WINNER! Milk Cow Kitchen Giveaway #1 of 5

And the winner of the first of five Milk Cow Kitchen books I’m giving away

milk-cow-kitchen_1070 is … mia_giveaway-2355 Shannon Job, who wrote on May 15, 2014: “I would have to wait to see my cow before I named her … But my husband has this old guitar that is named Betsie, and I always thought that’d make a good name for a milk cow! I so very badly need a cow! I would bring my first bucket of milk in, chill it and drink a glass of fresh milk! I would use the fresh cream to make ice cream! Heaven.” Watch for an e-mail from the farm, Shannon. Congratulations!

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Whoop Shannon! Cow owning just got easier with Mary Jane’s book packed with all the nitty gritty important details. Next summer, you might just be churning out fresh milk ice cream for the 4th of July!

  2. connie says:

    Congrats Shannon! I loved your story!

  3. Diane Spath says:

    I would definitely names my cow “Ceilidh” ( prnpunced Kaylee), which is Gaelic for happy, Funtime, frolicking. And the first thing I would make from her milk would be vanilla milk custard! yumm!

  4. Bobbie calgaro says:

    Mary Jane have you thought of putting all your wonderful gluten free recipes into a cookbook? I’ve had hives for 3 months and found out recently that it might be gluten. Really at this point I just want to find out what it is! But a Mary. Janes gluten free cookbook would be great.

  5. ann says:

    alright!!!! congratulations!!

  6. Sarah Blue says:

    Hooray, Shannon! Now I think you must get that cow 😉

  7. Terri Dye says:


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Milk Cow Kitchen Giveaway

Just a heads up, we’re going to begin pulling names from our hat, or rather a milk bucket (below are old names from past GIVEAWAYS that I keep in a basket on my desk—it seems I’ve developed a sentimental attachment to them) starting tomorrow and every OTHER day thereafter until I’ve given away FIVE books total. Stay tuned. As of last night at 5 pm, we were still cutting up all the names (541) and getting them ready for our every-other-day “pull.”


  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    My book arrived and I have been enjoying pouring over it chapter by chapter. It is another Mary Jane creative must read! The recipes, the stories, the PHOTOS, together make it just delightful to delve into learn about all things cow raising. If you cannot own a dairy cow, you can just vicariously wind through the pages pretending that you can. I am looking forward to trying out some of the cheese recipes this summer as well. If you are a lucky winner, perfect! If you don’t win, don’t delay in ordering this book for some delightful summer reading with a tall ice tea at hand!

  2. Debbie Fischer says:

    Good Luck to everyone as Mary Jane and the farm starts pulling names out of her milk bucket. I just love all Mary Jane’s give aways.

  3. Eileen Stone says:

    Keeping my fingers crossed!

  4. Nan says:

    My cow will be a Jersey cow named Adorabella (Bella for short) and with my first pail of milk (how much does a pail hold, anyway?) I will drink some, pour of some cream and then make cottage cheese! And maybe mozzarella, depending on how much milk I get.

  5. susanne bender says:

    mary jane has influenced me and my friends retuning back to the farm and procucing my own food through gardening raising chickens and bees . Her books have helped me to share ideas with many of my farmstand customers. Looking forward to the new book as much as for the monthly magazine. i encourage everyone th share mary janes writings her ideas and save every article for future use

    Thank you for your time and energy

  6. Gladys Brown says:

    I am still hopeing to be a winner

  7. Janine Curtis says:

    Its gotta be me so I can take my bath

  8. Carolyn A. Rewitzer says:

    I want to sign up!! How?

  9. Denise Duncan says:

    Would really love to win a book. 😉 I sure love the magazine and reading MaryJane’s Ideabook, Cookbook and Lifebook. I love it so far. Thanks for all the wonderful info presented so beautifully.

  10. Toni Haymaker says:

    Can’t wait to read it!

  11. I can’t wait to get my hands on this book! 🙂

  12. Laurie Dimno says:

    My fingers are crossed the by some chance you pull my name from that milk bucket!!!! Good luck to everyone who entered!

  13. Pingback: WINNER! Milk Cow Kitchen Giveaway #3 of 5 | Raising Jane Journal

  14. Pingback: WiNNER! Milk Cow Kitchen Giveaway #4 of 5 | Raising Jane Journal

  15. connie oney says:

    What a surprise when I received a free copy of MaryJane’s new book in the mail today. Since we are dairy farmers it was fun to read about our profession from a fresh and informed viewpoint (and lots of practical how-to.) As an author and photographer it is so inspiring to see the lovely photos and appreciate the fine layout and quality of her books. -Another winner MaryJane!

  16. Lisa B says:

    Would love to have room for my very own bovine beauty! For now I will have to live vicariously through my friend who has three lovely ladies. I am a regular customer of Cha Cha and Lu Lu who both make wonderful raw milk. I would be thrilled to get a copy of your new book to add to my collection and I can dream on about a future that might include a lovely milk cow of my own! <3

  17. Janie A says:

    Oh how I would enjoy a copy of MaryJane’s new book. We are receiving the magazines that have lots of great tips and helpful information. Also, MaryJane’s Farm Magazine has excellent customer service! My family has raised cattle ever since I was little. I do miss our cows and “Mama”, she sure could put out some great tasting milk! Sure do miss the good ol’ days. I would love to win MaryJane’s new book.

  18. Pingback: WINNER! Milk Cow Kitchen Giveaway #5 of 5 | Raising Jane Journal

  19. I am so excited about MaryJane’s new book. I have all her other ones and cherish them deeply. I just acquired a little herd of miniature Holsteins and cant wait to milk them! They are so cute. One of them is only 32inches tall! Who knew? If anyone is interested we will be selling their calves. You can contact me through my e mail at Or call our farm at 509-244-0767.

