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We’ve all heard how important it is to eat a diet high in roughage. Likewise, “roughaging” (spending time outdoors) is essential to our mental health. Even if it’s a settee on the porch, we need it, gotta have it. I aim to be the reason you pulled your bedding out the back door last night.
Beautiful!! Love day lilies. Mine are done for the season and my Shasta daisies are too! Gone are the irises, columbines, and red hot pokers. However, my Russian sage bushes are blooming their lovely purple color. They smell good too!
We know pollinators are precious.
And we know that, among pollinators, monarchs are particularly marvelous.
Not only are their delicate wings dressed in a daring, dashing fashion reminiscent of tiny sky tigers, they use those fierce little wings to migrate hundreds of miles each year.
Like I said, marvelous.
Photo by Jiuguang Wang via Flickr
“But have you ever seen what exactly millions of monarchs in Mexico looks like?” asks Treehugger’s Melissa Breyer.
Admittedly, few of us have actually witnessed this famous phenomenon. So, to bring the monarch’s marvelousness into focus, up close and personal, filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg created a short film for all of us to, well, marvel at.
“I’ve seen photos; they’re lovely. But this short film, ‘Wings of Life,’ offers a glimpse into this phenomenon that is nothing short of magic,” Breyer shares. “[Monarchs] fill the sky like paper in a tickertape parade; clouds of confetti, orange and fluttering. They sleep on the branches of oyamel trees, sometimes in numbers so dense that they break the branches. And to see them all together, as shown in the film, is a thing of unforgettable beauty!”
See for yourself, and feel your heart take wing …
How beautiful! I remember learning about them in 2nd grade and we actually had one in a cocoon and waited for it to hatch! These butterflies are absolutely beautiful and I found it impossible to look away as I watched them move in the video. It’s crazy to think a mass amount of tiny monarchs can break tree branches, but it gives an idea of just how many there are. This would be a magical site to witness for myself.
We’ve talked in the past about passing—dying, and doing it your way.
But what about those precious months, weeks, days … moments … leading up to the big event?
If you could suddenly hear the ticking of your life clock, what would you do with the time remaining?
Many people, right or wrong, throw themselves desperately at the feet of the medical profession, hoping beyond hope for a cure. They are willing to suffer through brutal treatments to try and extend life, often trading quality for a shot at quantity.
But not Norma Bauerschmidt.
Photo courtesy of Driving Miss Norma on Facebook
Last fall, two days after her beloved husband Leo’s death, 90-year-old Norma received the news that she had uterine cancer. Surgery, radiation, and aggressive chemotherapy were options, but she didn’t even pause to consider them.
“A tiny woman at 101 pounds and under five-feet tall, an exhausted Norma looked the young doctor dead in the eye and with the strongest voice she could muster, said, ‘I’m 90 years old, I’m hitting the road,’” recalls her daughter-in-law, Ramie.
And, by golly, Norma meant it.
Photo courtesy of Driving Miss Norma on Facebook
Norma’s son Tim knew that his mom couldn’t—or, rather, wouldn’t—sit still, living out her days in the quiet of a home she had shared with Leo for most of her life.
But what did that mean, exactly?
“Having recently read Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande (please put this on your reading list), our best idea was to take her on the road with us. Norma currently is not in pain, her mind is sharp, she loves to travel, and she is remarkably easy to be around,” Ramie shares on the Driving Miss Norma Facebook page, where you can keep up with Norma’s adventures.
Photo courtesy of Driving Miss Norma on Facebook
Photo courtesy of Driving Miss Norma on Facebook
So, together, the family “hit the road” in an RV for the journey of a lifetime.
What a beautiful story, thank you for sharing it🌷
Lovely post, thank you.
Wow, what a courageous and wonderful woman she is.
I’m with Norma…
I’m as so pleased that you shared this story MaryJane. I saw it linked on the Glampers Facebook page and it left me feeling so very inspired. May we all be strong women, just like Miss Norma.
Occasionally we hear great tales of people who are getting it right. Love this example! Thank you for sharing. XO
I love this! She is a strong and inspirational women. I completely agree with spending the rest of your life making memories and enjoying an adventure rather than sick in a hospital bed. Great story.
It’s so great to hear about someone choosing to celebrate life instead of kowtow to the fear – mongering allopathic establishment. I know that most all of the people in the cancer industry mean well, but so many are misinformed . . . For anybody interested in learning about the many successful cancer treatment protocols around the world, there is a comprehensive documentary that came out last fall. It’s called “The Truth about Cancer” by Ty Bollinger.
For all of you landlocked ladies who feverishly need an ocean fix …
Photo by Skeeze via Pixabay
I have one word … well, it’s an acronym, really:
That’s right—a do-it-yourself ocean.
