Buy props used in MaryJane’s books and magazine!
5% of profits will benefit www.firstbook.org, a non-profit that provides new books to children from low-income families throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here’s how:
MaryJane will post a photo and a description of a prop and its cost along with a few details as to its condition here: https://shop.maryjanesfarm.org/MaryJanesCurations. It’s a playful way to be the new owner of a little bit of farm herstory.
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Rose Etta aka Runner Runner

I run EVERYWHERE. I run, and then I run some more. The humans who know me understand the importance of frolic and fresh air, bucolic and loving care.
When a truck comes, I run.
When a plane flies overhead, I chase it. Wherever the wind blows, I go too.
I run so fast my tail sticks straight out behind me.
My feet are as coordinated as those of a race horse.
But I can stop on a dime any ole time.
‘Cause every now and then I have to go find my mommy and catch my breath (and suckle a little something).
And then I run some more. Sure-footed me. It’s hard to imagine being held captive like most calves are on larger dairy farms. And having to grow up without the peaceable comfort of my mother to touch and love me.
…. all of it so food can be cheap at the cash register. Economy of scale it’s called.
Etta Rose, you little darlin’, run and play your heart out! The last photo is horribly haunting and sad. It is just plain shameful how we run the meat industry here in the US. I am counting on the new breed of young and alternative seeking farmers of America to keep changing the conversation about food and how we produce it. Maybe StellaJane and Mia’s generation will see big strides in sustainable and animal husbandry at all levels of farming. They have big shoes to fill but I am counting on them to move the needle on this huge and entrenched industry!
That last picture of the calf ” igloos” brought tears to my eyes! and remember if they don’t move around then they are worth more as ” veal” . Just too sad ! This is factory farming at its low point.
This bought tears to my eyes, it is horrible the conditions that a lot of animals live in, so very sad. Glad Rose Etta has a lovely home to run free and be as a calf should be, having a great time and being with her mama.
Debbie -
Every time that I pass a Big Ag dairy farm (and they’re usually hidden), and see the cows standing on the huge piles of poop, I just want to cry big disgusted tears. Thank the good Lord for people with consciences, like you and your family, MJ!
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Love your magazine. It is the only subscription I still keep.
Gerber daisies I think? But how does this relate to yesterday’s photo? I am even now more confused.
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Bluejays on the west coast look very different from the jays here on the east coast. Ours have more white stripes on the head and body.
We have the ” gang of jays” at my farmette. About 8+ of them , whose preferred place to hang out and call out is my old apple tree by the farmhouse. Very loud and very beautiful too. They especially love the wild blackberries and raspberries here .They strip them bare in a berry eating orgy every season when they are just perfectly ripe.
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Lunar Gardening

Ever pay attention to how the cycles of the mind work in time with the shifting of the seasons and the meanderings of the moon? Want to know more?
In preparing to introduce you to a lovely Australian “moon gardener,” I realized that it was just about this time last year when I romanced you with a post about … Moonlight Gardening!
Lucky for you moon-lovin’ farmgirls out there, Anne Gibson (aka The Micro Gardener) puts a different spin on Mina Edison’s concept of moonlight gardening. Instead of focusing on luminous night-blooming flower gardens, Anne posts practical advice about veggie gardening in accordance with the lunar cycles.
“That may sound a little strange if you’ve never heard of it before, but if you are already familiar with your climate zone and are planting in the right season, then you may want to maximize your gardening success by working with nature’s lunar cycles,” writes Anne in her Micro Gardener blog. “And by that, I don’t mean getting outdoors with a shovel in the middle of the night!”
Well, unless, of course, you want to …
Anne explains that the moon has four phases or quarters, each lasting about seven days, and what goes on in your garden is very much influenced by these phases.
“Just as the moon influences the rise and fall of the tides, it also has a gravitational effect on the moisture in plants, the soil and water table, which is magnified at different times of the month,” she says. “The tides are highest, for example, at the time of the new and full moon when lunar gravity pulls water up. At this same time, the moon also causes moisture to rise in the earth. This is an often unknown fact by many gardeners, yet knowing when this is can help you have greater success with seed germination. If you buy or plant seed, this can save you a lot of money over time.”
While we we’re all familiar with the fact that sunlight is a determining factor of plant growth, Ann explains that moonlight has a marvelously mysterious effect as well. “As the moonlight increases (new moon and second quarter), this stimulates leaf growth. After the full moon, the moonlight decreases, putting energy into the plant roots, and the above-ground leaf growth slows down. So, this becomes a favorable time to plant your root crops because of the active root growth.”
Fascinating, yes?
You can read more about Anne’s experiences with moon cycle gardening at TheMicroGardener.com, and if you’re tempted to try it for yourself, you might want to pick up a handy Moon Calendar from her site, too.
Absolutely fascinating! Lunar cycles and gardens make perfect sense when you hear what Anne has to say. Thanks for sharing this little botany science lesson today. I enjoy learning about how plants and our earth and moon all work together. Her moon calendar is really beautiful with all of the veggies and fruits in the background. It would be a nice thing to have even if you don’t have a huge garden or ag business.
My grandmother’s always did this as does my sister.
My garden mentor, Eva, swore by planting by the moon cycles. And in her 87 years she had the most marvelous and productive gardens. I have never seen such healthy and large and healthy plants. The local ” plain people”, ie Mennonites and Amish, also follow the planting by the moon. The locally published almanac, Baer’s has been giving all the moon and planet cycles since the 1800’s. The concept has been followed by generations of farmers since the Middle Ages.
Fascinating, yes!
My grandmother said the moon phases effected everything right down to her health!! We plant by the moon phases! I would love to have one of those moon calendars!!!!
Hi MaryJane
Thanks so much for helping get the word out about moon gardening. The more people that know how to work with nature’s rhythms the better! Appreciate the links back to my site and have returned the ‘link love’!
If any of your readers have questions about gardening by the moon, I’m happy to answer or try to help. Warm regards, Anne
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What a cool silo with a widow’s peak at the top! Do nesting birds become widows in the bird world? I wonder?
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thinking green … gardens today