    • MaryJane says:

      Yeah for miniature Holsteins!!! And backyard milk cows. I look forward to following you AND your herd. Thank you for buying my book and for loving and bringing more backyard cows into the world … making the world a butter place, one backyard milk cow at a time.

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GIVEAWAY: Milk Cow Kitchen

Be still my heart …

My first shipment of Milk Cow Kitchen books arrived early and VERY unexpectedly last Friday. Bookstores and Amazon still list my book as having a June 1 release date.

In addition to order fulfillment, I purchased extra books to give away, so I’ll run this post several times until my giveaway stash disappears.


All you have to do to get your name in our giveaway hat is …

Tell me what you’d name your cowpanion and what you’d do with that first bucket of milk you’d bring through your back door.

I mean, who hasn’t had a milk cow fantasy?

My book gives you how-to details for keeping a pet milk cow on your suburban half acre, a backyard lot in town … or at least, it’ll help fuel your fantasy of a someday cow grazing outside your kitchen window.

Milk cow fantasy aside, my book is chock full of recipes using dairy—75 to be exact—along with 15 step-by-step cheese-making recipes.

“In ways that matter, we are all the same. I have yet to find an emotion that is normally attributed to humans that is not displayed by animals. Just because they don’t speak our words doesn’t mean they are not communicating. They are constantly communicating. Once you click in, you can see it. If we let go of the unconscious limits we normally impose on animals and simply look at them, listen to them, and pay attention, they have a whole lot to say, and they say it clearly.”

– Kathy Stevens, founder, Catskill Animal Sanctuary, from The Inner World of Farm Animals by Amy Hatkoff

  1. I will name my cow Drewals and with the first pale of milk I will certainly make ice cream, chocolate of course.

  2. Lisa says:

    I would name my cow Bernice after a very special lady that was in my life when I was young. The first bucket of milk I would dunk a cup into it & drink.

  3. Shelly Woods says:

    I think I would name my milk cow Georgia. That first pail of milk would be cooled. I’d remove the cream for making butter later, & then happily have a tall glass of fresh milk with something sweet of course!

  4. Colleen Maki says:

    I would name my “cowpanion” Benson, because that was the name of the elderly couple who ran the local farm while I was growing up, where we would get milk “fresh from the cow” (complete with cream on top). I would give the first bucket of milk to my Mom and Dad (in their 80’s), in thanks for raising us right, and feeding us the wholesome way.

  5. Jennifer says:

    Her name would be Sweet Pea and I would make some heavenly crème faiche and then I would put it on some fresh picked strawberries and top with mint from my herb garden. Yum, Yum, Yum!

  6. Winnie Nielsen says:

    My book is already on order so maybe it will be coming soon??? Hope, hope, hope?? If my name gets drawn, I will do a giveaway on the MJF connection for a fun event in case some of them never stop by this blog for the opportunity.

  7. Donna Armstrong says:

    I would name her Sally and I would make cheese. Love cheese.

  8. linda radziminski says:

    I would name my cow Constance (it was my grandmother’s name) and for the constant supply of milk she would supply .No more hormones or antibiotics in my family’s milk supply.

  9. Would love to have this book.Look foreward to seeing it!!!

  10. maria lawrence says:

    Blossom. We are reading the James Herriot story about a cow named Blossom! And with the first pail of milk, my children & I will be anxious to drink it!!

  11. Lisa says:

    Her name would be Buttermilk, and a batch of fresh, sweet vanilla bean ice cream would be first on my list!

  12. NancyB says:

    I’d name her Buttercup and ICE CREAM!!

  13. Jenny Williams says:

    I would name her Fanny for my Grandmother. Fresh milk? DRINK IT!

  14. My first cow would be Beau, the name of choice for all animals I have yet to keep- ( I know you have Beaumont but this is that ” southern thang” kind of beau, nicer than Bo )
    Of course I’d try to make a batch of soft farmer’s cheese , right after a dollup in my tea. Oh and real cream in my Kenya coffee for sure. I’m cowcrazy and have dated 2 dairymen, and was formerly married to a vet. So, need to read your book MJ.

    • MaryJane says:

      You need a COW. Forget the guys at this point:)

      • Mary Jane Landwehr says:

        I agree! Men can be over-rated, but a sweet faced cow, now that’s what I call happiness!!

      • Darcy Jorgensen says:

        I believe that I NEED this book!! 🙂 can’t wait!!
        I NEED a cow!!!! Now to convince my husband of this fact!! Lol!

      • Ha Ha! Yeah all the cows in my life have given me happiness, ‘cept the ” cow that jumped over the moon” . We purchased her from a farm sale and the herd was dispersed and she missed her cow-panions so much she mooed plaintively all day and then kept jumping the fences and hightailing it back to her old farm.?At full speed. I mean a 5-6 foot fence, no one could believe a cow could jump like that -. thats why we nicknamed her.

  15. Vivian V says:

    Not original, but Bessie just sounds right. I’ve never had fresh milk and that would be the first thing I’d like to try.

  16. Carrie C. says:

    It’s not an original choice for a name, but I envision her being a beautiful Jersey named Buttercup. And that first bucket as it came through the door?? I’d have my kids there to help me as we strained it into glass jars, because they would’ve helped me milk her. We’d each enjoy a glass of that milk, because the taste is nectar of the gods.
    That’d be the very first thing. Then visions of sour cream, yogurt, ice cream, and cheeses would begin dancing in my head. 😉

  17. Cathy R says:

    Tulip would be her name and to surprise my hubby, I’d make butterscotch first to go on the ice cream! Thanks for your generosity! Oh happy day!

