Buy props used in MaryJane’s books and magazine!
5% of profits will benefit www.firstbook.org, a non-profit that provides new books to children from low-income families throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Here’s how:
MaryJane will post a photo and a description of a prop and its cost along with a few details as to its condition here: https://shop.maryjanesfarm.org/MaryJanesCurations. It’s a playful way to be the new owner of a little bit of farm herstory.
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Aw! So cute, I want one, or two.
What a sweet photo of the girls! I love their coloring and big gentle eyes with this long eyelashes. Such beauty could only result in sweet creamy milk!
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American Robins’ are wonderful birds; a pair usually nest in or really close to my garden each year. The parent Robins seem to take turns flying into my garden patch & pluck/pound away at the ground until they pull up a protein filled mouthful for their little nestlings. During the Robins’ nesting time it’s like a non-stop delicatessen here. Although just recently I was moving some of the plant filled containers around in the garden & became absorbed with a project where I was removing a miniature Dogwood tree (that is no longer miniature:-) out of the extra large container & into the ground. As I worked on this project I could see birds flying into the garden but was too busy with my project to look up. When I finally looked about a dozen songbirds flew out from this one patch of newly exposed dirt; seems I uncovered a multitude of delicious treats for our flying friends.
Looks like your Robin caught their meal on the wing; I’ve watched Robins’ do this with moths before & the big eyed~awkward flying~green thingamagiggies? Sorry, I forgot the name…?
And does not the splendid gentleman look proud of himself?
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This looks like too many people crowded in one place to appeal to me! But I love books and don’t take enough time to enjoy and explore them more often. I also love the way libraries feel when you can go in and just browse the shelves and magazines.
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Watership Down

What do you do when you find a tiny orphaned bunny under a hay bale? Why, you flick off your ball cap and carry it to a safer place.
Has anyone read Watership Down by Richard Adams?
OhMyGosh, I remember it well … the culture of the Bunny. And, now I know the pretty smile on the bunbun’s savior’s face :o)
What a surprise to find! I hope the baby will thrive and be able to return to its family in due time. Good luck with the bunny orphanage!
Good grief, this is like kismet for you & me today as I too have a baby bunny in my garden. Only thing is the bunny in my backyard has eaten many of my heirloom plants:-( And yet I find myself here typing this as the little muncher lays quietly in my Vinca Vine??? I’ve scooted the bunny out of the yard so many times now I believe I’ll just let him rest there under his protector as he apparently has taken a liking to my garden angel & sleeps just behind her wings? Thanks for the tip on the book; I will check it out.
I’ve read Watership Down and it is very memorable. To me it game out as a paridy of the human race. Loads of things to think about. Good Book
Please check out our Licensed Rabbit Shelter – the first and ONLY licensed rabbit shelter in the State of Maine: http://www.ccrabbitrescue.org
and “Like” our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CottontailCottageRabbitRescue
Together, we can save somebunny today!
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In Pursuit of Happiness

Have you ever heard of the city of Solla Sollew?
It’s on the banks of the beautiful River Wah-Hoo, where they never have troubles …
at least, very few.
If you’re a Dr. Seuss fan (and, really, who isn’t?), then you may know the place I’m talking about.
I think we choose a good rut to be stuck in or a grumpy rut.
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Figuratively Speaking

School’s in session, girlfriends.
And I have a Glitterati Literati quiz for you.
This is brain-flexing fun—volleying verbiage, prettying plain prattle, gussying up glib gab.
(Say that last one five times fast!)
I do love …
Thanks for the lesson which is also from my past. I remembered all but alliteration. Guess I’ll remember that now too.
I got 6 out of the 8 correct. It was fun trying to see what I remembered from English classes which is quite dusty. I loved school and miss being part of the excitement of a new school year. We had a little school today MJF style! Thanks.
I had forgotten about onomatopoeia. What a fun quiz!
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I have a few odd raspberries in my garden at this moment. The bees are buzzing all around the flowers. As soon as it cools down, there will be lots of raspberries in the freezer. Now sometimes I wish I had blackberries. Your picture is gorgeous.
Well, I literally just finished reading the latest headlining story in the ‘Parade” magazine about the first lady chosen for our Supreme Court Justice, Mrs. Sandra Day O’Connor. And then I came here & read your topics for today & saw your pictures & thought how fitting yet again. Amazing strides in history for women & indeed some (if not most) of it still quite fresh. Also should note that I took the, “Can You Pass The Citizenship Test?” in the magazine’s sidebar. Seems Mrs. O’Connor has helped develop a Civics curriculum to help more than the 1 out of 3 American adults that cannot answer at least 6 (out of 10) questions correctly? I passed but some of the questions I really had to think about…?
What is most disturbing about voting rights at present are the states trying to purge voting rolls and make it more difficult for citizens, mostly on the margins, to vote. I have a feeling that the women in this photo would have been outraged at today’s efforts to deny voting rights for political gains!!
Very disturbing indeed.