

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Looks another great fund raiser for breast cancer! Yes, tough and pink are an important blend!!

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Chicks n’ Chaps

Chicks n’ Chaps, a rodeo event to fundraise for the fight against breast cancer, was held a week ago in Lewiston, Idaho, and oh boy (like oh BOYS in pink shirts!) was it a fabulous event.

I had a previous engagement, so I sent my food photographer, Ace, and graphic designer, Saralou, and they came back with lots to show and tell …



There was posing with the cowboy voluntees. Many of whom were riding, roping, and bulldogging in the night’s events.


Lots of great swag was given out. I sent along my MaryJanesFarm water bottles (with pink writing!) to be added to the list of great goodies.

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    What a day!! Fabulous charity event. We always enjoy the Susan B. Kommen Breast Cancer day fund raiser on the Friday before the Preakness , the second race of the triple crown. The race at the end of the day are just fillies and imagine sleek thoroughbreds with pink ribbons in their manes, pink racing colors where possible, pink leg wraps and escorted by mounts equally decked out in pink. When they fly by the first turn, it is a blur of brown,pink, and power!

  2. CJ Armstrong says:

    Breast cancer awareness and “fight” events are close to my heart and to my daughter’s. We have participated in many events of the past nine years. This sounds like a really great event . . fun and successful!
    Thanks for passing it on.
    October is Breast Cancer Awareness month!

  3. Terry Steinmetz says:

    Oh that would have been fun to attend!Thanks for sharing with all of us!

  4. Debbie says:

    Loved this MJ…It looks like a blast and for a wonderful, and much needed cause… 🙂 Thanks for sharing this! Deb

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I so enjoy your flower photos!! Sunflowers always make me feel happy!

  2. Kim Platt says:

    I remember staying with my grandparents for the summer when I was seven and I got to plant my first sunflowers. Whenever I came back to grandma’s house after briefly going home over the course of the summer, my sunflowers were taller every time, until eventually they were way taller than me! I was thrilled! I think about that summer every time I see sunflowers.

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The 9 Nanas

They sneak out into the wee hours of the morning. They bring along their ritual gear—flour, eggs, and pans—and get to work.

They are the 9 Nanas.

And they have lived in the shadows of secrecy for quite some time …

Until now.

And their story became an Internet sensation.

What do these nine women have up their sleeves (other than the occasional forgotten spatula)?

An unending desire to assist those in need.


In secret.

The 9 Nanas have been slipping around the corners of your supermarket, sleuthing at coffee shops, and sneaking around your beauty shop …  looking for folks who’ve been down on their luck.

It all started with MaMaw Ruth. MaMaw and PaPaw are the grandparents who raised four of the women when their mother passed away. They also took in Pearl when her parents fell on hard times.

MaMaw read the obituaries and liked to send off one of her special pound cakes to a grieving family—who, oftentimes, she didn’t know.

Inspired by MaMaw’s random kindness, the ladies wanted to give back the way she had given to them. So, during their weekly card game of “Broads and Bridge,” they came up with a plan.

“One of the sisters suggested that we should all start doing our own laundry and put the money we saved to good use. I admit, I protested at first. There’s just something about laundering that I don’t like. But I was outnumbered! So among the nine of us, we’d put aside about $400 a month and our husbands never noticed a thing. Their shirts looked just fine.”


Like secret agents of kindness, they gave new meaning to the phrase “drive-by.” They’d cruise through low-income neighborhoods and look for houses with the lights off, which indicated the power bill hadn’t been paid.

So, only needing an address in their area, they’d go ahead and pay the bill. The next morning, they’d sneak one of MaMaw Ruth’s special pound cakes to the door with a little note.

After three decades of listening in and helping those in need, well, something had to give …

Mary Ellen’s husband began to notice things like strange large withdrawals from their account, and unexplained miles on the car.

Fearing the worst, Mary Ellen called the ladies over to spill the beans. They gathered the men together and shared it all … the laundry, the cakes, and even the secret drive-bys.

With the secret out, they soon told their children and were encouraged to start selling the pound cakes online, using the commercial kitchen in the restaurant of one of their sons.

They’re still up at the crack of dawn baking love into each cake—and are out before the staff arrives.

They were able to hire a happiness coordinator (whose identity is secret, the better to eavesdrop with) and began taking orders online for MaMaw Ruth’s pound cakes—all proceeds going to their non-profit Happiness Happens.

The original organic, from scratch, vanilla-bean cake recipe (an heirloom that was passed down from Grandmother Mary to MaMaw Ruth and then from MaMaw Ruth to the girls) is still used today.

They were recently able to donate linens, pillows, and personal-care products—$5,000 worth—to a shelter that assists survivors of domestic violence.

As they expand, they don’t forget why they started. They still keep a trusty phone book on hand to send cakes to complete strangers, and they keep their ears open for those in need.

“Not everyone is as lucky as we were to have MaMaw and PaPaw to take care of them, to fix all those things that are wrong.

“This is our way of giving back,” Mary Ellen said. “We want people to know that someone out there cares enough to do something. We want to make sure that happiness happens.”