  18. Debbie Fischer says:

    Oh to have a cow and have fresh milk would be a dream come true, as would living on a farm.
    If I had a milking cow I would name her “Fur Elise”, as that is one of my most favorite piano pieces. And “Fur Elise” would be my favorite milking cow!
    Thank you so much Mary Jane for yet another great give away.
    Good Luck to everyone who enters the contest.

  19. Debbie Fischer says:

    I too have already ordered your book Mary Jane through the farm and like Winnie if I win I would give the book away to one of my Chickies in my Scattered Prairie Gals HenHouse, we would have a fun contest.
    Hope my book will be on the way soon as well as I leave for vacation on the 21st of May and it would be nice to have it for my trip:-)
    Thank you.
    Lots of Hugs,

  20. Karlyne says:

    I’m ordering this, too, so like Winnie, if I win, I’ll pass it on! I mean, I NEED this book! I have to ask my cow-crazy seven year old granddaughter what we’re going to name our first one, but the first thing I’d do with a pail of milk is brew some strong coffee (takes a lot less water to make coffee than most people think) and stir some perfect cream into it. In my vintage coffee cup and saucer, of course.

  21. CJ Armstrong says:

    I’m NOT entering the giveaway . . . However, just wanted to say that we welcomed our 12th bovine into our “hobby herd” of Longhorns last week. His name is Duncan.
    Longhorns are not dairy cows so they don’t get milked, but we do butcher them and they are very tasty, lean meat and, of course, we know what they ate . . . or didn’t eat! 😀 And, because of their very, long and pointy horns we really can’t get close enough to hug their necks!
    I have milked a lot of cows in my life . . mostly jerseys. Made lots of butter, cheese and ice cream and enjoyed the fresh taste of fresh milk! Yes!

  22. Gail says:

    I would name my cow Tootsie! The very first thing I’d make is some kind of cheese, immediately followed by ice cream. Living somewhere with land to grow on and raise cows and chickens is on my bucket list. Certainly would have a hard time with it here in So. California living in a house on a zipper lot!

  23. Alice says:

    I would name my sweet cowpanion Bessie (just because it seems so right)! The first thing I would make with the fresh milk is homemade sweet cream butter!!

  24. Julia says:

    I’d name her Daisy Mae and enjoy that fresh milk with some warm chocolate chip cookies!

  25. Shannon Reddinger says:

    If I had a cow I’d name it Jo. First thing I’d do with the bucket of milk is taste it. It would be an uncontrollable to urge to stick my finger in there and take a taste.

  26. Brenda Duggan says:

    I would name my cow Sassy Jo and I would take my first milking and have a cup of cold milk for myself and a bowl for the kitty and then make delicious hommade butter with the rest and form the butter in vintage butter molds.

  27. Karin says:

    Cannot wait to add this to my MaryJane collection! If I could have a milk cow, I would name her Elnettie, my grandmother’s middle name. What would I make? Easy- cheese!

  28. Cassie B. says:

    I would name my cowpanion, Harper. I would the milk in a Tres Leches cake!

  29. SuZan says:

    I would name my first cow Plenty because I believe in positive thinking. I would first give thanks to Plenty for my first bucket of milk. Then I would take a picture and post it EVERYWHERE. Finally I would skim of SOME of the cream to make butter and make some mozzo cheese and cool the rest for a delicious drink of cold milk. Of course I would have to call in all my family and friends to enjoy the bounty : )

  30. Kimberly Jacobson says:

    I have a registered Jersey girl, named “Waltzing Matilda Mook,” or “Tillymook” for short. I’ve learned how to make simple mozzarella and raw yogurt, but am looking forward to learning how to make aged cheeses. Hopefully, we’ll be adding another sweet girl within the next year. She’ll be called “Buttercup.” 🙂

  31. Debbie Killeen says:

    I would name her Daisy and I think I would make butter and cheese. Or maybe just drink it as I haven’t had fresh milk since I was a kid.

  32. Kelly says:

    I would name my cow Millie and would put the cream from my first pail of milk in my coffee that morning!!! Then make ice cream in a crank ice cream maker!!! Maybe strawberry since they are almost in season!!

  33. Cindy says:

    I would name my cow Daisy. We had a milk cow when I was a kid and the first thing we always did with the milk is drink a tall glass of it and make ice-cream with all of that delicious cream.

  34. Lise Rousseau Silva says:

    I think I’d name her Josie, and the first thing I would make would be delicious, rich Greek yogurt and then whipped cream. Yum.

  35. Michelle says:

    I would love to have a milking cow named Clarice, and I would make some wonderful queso fresco with that first bucket. Yum!!

  36. Jennifer Summerfield says:

    I just recently purchased a Jersey heifer calf and I named her Daphne Moon. She is a joy! It will be a few years before I get my first bucket of milk from her but I will give fresh milk to my son and make butter.

  37. Amanda Christensen says:

    If I was lucky enough to have a milk cow her name would be Daisy. I would separate the milk from the cream, using the cream to make ice cream. My husband, kids and grandson would drink what milk was left.

  38. Camela says:

    I think I would name her Daisy Mae & the first thing I would like to make is some ice cream. Would love to add some homegrown strawberries to it too.

  39. Serena Nicholson says:

    I would name her Betsy and I would make chocolate fudge ice cream in an ice cream maker. 🙂

  40. Sarah Earnest says:

    I have always wanted to have a cow named Penelope. With the first bucket of milk, I would make a bunch of stuff. Cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and butter. I would take photos of my precious cow, first bucket of milk, and what I made from it, and share it everywhere.

