And the winner of the One World Family Calendar giveaway is:
Lisa VonSaunder, who said:
“These herder woman look like Masai tribeswomen. I support small business people in emerging nations by donating small amounts to which is a micro lending organization. They loan like $100 or so to small businesses usually run by women, and then that allows them to make huge changes in their lives. They have a 95% repayment log. I urge you to go the site and look at the people you can help make a living directly. I chose my latest person, a cobbler in Burkina Faso, the poorest nation in the world, and he paid back my loan in less than a year. That is equivalent to double his yearly salary! This is the way I think and help globally.”
And the original post for the GIVEAWAY was (thank you to all who participated):
I recently picked up two of these handy “family calendars” with the intent of gifting one. Plus, I wanted to support the organization behind it. The One World Family Calendar features beautiful photography of people from around the world, along with space for daily schedules for up to five people. It’s a beautiful calendar that will help you plan the rest of your family’s year.

This calendar comes from the New Internationalist: People, Ideas, and Action for Global Justice.
With new technologies, the whole wide world is at our fingertips, and we can help those in other countries as well as our own by shopping with a global responsibility in mind. And if you don’t think you support buying things from overseas, take a closer look around … that melon purchased in December probably came from South America, and that cell phone positively came from the other side of the globe. And wait … before venting about buying American-made, please realize that it’s an opinion typed on a computer that was most certainly made in China, Japan, or Taiwan. Sorry, Dorothy, but we’re not in Kansas anymore. We’re all part of a bigger picture, and that picture involves supporting workers around the world—not governments, but workers, people like you and me. So my stand is, I support workers, wherever they happen to live. Made in the USA, awesome. Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made), love it. And yes, Made in the World. For me, they’re no longer mutually exclusive.
To win this beautiful calendar, tell me why you’ve decided to embrace the whole wide world and ALL the working people in it. We’ll put your name in a hat and pull out one lucky winner sometime in the next week or so. Stay tuned!
It is difficult to restrict what I enjoy about MaryJanesFarm to only one thing! The most encompassing, I guess, would be the inspiration and encouragement I get to go on ahead and do that cooking, or sew again, or build my own trellis for that garden I created all by myself. It’s okay if I love cows, even if some people think it’s weird for a city girl. MaryJanesFarm has helped me stop wishing I could be a strong and resourceful woman like my grandmother’s were and just be one. And I am! What’s not to enjoy about that!?
My favorite is the glamping and advice on..well everything!! it’s so hard to just love one thing. I also love the recipes and instructions in things you don’t usually find in other magazines.
I’m like Cindi, here! There are so many things I love about MaryJanesFarm. So, for purposes of entering this contest, I would say MJF offers me a chance for a part of me to come forward. Authenticity sort of describes it, but so does opportunity. Whether it comes from reading the magazines or books, the ideas resonate with me and there is a freedom to just try something new and just see how it resonates. With the MJF Chatroom, there is support, encouragement and lots of sharing with a big community of like minded women all around the world thinking along the same lines. We all can come together from different origins and enjoy what the other has to share. Plus Mary Jane and her team provide us endless chances to experiment with recipes, gardening, animal husbandry, and a can do, will do attitude. I agree with Cindi in that MJF encourages women to empower themselves and dig into those interests and talents. Like the photo of today, I am on that MJF Train and loving the adventure ride to discovery with lots of other Farmgirl friends! I do hope we get to stop in Oakdale for a view of Barron’s grand old flour Mill. I think I will ask the Conductor next time he comes by!
just everything
I like how the magazine celebrates and nourishes the farmgirl soul. You can take the girl out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the girl. Our roots run deep.
It’s simple! Mary Jane’s Farm takes me back to my beginnings!
I love the creativity of Mary Jane’s Farm! And the reminder that I can be a country farm girl even in the city taking care of an elderly parent – I treasure every issue of your magazine! Thanks, Mary Jane )))))HUGS(((((
One thing? Well, it’s impossible to limit it to one thing. But if I have to, I guess that the one thing that I love about MaryJanesFarm magazine is all the encouragement that is given through the articles. I circle important things in different colors so I can go back to them as I need the information. I am blessed by all the pictures. I’ve gained new insight to the reasons why I have lived my life as I have. And I just plain love all the people that work on it to make it as special as it is! Thanks for so many things! There’s just not one thing; there’s a million!
You know how magazines are “supposed to be” just a tempting vehicle for advertisers to get their message out to people??? Well, your MaryJanesFarm is all about a community of women (some men like it too) finding a new voice as well as a “party line” (like the old phone system used to be years and years ago). Even the advertisers who hold up the cost of the issues are there in the interest of the women (and men) who are reading and exchanging ideas. Some of these advertisers are not even found in the other “regular” news-stand “typical” girlie mags. I love that we are not being blown away by ads for makeup (are we not beautiful enough???) and diet tricks and all the other products targeting a woman’s supposed insecurity and weakness. Your MaryJanesFarm celebrates true strong resilient creative functioning members of these Earthly tribes of humans……not just past and present, but taking out our long-view binoculars and projecting into the future what we will be capable of accomplishing.
