The WINNER! of Amy’s Rich Herbal Cream is …
Sue D.
On March 29, Sue said:
“Love the fact that hand-collected rainwater is used. I’ve never heard of that before!”
Congrats Sue. Watch for an email from the farm.
And the original GIVEAWAY post was :
Big WELCOME to the business, Del Jardin, from San Saba, Texas, that has joined our Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made).
Amy’s rich, herbal creams, containing sesame and olive oils, rainwater, comfrey, rose, calendula, and natural essential oils, along with a natural sunscreen with Vitamin E, are created with an extra dose of love—the very best ingredient! Visit her lovely website here.

Amy (left), Bob, and Hannah
Del Jardin is based in the beautiful Texas Hill Country on the J.G. Ranch in Cherokee, where Amy grows the herbs she uses in her products, wildcrafting some also. “Being a cowgirl out in the Texas sun and wind, I needed products that protect and heal the skin. After years of perfection, I offer you my healing creams.”
Amy has 13 stores, salons, and spas that sell her products. She also packages them in larger quantities … massage therapists love them! Leave a comment and we’ll toss your name into our Giveaway hat for a free bottle of Amy’s healing cream.

Whoop Shannon! Cow owning just got easier with Mary Jane’s book packed with all the nitty gritty important details. Next summer, you might just be churning out fresh milk ice cream for the 4th of July!
Congrats Shannon! I loved your story!
I would definitely names my cow “Ceilidh” ( prnpunced Kaylee), which is Gaelic for happy, Funtime, frolicking. And the first thing I would make from her milk would be vanilla milk custard! yumm!
Mary Jane have you thought of putting all your wonderful gluten free recipes into a cookbook? I’ve had hives for 3 months and found out recently that it might be gluten. Really at this point I just want to find out what it is! But a Mary. Janes gluten free cookbook would be great.
How about just gluten-free breads????
alright!!!! congratulations!!
Hooray, Shannon! Now I think you must get that cow 😉