  41. Elaine says:

    My cowpanion would be named Edith and together we’d feed as many as we could with whatever we could.

  42. Heather Coffel says:

    I would live to get a dairy cow. Several years ago I took a cheese and soap class and totally fell in live with making both. (I actually have a small business selling soap and I use goats milk). If I had my own cow I could make do much wonderful cheese. I think I would have to name her Bessie. It is the classic name for a milk cow and a great way to start the herd

  43. Deb Hersh says:

    I believe that I would name her ‘Betsy’. Although don’t you just love the old ‘Elsie’! And I cold glass of milk would be great.

  44. Cortney says:

    Hmmmm. How about Sunny? And I think I would be too anxious to try to wait to make anything, (first milking and wait? Thats tough) so probably just drink fresh for breakfast?! Over some granola maybe? YUM! Getting hungry!!

  45. I would love to have a suburban cow.. I live on 2 acres in NM.. I would drink the cream before anything else the first time I milked her.. Next time it would be butter.. She would definitely be part of my family core..

  46. Melissa B says:

    I might name her Daisy, or Rosie, I’m not sure! I would probably make butter, or just use it as milk!

  47. Teresa Arment says:

    My cow’s name would be Mabel-it just sounds like a good milk cow name. I would use the milk for cheese or just drinking. The cream would be for my Mom’s Cream cake recipe and poured over fresh strawberries, YUM!

  48. Kimberly Noah says:

    I would definitely name my Cowpanion Patience, because that is what she would have to be with me since I have never milked a cow and have only dreamed of owning my own farm family!!! And I have always said that the food item I would have to have if stranded on a desert island is cheese, so my first bucket (at least, what made it in the bucket) would be dedicated to cheese!!! 🙂

  49. Debra Thiry Points says:

    I would name my cow, “Lilly”, after Lillie Langtry who was known as The Jersey Lillie! I have always admired her spunk.
    I would use my first pail of milk to make wonderful, creamy yogurt. Toppings are endless to consider.
    From there on, the possibilities with fresh milk are endless too!
    This farm girl moved to the city for over 2 decades and has just moved back to the beauty and quiet of the country. Bit, by bit, I’m getting back to my farm girl roots! I’ve always loved your books!

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WINNER! Calamity Jane Movie Giveaway

And the winner is:

Robin Blitchok, who said on March 31, 2014:

“Love all the vintage musicals, Debbie Reynolds, Doris Day, Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Audrey Hepburn, and Julie Andrews.”


Robin, watch for an e-mail from the farm so we can get your new movie, Calamity Jane, on its way to you!

And the original post was:

“Yippeeeee! It’s the Big Bonanza in Musical Extravaganza!” reads the cover of this 1953 classic, starring Doris Day in the title role and Howard Keel as Wild Bill Hickok.
“At first, curvaceous Calamity is too durned busy fighting Indians and cracking a bullwhip to pay mind to such girlie what-alls as dresses and perfume. And Wild Bill is too danged busy wooing a dainty chanteuse to give a hoot about a hot-headed tomboy. But things change in a rootin’, tootin’, big way when each becomes love’s target. These are wide-open Technicolor Western spaces, lots of high-stepping dances, and a hummable humdinger of a score.”

How the West was sung!

If you like vintage musicals, you’re going to love this DVD! Leave a comment telling us who’s your favorite musical comedy star, and we’ll enter you in our giveaway. We’ll put your name in a hat and pull out the winner … stay tuned!

  1. Debbie Fischer says:

    Oh an oldie but a goodie Mary Jane. I love old westerns and can watch them over and over, I would love to have this one in my collection so please put my name in your hat for the give away.

    I love Bob Hope and I do not think I could ever tire of watching him, Doris Day is great as well, I love them all!

    Thank you for another wonderful give away.


  2. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Hmmm, I can’t think of a comical musical star as my movie knowledge is pretty thin. However, this one sounds like fun so please throw my name in the hat!

  3. Robin Peters says:


  4. calle says:

    Debbie Reynolds in “The Unsinkable Molly Brown”.

  5. shawna m says:

    Doris Day has been my favorite since I was in high school.

  6. Thayes Hower says:

    Female: Debbie Reynolds
    Male: Bing Crosby and Bob Hope in the “Road” musicals!

  7. Vivian V says:

    Singing in the Rain -Debbie Reynolds

  8. Lynn M says:

    Some Like It Hot – Marilyn Monroe. Laughed pretty hard on this one!

  9. Love all the vintage musicals, Debbie Reynolds, Doris Day, Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Audrey Hepburn, Julie Andrews

  10. Jamie Vowell says:

    Oh, I love this movie! I think my favorite musical comedy star would be either Carol Burnett or Lucille Ball – and Doris Day as Calamity Jane!! Jamie V in MT

  11. Karlyne says:

    I think my favorite musical comedy is 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, which means Howard Keel and Jane Powell, but for all-roundedness I adore the Bingster!

  12. Vanessa Clark says:

    I have always loved Doris Day!

  13. Terry Steinmetz says:

    I love all the vintage movies, but my favorite is “Oklahoma”. Next in line is “The Trouble with Angels” starring Hailey Mills. Oh, the trouble she gets into keeps me laughing for hours. (mostly because I could see myself doing those same antics!)

  14. Melanie Ray says:

    My favorite musical comedy star is Doris Day!

  15. MS Barb says:

    Oh…Doris Day!

  16. Lisa says:

    Love Lucille Ball and Doris Day!

