Winter is certainly blustering its way around the country lately, leaving its mark in some surprising places (snow in Jackson, Mississippi??) and refusing to succumb to spring’s advances just yet.

Photo by Peter Eimon via
But that makes today the perfect day to share a tidbit of literary wonder called “The Snowdrop” by Hans Christian Andersen. This classic little tale chronicles the emergence of a brave flower that simply cannot wait for spring.
It was wintertime; the air was cold, the wind sharp, but indoors all was snug and well. Indoors lay the flower; it lay in its bulb, under earth and snow.

Photo by Emmanuel Boutet via Wikimedia Commons
One day, though, a slender sunbeam reaches down to the bulb and taps on it. Anxiously, the snowdrop implores the sun to help her break free from the bulb so that she may stretch and grow. But the sun is not yet strong enough. Wait, he tells her. He will be very strong by summer.

Photo by Amanda Slater via
“How long this lasts! How long this lasts!” said the Flower. “I feel a tingling and tickling. I must stretch myself; I must extend myself. I must open up; I must come out and wave good morning to the summer; that will be a wonderful time!”
Déjà vu? I’m sure I just heard you say that yesterday.
And the Flower stretched itself and extended itself against the thin shell that had been softened by the rain water, warmed by the blanket of earth and snow, and tapped upon by the Sunbeam. It burst forth beneath the snow, with a white and green bud on its green stalk, with narrow, thick leaves, curled around it as if for protection. The snow was cold, but light radiated down into it, making it quite easy to break through; and here now the Sunbeam streamed down with greater strength than before.

“Beautiful flower!” sang all the Sunbeams. “How fresh and pure you are! You are the first; you are the only one! You are our love! You ring out the call of summer, lovely summer, over town and country! All the snow shall melt, the cold winds be driven away! We shall reign! Everything shall grow green! And then you shall have company, the lilacs and laburnums and finally the roses. But you are the first, so tender and pure!”

Photo by Jonas Bergsten via Wikimedia Commons
But summertime was far off; clouds shrouded the sun; sharp winds blew. It was weather to freeze such a delicate little flower to bits. But there was more strength in her than even she realized. That strength was in her happy faith that summer must come, and this had been imparted by her own deep desire and confirmed by the warm sunlight. And so with patient hope she stood there in her white dress, in the white snow, bowing her head when the snowflakes fell thick and heavy or while the icy winds swept over her.
And if the snowdrop can hold her own until spring, we can, too. Have you seen your first 2015 snowdrop yet?

Photo by Ian Kirk via Wikimedia Commons
While wandering around the Internet in search of snowdrop lore, I happened upon this charming video by the folks at BBC that whimsically spins the snowdrop’s story for all ages to enjoy. Share, share, share …
I learned something about geese this past week while watching a pair ~ and over the last year as well, I suppose. They are very smart! Anyone who has gotten too close at the wrong time knows they are bold and defiant, but I also learned that they grow REALLY fast! Egg incubation is quite short and once those little guys hatch, they go from little golden fuzzy balls to the size of an adult man’s hand in 2 or 3 days! Born with a bravery worthy of a seasoned soldier, or lack of any sense whatsoever, I’m not sure which, they will leap from a 90 foot high nest into a wingless plunge to the ground, bounce once or twice, shake it off and run to catch up with mom who leads them to water. I think ducks do the same. Makes me feel like we humans are not so superior after all!
It’s true, human babies are helpless for quite a while. Old man Emil, who mentored me, used to complain about that. He’d jokingly say things like, “Take a newborn baby and throw it in the creek; if it paddles, even a little bit, pull it out; if not, let it go on down.”
Oh my!!!!! LOL! High expectations there!
He always had a playful, come-on-call-me-out glimmer in his eye when he said things like that.
These beauties don’t often come this far South. They are present over in Tallahassee , in the Florida panhandle, but I never see them here. I have always loved their statuesque profile. Does it count that I have a wooden one made specifically for me by a work colleague? It has reigned in my family room for 30 years!
what a great shot
They are beautiful. However they have created a nuisance here because they poop on the walkways and with so many of them it is quite hazardous. Too much of a good thing.