I enjoy the articles, the wonderful photos, and esp. the “simple” things I can do to enhance my quality of life.
MaryJane has been an inspiration to me for years, I have saved so many of the recipes and crafting/repurposing ideas over the years in a special notebook, as well as tips and decorating ideas! I <3 MaryJane
I really like the organic in the news articles. In fact, I read an article a few months ago about Asheville, N.C. being the 1st certified bee city in America. Well, that started a whole journey for my family…we started researching more and more about that lovely town, even going so far as to road tripping 14 hours there with a car full of kids. Well, what would you know, we are now so in love with that area of the country that we are trying to purchase a mountain farm. Can’t wait to try out all the different ideas and pages from MJFarm that I’ve tore out over the years when we buy our property! Thanks for inspiring me in so many ways!
I love the recipes, crafts, sewing and gardening tips this magazine shares. I’m always excited to see the newest edition! I grew up on a farm and I’m still a country girl at heart!
Your magazine is everything my Mother ever taught me about life and about being a Mother and wife. I do not live in the country but I sew and grow my own food, make my dinners from scratch with organic foods. I look forward to this magazine, and it takes me back to the simple life!
Thanks for the opportunity MaryJane! There are so many things about MaryJane’s Farm, I think overall the encouragement from MaryJane’s Farm and the gals on the chatroom. I have learned to step out of my comfort zone and tackle jobs I never thought I could. The farmgirl sisters always have an encouraging word no matter what advice one seeks. <3
MaryJanesFarm gives me the tools to bring the dream of being a farmgirl to life for this city chick!
I love the recipes, but I also enjoy the essays and stories written by the readers. It’s fun to see what craft or crafter you focus on, too. It’s is my most favorite magazine and I savor it each time it arrives.
I love the idea of bathing outside. I live on many acres now in a forest and my next big projects includes installing an outdoor bath retreat…can’t wait!!!
It is very hard to choose just one thing I like about MaryJanesFarm magazine, but I think it would have to be the crafts that are presented in each issue. I quilt, sew general items, knit, crochet, and love finding new projects that use my existing skills and learning new craft skills. I started a MJFG swap using one of the projects (Origami Snack Bag) presented in a magazine this year. I made the quilted Dish Drainer Quilt for another swap a number of years ago.
The wholesomeness is wonderful. But just like being asked to choose which of your children is your favorite, I can’t choose one thing about the magazine. Being a crafter, of course crafts are at the top of my list but just love the whole magazine. Thanks
I agree it’s hard to choose one thing, ever article feeds my farmer heart and my soul. Reading it takes me to my happy place. I guess if I had to pick one thing it would be the crafts, as I love to create . Thanks for all you do especially love to read the articles about other women entrepreneurs, it encourages me to continue to follow my dreams.
I love that it reminds me if my mom and my childhood
I like how the simple, the domestic, the low tech, is appreciated, celebrated, and elevated.
Reminds how simple good clean living still exists…and I’m part of that every day.
I love your magazine because it affirms and encourages me to continue on my souls desire to provide healthy food for my family and contentment in utilizing what The Lord has provided us to recognize and praise Him on a daily basis in even the simple things we do.
I love the sense of community and inspiration I derive from MaryJane’s magazine. Knowing that there are thousands of sisters out there with similar interests and seeing beautiful photographs of how-to crafts, gardens, and baked goods makes this farm girl smile!
I have enjoyed reading all of the comments posted before me almost as much as I have enjoyed (re)reading the years of issues of the magazine! They certainly echo my sentiments! Mary Jane (and staff) know that you are a positive force, fully appreciated and have extreme value. Choosing one thing for me is celebrating the possibility of creativity – making your way with a sashay. Thank you! I am proud to be a FarmGirl.
It’s a bit hard to pick 1 favorite. It is probably the way it makes me feel. Like friends are teaching me new things or sharing a part of their life with me.
I’m new to your magazine-I found a copy of it at my mom’s house. She is 91 years old and still a FarmGirl. I have since subscribed myself and am finding all sorts of things I remember as a child. We had a Santa Fe trailer and went camping every summer with another family in the early 60’s-including the station wagon, dogs, ice blocks and no seat belts. I have also found a couple of your books at the local library and am reading them cover to cover. I have gotten my old Singer out and am going fabric shopping tomorrow to make new kitchen curtains. Thank you so much for all you do.
I agree with most – I love everything about it! The thing I probably love most is the inspiration it gives me to be me!
I love the connection to others with the same likes and the chance to talk with them. You have founded a way for us all to connect. Thank you Mary Jane, Meg, Carol, Brian,and all the others involved. Your photos are top notch.
