There’s a modern-day treasure chest buried in the Rocky Mountains.

Howard Pyle, “The Ruby of Kishmoor,” 1899
No, really, there is.
Well, okay, I haven’t actually seen said treasure with my own eyes,
(so I guess it’s more gossip than gospel),
but it sounds true enough.
The story goes …
Vietnam veteran and art gallery proprietor (and, oh, did I mention millionaire?) Forrest Fenn closed his gallery in 1988 and began writing books about exploration and adventure.
Shortly thereafter, however, he was diagnosed with cancer. With a less-than-optimistic prognosis, he decided to create a real-life adventure tale that would serve to, someday, share his wealth in a rather unusual manner.
“While receiving cancer treatment, Forrest Fenn purchased an antique chest and began filling it with an estimated $2 million worth of treasure” explains “The items inside the chest include jewelry, figurines, gems, gold nuggets, and 265 gold coins.”

Photo by Theodore Scott via Wikimedia Commons
Yup. A veritable pirate’s booty hidden high and dry in the Rockies (somewhere, Fenn says, in New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, or Montana).

Photo by Milan Suvajac via Wikimedia Commons
Nine more clues to finding the treasure are purportedly provided in a poem contained within Fenn’s 2010 book, The Thrill of the Chase (which is currently selling for about 100 smackeroos on Amazon, if you’re wondering).

The first question that comes to mind is … why?
Why, Mr. Fenn, would you bury a fortune that has fueled fevered fantasies and fervid searches over the past decade?
“I wanted the monetary value to be a consideration for those who are looking for it, but mostly my motive was to get kids off the couch and away from their texting machines and out in the mountains,” Fenn, who has thankfully recovered from cancer, told KOAT in Albuquerque.
Huh—(shaking my head here)—that’s a surprisingly refreshing response.
My next question …
Are YOU even the littlest bit tempted to try and find it?
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The idea of an “outdoor kitchen” where you live is not only Farmgirl Romance, but Farmgirl Genius! It sure beats those work shelves we made out of sticks for our Girl Scout Primitive camping badge and our buckets of wash, rinse and sanitize water we had on our campfire stoves for doing our clean-up!
I love the idea of an outdoor sink for washing those fresh-from-the-garden veggies and fruits before they come into the kitchen.