  17. Kay (Old Cowgirl) Montoya says:

    I really need this movie. I have always loved being a cowgirl and when I was little I fixed up one of my Dad’s saw horses and rode for hours. When this movie came out, came out I saw it with my Mom, but then went 2 more times. When the carnival came to our small town and Mom asked me what I wanted, I told her a whip. She bought me one of the colorful one’s from the carnival and I played with it for hours. I was Annie Oakley. Yeehaa!!!! I have always liked Doris Day but have the biggest laugh from Lucille Ball. Especially the candy making belt with her and Ethel. Sign me up please for the movie. I would love it.

  18. Wow thank you! We are the makers of the iron wreath giveaway and are so happy to be a winner of a giveaway now too!
    I’ll enjoy watching and cowgirl dreaming

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Bird house version of condo living in cities where they build up due to lack of space!

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WiNNeR!!!! Chenille Bedspread GIVEAWAY

Speaking of flowers, for this awesome flowery GIVEAWAY, we didn’t really use a hat to hold the names, and guess whose meant-to-be name came leaping from the jar?


Terry Steinmetz!!!!!

Terry said on April 10, 2014:

“Looks like you girls had F-U-N in NYC! Central Park was a wonderful place to visit & walk. My favorite piece of material is my first quilt that I made in my first quilting class. It is proudly displayed above my fireplace.”

Congratulations Terry! Watch for an email from the farm so my sis and I can send you a bedroom full of colorful chenille flowers.


And the original post was: 

Continue reading

  1. Julie Knapp says:

    My favorite fabric in my home is a white chenile bedspread that I found at a garage sale several years ago for 3 dollars. It was owned by a lady, who I believe also loved vintage fabrics as I do. I only put it on my bed in the summer time as the fabric has become so thin, and the knots and tassles along the edges are fragile. I love it because it reminds me of my grandmother and summer time.

  2. Mary Jo Boyd says:

    Sure looks you gals are having a wonderful time. My favorite piece of fabric in my house is my laundry room curtains I made two years ago. They are adorable!!!

  3. Jocelyn says:

    I have a scrap quilt that my 86-year old mother made for me using many of the fabrics from clothing that my sisters and I wore. I love feeling the fuzzy red velour and the aqua double knit. Love those chenille bedspreads.

  4. Winnie Nielsen says:

    What a fun trip it looks like everyone had in New York! But then, it is hard not to love the Big Apple with so much to see and do. I must say those ice cream sundaes look absolutely fantastic! A total meal for sure.

    Let’s see, my favorite piece of fabric in my home would be a small quilt that was hand pieced and hand stitched by my Aunt Ellen some 60 or 70 years ago. It is a small quilt that would be just big enough to pull up and snuggle under for a nap. I have it draped over a door of an old wooden cabinet in our family room so that Aunt Ellen is with me everyday! The new chenille bedspread is stunning in the photo. Wow, the colors!!

  5. shawna m says:

    My favorite fabric in the house is the throw blanket on the couch that I cuddle up with when the weather is cold.

  6. kelli says:

    I have my blanket that was on my bed when I was a child. It is pink and soft. I miss the old blankets that were soft. Now my kitty also loves it! Another favorite is my Mary Jane Organic sheets. They are so wonderful to sleep on!

  7. Deborah McKissic says:

    Looks like a wonderful time to be had by all in NY! What a beautiful bedspread! It reminds me of my favorite afghan…crocheted with left over yarns by my grandmother…lilacs, yellows, pinks, oranges, greens…she called it “grandmothers garden” afghan…it is at least 37 years old now..I have taken pictures of my grandkids when they were born..laying on it in my colorful behind them..I never learned to crochet from my grandmother but we shared the joy of gardening together and the plants she shared with me still grace my gardens…

  8. Terry Steinmetz says:

    Looks like you girls had F-U-N in NYC! Central Park was a wonderful place to visit & walk. My favorite piece of material is my first quilt that I made in my first quilting class. It is proudly displayed above my fireplace.

  9. Cathy R says:

    What a FUN trip! I have several vintage pieces that my Mom and Grandmother made that are very dear to me. Right now my favorite would be the quilt Mom made with several of her cross-stitch designs that we are using on our bed. Love the chenille bedspread! Thanks for your generosity! Spring blessings to all of you! Cathy

  10. CJ Armstrong says:

    What a fun trip! Thanks for sharing it all!
    My favorite fabric is a farm animal print on my “Certified Farmgirl” Apron. It has horses, chickens, cows and sheep!
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  11. Connie-Killarney says:

    Nothing gets all 5 senses going at once! like NYC! I have been there several times! The food, the Lights, The people! Broadway!

    My” Favorite Fabric” is my Quilt, that my Granny hand sewed every stitch! Nothing is softer or warmer! When I get so tired and weary of the world, I get a cup of tea and wrap up in my Granny’s quilt and it is a peace that there no words for!

  12. Gail McGeough says:

    What a wonderful trip you had! Thank you so much for sharing about it! My favorite piece of fabric is a blanket, too! It is a crazy quilt made by my Grandma with scraps from all the dresses she made my mom and 4 aunts. It was a wedding gift from almost 31 years ago.

  13. karen england, farmgirl #89 says:

    Gosh, this stirred my memory; I had a chenille bedspread as a kid. It was a daisy like pattern of white chenille on baby blue fabric and when I would nap on top of my bed I would have a daisy like pattern embossed on my skin upon waking…

  14. My favorite fabric in our house is German Flannel of our sheet sets.

  15. manda says:

    My pillowcase. Soft. 🙂

  16. Karlyne says:

    My grandmother made me a small blanket backed in yellow flowered flannel. She worked the pieces, made of old sweaters and skirts, in adorable embroidery stitches. I keep it at the foot of my bed, cuz it’s warm and fuzzy, just like my memories of her!