This cool concept puts a lusciously liquid spin on the dusty ol’ bottled-ship idea.
We’re talking real water here,
BLUE water.
Whether you call it your captive Caribbean, personal Pacific, or mini Mediterranean, you’ll love this simple craft from Rose Matthews of Dream Gem.
“This miniature bottle charm creates an ocean in a bottle just by using oil and water. When you turn the bottle side to side, the oil and water create the effect of a wave,” Rose explains.
Here’s her video tutorial:
Rose offers another watery craft on her Dream Gem You Tube channel that you might want to add to your coastal collection. Take a look at this marvelously mesmerizing jellyfish in a jar:
This is really cool for instant ocean feel! How lucky I am today to be in a condo right on Daytona Beach, Fl. With endless miles in front of me of deep blue waters and white capped waves crashing on shore. As pretty as it is……… it is scorching hot out there in the intense sun anytime except early morn and evening. However, sitting on the balcony in the shade and having a sea breeze, it is perfect for waiting out the hottest part of the day. I am so lucky to have been invited to come here with friends for a few days!
If you’ve read my Glamping with MaryJane book, you might remember my little story about a Shasta trailer I fell in love with after seeing it for sale on craigslist. After all, my family had an almost identical one when I was growing up (that’s me in the tire swing at our deer hunting camp).
So when I saw this craigslist ad …
… I couldn’t resist buying it sight unseen. So much for the “no disappointment” part. Here’s the tale of woe I told in my book:
“Let me be your example of why sight-unseen can be a problem. If you’re like me, you’re an optimist. You hope for the best. Plus, you’re short on time. When I talked to the owner of this Shasta (that I ended up buying sight-unseen for $2,500), he said there wasn’t any mold or water damage. (I asked twice.) And all the windows and outside lights had been recaulked. But he failed to mention a cheap caulk had been used that you can scrape off with your fingernail. Oh, and there was definitely mold and water damage. In addition, he didn’t mention the gaping holes in the side or rust in the fridge or the fact that the stove didn’t work OR that it had a shady history and had been stolen in a former life (revealed during the title transfer). When my farmhand pulled it into my driveway after a five-hour drive, I wrote the seller an e-mail expressing my dismay. To his credit, he said, “I would be happy to take it back and pay for the gas for the return trip.” Once I got the windows washed, I could see her potential. So I kept her, but I will never buy a trailer again without seeing it first.”
After reconsidering the extensive renovations it would need, I ended up selling it for the same price I bought it for to a woman from Boise, Idaho, who’d seen it in my book. When she asked if I knew of anyone in the Boise area who could help her glamperize and renovate her new baby, I posted that question on our Gampers on the Loose Facebook page, and was able to put her in touch with someone willing to renovate it. She recently wrote, “We are getting close to finished—just minor touchups and polish-it-to-a-mirror-shine and we’re good to go. It’s been a worthwhile journey that we couldn’t have done without help.”
Here she is all gussied up and ready to roll. All’s well that ends well.
Almost bought one last week. But after looking at the photos, no wings, and the door was wrong. And the paint job was not the Shasta stripe.
So either the title had been doctored or some one really did a poor job.
I so want a 61/62 Shasta Airflyte, but will not be cheated.
What a beauty and a gem.
Hope she has years of pleasure.
I want a class C so I don’t have to hitch and unhitch. Today campers get stolen all the time.
Please post more Glamper stories.
I plan on Glamping a part of my back yard so I can play “Fairy Princess” more often.
Happy Glamping All,
I love seeing old family pictures! They are priceless! I am so glad someone was able to fix up the camper and turn it into a bright beauty. Everything happens for a reason. Hopefully she will have many grand adventures in her new camper.
Tell the new owner that if she hears someone honking and then sees someone waving frantically as she’s driving down the road, it’s ME! Super cute glamper!
Your farm has so many beautiful plants and flowers everywhere. With a camera, there is a little treasure around every corner begging to be photographed.
Blueberries are my favorite fruit of all. Do you need a lot of space to grow them, I’d sure like to try.
These close up photos of the flowers and fruits on your farm are all lovely. The intricacies of the tiny details in each one reveal secrets of beauty unnoticed with the average glance. It just goes to show that we miss so many of the important details when we don’t stop and take the time to look carefully at the beauty of life around us every day.
Beautiful 🌼 I love the simplicity of flowers.
Oh my…how I love the farm photos! It gives me a different perspective of other areas of our country and other farm-girl’s lives. It is amazing the different flowers, trees and farm buildings you show. Thanks for such beauty!
Yes, they’re beautiful this year.
I don’t usually comment on the photos, but I always look at them and love them!