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    What a perfect story to start my day! It is so easy to forget that sometimes the smallest gesture is all it takes to bring some happiness to someone’s day. Thanks for sharing about these inspirational women!!

  2. Julie Kram says:


  3. Terry Steinmetz says:

    The tears of joy are running down my face. It is easy to do something for someone without them knowing. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  4. Laurie Dimno says:

    What a wonderful heartwarming story. Indeed a story of love and kindness, inspiring anyone and everyone who reads it. Thank you once again for sharing the positives of today’s world with us!

  5. Susie says:

    I needed that story!

  6. Karen Helbig says:

    Wow!! These are some wonderful ladies!! Great job ladies!

  7. It almost brings tears to my eyes to take in all this kindness. Mother Earth needs more people like this. What inspiration.

  8. Ginna Zoellner says:

    Where can I order the pound cake?

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When women weave their hearts and strength together to form one contiguous fabric, they create a magical kind of security, sheltering one another from storm and strife.


Photo courtesy of WEFTshop’s Facebook Page;

Nowhere is this phenomenon more apparent than among the women of WEFTshop.


Photo courtesy of WEFTshop;


Photo courtesy of WEFTshop;

WEFTshop is a non-profit organization that supports refugee women from Burma who are living on the border of Thailand by developing their skills as textile artisans.


Photo courtesy of WEFTshop’s Facebook Page;

The women, who have fled persecution by the Burmese military regime, are able to earn a fair wage in a safe environment by using traditional hand weaving, appliqué, and metal beadwork skills to create beautiful textiles.


Photo courtesy of WEFTshop’s Facebook Page;

According to WEFTshop’s three fabulous founders, “Buying Weftshop’s handwoven textiles and handmade products helps support women and their families to buy nutritious food, medicine, and other essential household goods so important to achieving a basic standard of living … Our aim is to support cottage industry capable of delivering sustainable income while also promoting traditional textile skills.”

WEFTshop’s woven creations include naturally dyed scarves, shawls, table runners, cushions, bags, and wall hangings, as well as children’s clothing, dolls, and fabric.


Photo courtesy of The Shop for Change

Shop the entire collection at The Shop for Change.

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Wonderful program and important to elevating women from poverty and abuse world wide. It is so incredible how so much change can occur from a simple concept. It has been shown that when women are educated and participate in the economy, the country is better for everyone!

  2. Kim Platt says:

    Wonderful story. I loved reading about this program. If more people worked together, just imagine how much better the whole world would be!

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  1. Kay (Old Cowgirl) Montoya says:

    Hi MaryJane,
    Who does the photo’s that accompany your E-Mails? They all are so beautiful. They would make a beautiful callender.

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Game Changer for the Planet?

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could do something simple like change your attitude for a weekend and it might change the world we live in for the better?


Earth. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons; NASA

Of course, there’s a long list of things we can be doing to improve our world, but what about three whole days of no blame? Meaning, for three days we won’t find fault in anyone, including ourselves. Because, really, does it actually matter whose fault something is? If everyone is willing to fix the problem, then what does it matter how it happened? This weekend is all about putting our energies into fixing and finding solutions as opposed to blaming and finding fault.

I like this notion. I like to think that a change in my attitude for a few days could really encourage others to change theirs. Why not? Worth a try? The least it can do is give me perspective, which never hurt anyone, that’s for sure!

If you’re intrigued, visit


  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I am in with you , Megan! It seems like we are rapidly becoming a nation split on how to accomplish anything. Besides not assigning blame, I also believe we have to be willing to listen and compromise. If we don’t listen and compromise, then we continue to assign blame for the problems be they at home, community, nation or world. It is a vicious circle of blame game with no resolution. Perhaps you are right, that one solution might be to start small and just change one’s attitude for a few days and encourage others to do likewise. It is worth a try!

  2. Rebecca Meyers says:

    Besides being a farmgirl at heart, I am also a follower of the prophet, Baha’u’llah. There is a verse He wrote which I say whenever I start to get upset with anyone. It goes…..”O Son of Being! How couldst thou forget thine own faults and busy thyself with the faults of others? Whoso doest this is accursed of Me.” This helps keep me on track! Grins, Becka

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    What a blue-eyed baby! Such a face!

  2. Avis says:

    Flowers and a Cat what a perfect photo combination!

  3. Nancy Couden says:

    What a cute kitty–and with the flower–a beautiful combination.

  4. Toni H says:

    What an absolutely gorgeous kitty…

  5. Peggie says:

    Beautiful kitty! Great picture!

  6. theresa beck says:

    oh, those eyes! What is she thinking?

  7. Venus says:

    Super cute kitty! I love your blog. I learn so much. Thankyou!

  8. Nancy COughlin says:

    Lovethe cat photo. My cats will not cooperate for a photo and like to lick the camera lens!

  9. Debbie Fischer says:

    Oh my gosh, what a sweetie and just he perfect picture!

  10. Kim Platt says:

    Oh, what a beautiful and purrfect picture!! The kitty reminds me of my then-boyfriend-now-husband’s kitty, Misty, who passed away a few years ago. My Hubby agrees!

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