drizzled like honey over rolling hillsides. You know the sort of destination I’m dreaming of…

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  1. Michele says:

    Saw your blog and wondered if you regularly travel to Abruzzo. We have a small house in the Guardiagrele area and enjoy connecting with other English speaking adventurers. We are from Toronto Canada.
    Let us know if you are interested in getting together….we fly there today!

    All the best,

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Hit the Road, Jill

Few things are as all-American as the old-fashioned family road trip. So here’s my friendly nudge: five places to take your little ones before they “un-little.”

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  1. Deborah Mcclure says:

    My spot is the Great Smokie Mnts. What a place to see and be, next to heaven.

  2. Lisa Rose says:

    One of my favorite places in the world is Washington State, you can start on the coast work your way up to the breathtaking Puget Sound and watch Orcas, camp on a beautiful island and then head on up the mountain, any mountain they are all beautiful, especially Mt. Rainer, camping there is splendid.
    Go on over the mountain and enjoy the beauty of eastern Washington, a whole different world.
    I had my granbabies there three times now, never get enough.

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First Lady

Hitch up your buggies, gals—today I’m taking you away to the historic town of Galena, Illinois.

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  1. Lorraine says:

    I love Galena. Its about 3 hrs northwest of my home. It has so many fun shops and restaurants. Also, the historical society does a great job of keeping history alive and interesting. We love visiting the museum.

    Another great small town is Morris, IL. It is located ~ 60 miles SW of Chicago – and it has it all. Fun shops, hiking and biking along the I & M Canal, great restaurants, and an active historical society museum – located adjacent to the I & M Canal. Its definitely worth the trip.

  2. Marlene says:

    I spent my honeymoon in Galena . It is a beautiful town in all seasons. Also, went to a ski lodge there years ago and still savor the memories.

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Rocky Mountain High

I contracted an incurable case of mountain fever when I was a kid curled up in a canvas sleeping bag under the big skies of Montana, pondering voodoo spirits while hiking the desert canyons of Southern Utah, running wild in the sagebrush flats of Wyoming, and climbing the mountain passes of Colorado. My fever only worsened as an adult when I sat, day after day, above it all on a fire watch lookout tower in Idaho.

Don’t worry, it isn’t serious, although I do hope it’s contagious! I’m all about a good spread (not only on bread), and propagation is a word I toss around a lot (as in “you just gotta seed that and seed this”).

When my fever elevates, I travel…

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  1. carrie skinner says:

    I hear ya, sister! I have the same thing going only on a bit lower scale for my beloved Adirondak Mts.I won’t go into all the details because they seem to be very simular to your own beloved mountains.It’s where I also contracted that wonderful elevated fever and continue to look forward to its periodic return.

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Goin’ with the Flow

The earthquake disaster in Japan obscured anything else going on in the world at that time. Even my world stopped (my son, daughter-in-law, and toddler grandson live in Tokyo), but nature didn’t.

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