I don’t think that I could ever pick just one thing out of the magazine, books or websites. Everything that you do means so much to me. I have found new friends, discovered new crafts (especially needle tatting which I had never head of before) found new ways of doing things and have been so inspired that it has made my heart sing! Everything about MaryJane’s has simply made me into a better person and made me feel like maybe I am not so weird for liking the things I like after all.
I enjoy Mary Jane’s Farm for the simplicity of recipes, style, crafts, etc. I feel like I can do almost anything I see with ease and a sense of accomplishment. Also love your little store in Coeur d’Alene, ID.
I love how this city girl can turn into a farmgirl just by picking up and reading your magazine. I have gotten inspirations to bake, grow, can, sow, glamp and so much more!! I love finding the farmgirl within!!!! Thank you!!
I don’t have anything in particular that i like about the magazine, I just love everything about it. I check it out cover-to-cover and can’t wait until the next issue comes around. I have learned so much since I started reading MJF. Love it, keep up the good work.
I started getting the magazine many years ago and fell in love with the beautiful photos of flowers and veggie gardens! We always had some kind of garden but wanted it to be meaningful.
I am now retired and my husband and I have completed the Penn State Extension, Master Gardener’s Pollinator Friendly Garden Certification; as well as for the Audubon Bird Habitat and National Wildlife Federation animal habitat. We have bee houses, butterflies and hummingbirds as well as bats and great herons, hawks and goldfinches, cardinals and woodpeckers and many more visiting our yards.
We have nature at heart, and the Weed Dragon I found in your magazine was just what we needed and we no longer use pesticides or herbicides. All this on a tiny suburban lot. It is our orecious little bit of land.
Typo: should say precious little bit of land..
I love how the natural is used in the whole mag
I love that Mary Janes Farm is a magazine that I actually read from cover to cover. There’s no page that goes unturned. Definitely not a waste of money in today’s expensive throw away world
One thing?!?! Can’t do it! I love the recipes, sustainable and resourceful ideas. And my favorite…all the organic news! Keep up the great work! Love it all!!
I enjoy the anticipation of receiving my next issue of MaryJanesFarm. I read every page amd try very hard to never rush through the magazine. I make sure I take time for me and Maryjane. I look forward to gathering everything needed for my newest recipe, my newest homemade something – something and thoroughly enjoy all the kind, encouraging and inspiring words from the well written articles to the inspirational words of other FarmGirls. My friends have referred to me as somewhat a modern pioneer girl ….now I’d like to be known as one of MaryJane’s girls.
I stumbled across MaryJanesFarm about a year ago. Immediately subscribed. Look forward to every magazine and all the wonderful ideas, articles and encouragement that I receive from them. Right now I am in the process of moving and need to make sure that my subscription is forwarded so I don’t miss an issue.
What’s one thing that I like about your magazine? The WHOLE magazine. I even read the advertisement. Ha! Thank you so very much!
Thank you for the chance to win your book Secret Garden. Being able to enter into a world of fantasy by coloring is a great enjoyment. Mean while I will be enjoying your magazine Mary Janes Farm.
I enjoy everything, however lately I have been especially fond of the ideas and inspiration for gardening and do-it-yourself projects that MaryJanesFarm brings to my home – my husband and I have recently purchased a fixer-upper home in in a very urban city, so any ideas and inspiration are very welcome and give hope for beauty in the daunting work we had ahead of us. I have a front yard about as full of flowers, vegetables and herbs as it can get and many ideas for how to restore our house (built in 1904) to its former glory. Keep perpetuating beauty in the world!
I enjoy everything but i do love the ideas, projects and i collect cast iron so i love seing the different cast iron and the recipes. just love it all and when i want just to sit and enjoy a cup of tea and read i gather all my maryjanes and go thru them time and time again.
I’m a country girl at heart and i get so inspired by the whole magazine. It brings out the farm girl in me and i can’t wait each month for the new issue to come out. Its so relaxing to sit down and read every article. I always come away with something new to try out . I definitely love the recipes that are featured.
I eagerly anticipate the arrival of my Mary Jane’s Farm magazine every month! I always read it from cover to cover! I received my subscription as a gift from my amazing sister. I LOVE it!
My favorite thing about Mary Janes farm is the positive inspiration it provides. No matter how bad things may seem to be, I always feel uplifted after reading the magazine.
The first thing I do when I settle in with Mary Janes Farm is enjoy the design and layout, and even the feel of the paper it is printed on. Then I go back to the front to read and enjoy every page.
Love all the ideas you provide that then cause more ideas to sprout in my own mind.
I love the layout, the format is colorful, fun, and artfully done and keeps you reading and wanting more.
I really love that you go back to the way our moms (well, my mom)! did things without all the electronic confusion that is in this world today!
Thoroughly enjoy each and every page!
I learned about your ChilOver Powder in one of your issues, and I am so thankful for that vegetarian option!