  17. Sherrie Cremeans says:

    My favorite fabric is my old 1980’s Laura Ashley old country roses curtains in my sun room. They are so cheery and I love them. I had some and have search ebay to get enough for 7 windows. I love things that look soft and feminine.

  18. Judy Nance says:

    My favorite fabric is french terry cloth. I have a little baby blue zip jacket made from it that I love to snuggle up in.

  19. judy craig says:

    My favorite piece of fabric is a handkerchief my Mom made .

  20. Aimee Colby says:

    My favorite piece of fabric? More like pieces. When I was in high school, my grandma made several quilts-one for each grandkid. I can count the squares and tell where each came from-Grumpy’s favorite shirt, my favorite pillowcase when I visited, a dress when I was 5… Almost 30 years later, grandma is gone, but that quilt will always be here, my favorite.

  21. Fran Williams says:

    My favorite piece of fabric is my son’s baby blanket. It’s a soft yellow with a satin binding. We lost our son a day before his 34th birthday this past December, so this blanket is more precious to me than gold.

  22. Carmen Anderson says:

    My favorite piece of a quilt..ok so larger than a scrap of fabric, however, my grandma made all her quilts by hand…the cutting, piecing,the stitches placed with love and hard work. This is one of a handful of quilts she made late in life, for all her granddaughters, she wanted each of us to have one before she passed away. I recognize dresses, shirts of my grandfather who passed away when I was a child, other pieces of clothing etc she either wore or saved for that special project. Her hands were arthritic and how she ever held a needle to sew is beyond me…so each time I run my hand over the quilt, wrap it around me, or just smile when I look at it, it brings to mind a lifetime of love and sacrifice….

  23. Kris Call says:

    My favorite piece of fabric is a blanket my grandmother knitted. Beautiful colors & intricate detailing.

  24. My favorite fabric in my home is a hand made vintage afghan made of crochet cotton. The hours that must have gone into making it seems unreal to me. Just the amount of crochet cotton it took to make it is amazing. It was my mother’s and after she passed it was given to me. Great memories.

  25. Julie Mink says:

    My favorite fabric in my house is a flannel comforter I found in a thrift store. Very cozy!

  26. Vivian V says:

    I have a piece of Dupioni silk in royal blue. I love it so much I’ve not found the PERFECT pattern to cut into it 😉

  27. My 800 thread count sheets in a sea glass blue

  28. Lisa Mitchell says:

    My favorite piece of fabric for years was an embroidered wall hanging I bought in Turkey when I was 21 and doing the backpack across Europe thing. That has been surpassed though since my dear Mimi (my grandmother) died last August and I inherited a stack of crochet doilies and table runners made by my great great grandmother, Nana. The most beautiful piece, and my new fave, is a crochet tablecloth she made in the 30’s which my mom and aunt told me only came out at Easter every year. I’m hosting Easter for the first time this year and Nanas tablecloth will once again be used for it!

  29. Michele Bowman says:

    My favorite fabric in my home is one of my husband’s old shirts. I’m not even sure what you’d call it. It’s a plummy mauve colored cotton, velveteen maybe? It is super soft. It is way too ratty for him to wear anyplace any more but he still wears it around the house. I keep hoping it will shrink enough that he will give it up, so I can wear it for a little while, before it falls apart completely. Then I’ll make it into a pillow!

  30. Wendy Curling says:

    I just love my quilts, all of them, because the pieces come together like the words of beautiful stories that can be told over and over, never wearing out but becoming softer and sweeter as time goes by.

  31. Sheila Weakley says:

    My favorite would be a tie…no, not really a tie, but I have so many favorites I have to pick two! One is the fan quilt my grandma made, and the other(s) would be her aprons that I saved!

  32. Debi Olson says:

    My favorite piece of fabric is the fabric I am currently doing my embroidery project on. It’s a soft natural muslin. Can hardly wait till it becomes a table topper.

  33. BarnChickCecily says:

    My favorite piece of fabric in our house is a baby blanket that my great grandma made for me when I was pregnant with my first baby 🙂 Both my boys used it and it is so sweet and snuggly. They still love it and so do I.

  34. Darleene Boller says:

    My favorite piece of fabric is actually a quilt I made last summer on a treadle machine with an oil lamp close by for when it got dark. No electricity whatsoever. I was very much into the moment and thoroughly enjoyed the experience – my first time using a treadle.

  35. Heather Coffel says:

    My favorite fabric is a my blankie too. It is a pink doggie blankie that use to have a silver satin edge. The edge didn’t make it through my childhood. My 12 year old daughter used it and now my 11 month old daughter has inhereited it. Such a wonderful history

  36. Rebekah Chappel says:

    My favorite piece of fabric in my house is my sage green blanket for 2 that is on my sectional. It’s perfect to curl up under when I’m reading, knitting/crocheting, or snuggling my boys.

  37. Penny Frazier says:

    The American flag that was draped across my daddy’s casket…

  38. Christy says:

    My favorite fabrics are a quilt my mom made for me out of flannel when I left home for collage.

  39. terri jones says:

    favorite piece of fabric is a red/white gingham tablecloth my grandma embroidered on around the edges.

  40. Carol Kincaid says:

    My favorite is the quilt I made that has chenille in it.. I just wish I would have made it for my king size bed and not a twin bed..

  41. Theresa Pierce says:

    My favorite thing is a pillowcase. It’s soft and comfortable and I love it. Its also embroidery.