This one is for my farm-hearted sisters who are still chilly, cabin-feverish, or (sigh) snowed in. While a gal can’t control the weather, she can dream green.
And who hasn’t already begun dreaming of spring?
So, in the spirit of the season soon-to-come, I’ve wandered about and gathered a garden-green gallery for you.
It’s true!
Come in and stay as long as you like, wandering these fragrantly blooming pathways that are painted in sunlight so brilliant you can almost feel it upon your skin …
I hope you brought your parasol.
Can’t you just smell the green grass brushing past your skirts?
Do stop and smell the flowers.
Or maybe, just sit a spell …
until the evening shadows begin to fall.
I love, love impressionistic art: the hues, the colors, the softness. We are going to the Netherlands the end of April, which was the home of Vincent Van Gogh and we are looking forward to seeing some of the larger painting collections when we are there. I am not familiar with the one shown here, but it is wonderful in the brightness of green and pop of red.
Top O’ the Mornin’ to ya, Mary Jane!
Oh My! How apropos! Just had 3+” of snow today here in Amishland in PA, and it was daunting to look at. Especially after having rejoiced Sunday that nearly all the snow had melted here. So, MaryJane, your lovely gallery of green gardens was most welcome. Thanks for bringing a breath of much needed spring air.
Winnie, Im so envious. Please be sure to see the Rijks museum in Amsterdam and see all of the Rembrandts too. To walk into the room with the ” Night Watch” will stay with you your entire life!
Think Spring everyone, and be sure to celebrate this very green day of St. Patrick. -
It’s obvious from the titles of these gorgeous pix that Women Belong in the Garden!
Sorry about your snows; I just saw Dorothy and Toto go by the window, but the sky is blue! What’s a little 800mph gust?!?
Oh my heavens! Lovely images and daydreams of spring! Thank you MJ! We had some flurries this am too!
This winter just doesn’t want to let go does it?
Deb -
Thank you for that lovely touch of spring. Even here in the South, spring refuses to show herself except for a day here and there. Today more freezing rain after 70 degree weather Saturday. Spring is very coy this year but we hope she comes to stay soon for us all. It has been a rough winter.
Hello! I just read that we had another day below zero to start. I am enjoying the sunshine & heat on oue vacation! I do miss the snow but not the cold temps!
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Is it mud season on the way to the barn now?
What kind of bird is this? A falcon, hawk, goshawk or what? Just love birds of prey. We have many here on my mountain farmette. Lots of woods and meadow with tons of voles, mice, etc for them to catch.
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OK, I am clueless. Some sort of antique grain harvester?
I think it is a hay bailer, we still have them working here in Amish country in Lancaster County PA. they are pulled by horses or mules. Still work great ( and are much less rusty needless to say)
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Oh gosh, this is adorable!!
A work of art! You could frame pictures of sweet Roas Etta and they would sell like crazy in your store. The close ups are the best I think. If I were there I would squeeze her to pices she is jus so darn cute! Well, I would try anyway:-)
Debbie -
Awwwww . . . what a SWEET BABY!!!
CJ -
Oh, that face!!!
A tulip at the final bow???? Tulips! Did I mention tulips???? Oh my, oh my, I am deep in Tulip Fever over here and it is incredible!