  42. Dolly says:

    My favorite piece of material honestly is a MaryJane Butter’s fabric that has her face on it and I’m waiting to make that special something for several people with it. I have a few yards of it. Truthfully that is my favorite piece of fabric in the sewing room. Please enter me because that beautiful bedspread reminds me of the kind my Grandmother Goldie used to have on her beds. She had a beautiful home and we loved to look not touch all of her pretty things…I had to touch that bedspread though..Thanks for giveaway!

  43. jaylyn morehouse says:

    I would have to choose my “American” scarf. It’s red, white, and blue. But the blue has polka dots. I admit it. I’m a scarf hoarder. But a majority of them were passed down to me from my grandma! Oh yeah, rockin the vintage scarves!

  44. Terrie Coleman says:

    My favorite piece of fabric in my house is a Dutch Doll Quilt made by my sweet grandmother (Mammaw) in the 1970’s. It is hanging on a home made wooden quilt rack made by my wood working aunt in the 1980’s (I think it was then.). Sweet memories.

  45. maria lawrence says:

    I have many favorites but right now it’s my blue & red calico apron that I embroidered “farmgirl ” across the top!

  46. Debbie says:

    My toile quilt is my favorite,

  47. teresa napier says:

    my favorite piece of fabric is a table runner that is needle point made by my great grandmother.

  48. My favorite piece of fabric is my giraffe chenille child’s blanket!
    Thanks for a chance to win!

  49. LeAnne Litka says:

    My favorite piece of fabric is a doll quilt my great grandmother made for me in the late 60’s. She always made round the world quilts with red squares as her base. The quilt has scraps of pjs she made for me (I didn’t know pajamas could be purchased until I was older). Wherever I have lived, I have always used this doll quilt on a dresser somewhere in my house.

  50. Christine Robertson says:

    My favourite piece of fabric is a throw pillow cover embroidered by my great aunt which incorporated embroidery thread from three generations. She originally made one for my grandmother and I so loved it I begged her to make something for me!

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WINNER! The Long, Long Trailer Movie GIVEAWAY

We pulled Jenny from our hat!

On March 29, Jenny said:

“Glamping with MaryJane has become one of my escapes from reality. The day I received it in the mail I read it cover to cover, in fact,  I carried it with me to my daughter’s karate class and several moms learned about glamping that day. I compare MaryJane’s book to my childhood favorite by Dr. Seuss I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew because both books allow me to dream big and focus on my future. Glamping is a dream for my future!”

Congrats Jenny. Watch for an email from the farm.

And the original post was:

Lucy and Desi … honeymooning in a glamper?!


In this 1954 classic, you’ll laugh at all the antics that ensue when Lucy and Desi decide to buy a 40-foot trailer for their first home. And you’ll relate while Lucy glams up her new home and Desi grumbles his way down the highway.

From the cover: “They quickly find that the interior of a moving trailer is ideal for tossing a Caesar salad—and everything else. That backing up their 40-foot, three-ton home is only a little more difficult than threading a needle wearing boxing gloves. And that trailer-park folks are neighborly sorts who turn the lovebirds’ rig into the wrong, wrong trailer by crashing the wedding night.”

If you like glamping, you’re going to love this DVD! Leave a comment telling us what you like most about my mother’s book, Glamping with MaryJane, and we’ll enter you in our giveaway. We’ll put your name in a hat and pull out the winner … stay tuned!


  1. jenny says:

    Glamping with MaryJane has become one of my escapes from reality. The day I received it in the mail I read it cover to cover, in fact, I carried it with me to my daughter’s karate class and several moms learned about glamping that day. I compare MaryJane’s book to my childhood favorite by Dr. Seuss I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew because both books allow me to dream big and focus on my future. Glamping is a dream for my future!

  2. Mary Jo Boyd says:

    I got her Glamping book for Christmas and I love it! I can’t wait to get a glamper to fix it up. She gives so many great tips from buying one to fixing it up! Thanks for the chance to win the DVD!

  3. Wanda Sue Aldridge says:

    When I saw Mary Jane’s clawfoot tub in her airstream, it was a lightbulb moment! She helps me think outside the box. When I find me a vintage camper, I won’ t stress over any damage, I can make it whatever I want!! Thanks Mary Jane!!

  4. Winnie Nielsen says:

    I loved all of the practical “how to” in the Glamper book. For someone with no knowledge about trailers and camping with them, this book goes into all kinds of ways to solve necessary problems like portable potties and renovations. It is a beautiful book of possibilities and ideas for a whole new way to vacation!

  5. Lisa A says:

    Glamping with Mary Jane is still on my wish list, but I’ve paged through it in the stores, everything looks great!

  6. Debbie Fischer says:

    The pictures and the stories they all have about their wonderful Glampers. Makes me want one, and I am looking, now to convince hubby:-)
    Thank you Meg for yet another fabulous MaryJane Giveaway, y’all are the best.

  7. Pamela Criswell says:

    What an Awesome Book it Gives the Warm and Fuzzy feeling one should get When Inspired.
    Thank You Mary Jane for the Inspiration !

  8. Margaret Howk says:

    Glamping with Mary Jane book has given me great inspiration to glamp up my husband’s hunter trailer. We have had so much fun restoring, painting, and making it a fun place to get much needed rest and relaxation. Thanks for the sharing your passions with us.

  9. BarnChickCecily says:

    I LOVE literally everything about this book! I look through it and just dream away! Someday, I will be a glamper!

  10. Karen says:

    I love to camp even if it is a short drive to the coast, but I also love to be surrounded by beauty and comfort. MaryJane pulled this together in ine book. Thanks !

  11. julie hovde says:

    Actually my husband fell in love with this book, When he finished it, we started to look for our own glamper. This book gave us great ideas to use while restoring and also what to look for when buying. We now have our own little glamper and started to restore. This book was the greatest!!! Thank you for putting the glamper bug into my husband 🙂

  12. Terry Steinmetz says:

    I love the part of her describing how to re-do the trailer. It was so encouraging to me! I think I can now handle what little needs to be re-done in my own glamper. Thank you Mary Jane!

  13. Jan Sturgill says:

    The whole glamping theme started by Mary Jane gave me a new way to look into the future! It has ignited another creative endeavor that puts a smile on my face and a song in my heart…This book is part of my camping library, along with many old novels including those by Zane Grey. I appreciated the practical side of ‘Glamping with Mary Jane’, especially when it comes to safety issues and choosing your first project. When I saw the blogs by Shery Jesperson, I just had to take the plunge! Our first trailer is a 1965 Idea…
    I can remember watching ‘The Long Trailer’ when I was a child. I was born in 1954!

  14. BarnChickCecily says:

    Did anyone win yet? I REALLY want to win this!

  15. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Jan’s the lucky winner! Have fun with this classic which will hopefully be soon on a camping trip!

  16. BarnChickCecily says:

    Yay! So happy for you Jenny! You will really enjoy this movie!! Congratulations!

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  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    This is some sort of soft boiled egg maker but I am not sure how it works. I do love eggs sitting in egg cups for breakfast. Plus egg cups come in so many beautiful patterns and formats like wood, fine china, glass etc. Eggs in pretty cups would make a lovely table setting for Easter morning breakfast!

  2. Teri Gregg says:

    I have the identical item. It’s great for lifting the eggs out of the pan. It also whistles like a tea kettle through the hole just below the black knob when the water comes to a boil.

  3. Rhonda Tornow says:

    I have one of these, I knew it had something to do with eggs but I have no idea what it’s for!

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WINNER! Rich Herbal Cream GIVEAWAY

The WINNER! of Amy’s Rich Herbal Cream is …

Sue D.

On March 29, Sue said:

“Love the fact that hand-collected rainwater is used. I’ve never heard of that before!”
Congrats Sue. Watch for an email from the farm.
And the original GIVEAWAY post was :

Big WELCOME to the business, Del Jardin, from San Saba, Texas, that has joined our Project F.A.R.M. (First-class American Rural Made).

Amy’s rich, herbal creams, containing sesame and olive oils, rainwater, comfrey, rose, calendula, and natural essential oils, along with a natural sunscreen with Vitamin E, are created with an extra dose of love—the very best ingredient! Visit her lovely website here.


Amy (left), Bob, and Hannah

Del Jardin is based in the beautiful Texas Hill Country on the J.G. Ranch in Cherokee, where Amy grows the herbs she uses in her products, wildcrafting some also. “Being a cowgirl out in the Texas sun and wind, I needed products that protect and heal the skin. After years of perfection, I offer you my healing creams.”
Amy has 13 stores, salons, and spas that sell her products. She also packages them in larger quantities … massage therapists love them! Leave a comment and we’ll toss your name into our Giveaway hat for a free bottle of Amy’s healing cream.



  1. Michelle Kirby says:

    Will have to check this out!

  2. Deborah Lawrence says:

    I would just love to try this cream. Seems to have the right ingredients.

  3. Mary Jo Boyd says:

    This sounds heavenly! Pick me!

  4. sounds lovely! sure hope I can win!! : )

  5. Lisa A says:

    Right up my alley!

  6. Would love to know more about this product.

  7. Debbie Fischer says:

    I have Psoraisis therefore extremely dry skin, I know this Healing Cream will help to keep my skin moist. So please put my name in yur hat for the give away.
    Thank you Mary Jane for yet another great give away.

  8. kelli says:

    would love to try this!

  9. Karlyne says:

    I think my skin neeeeeds this!

  10. Denise Brice says:

    Sounds like just the thing for my daughter’s sensitive skin.

  11. Nancy says:

    Sounds wonderful! Thanks so much for a chance to win 🙂

  12. Cathy R says:

    Just back from a visit to TEXAS. The cream sounds wonderful. Will have to check it out! Thanks for your generosity!

  13. Terrie Coleman says:

    This cream sounds wonderful. I bet it smells yum, too.

  14. MS Barb says:

    This sounds wonderful! What a great SPRING Giveaway!

  15. Vivian V says:

    Love the ingredient list for this!

  16. CJ Armstrong says:

    Sounds like a product I would LOVE!!!! Thanks for the opportunity!

  17. jaylyn morehouse says:

    Hi! That stuff looks like it would work great on my hands after a day like today! We worked in the backyard from breakfast until dusk! Soreness…..

  18. Sue D. says:

    Love the fact that hand-collected rainwater is used. I’ve never heard of that before!

  19. Toni Merka says:

    I think that bottle should make its way to Tennessee! You all look great – miss seeing you! xoxo

  20. Hesa Duncan says:

    Looks wonderful! Is it available for purchase online? I can’t seem to find it on the MJF website – sure it’s my error if it’s there. Thank you!

  21. Pamela Beemer says:

    would love to try 🙂

  22. Chrissy says:

    A masssssagggge sounds heavenly with heavenly products!

  23. Tracy Hall says:

    Sounds wonderful!

  24. Kimberly Noah says:

    Love the packaging, can’t wait to try it!

  25. Daniele says:

    Bring it on!
    I live in the hot, dry, wind blown hell of Las Vegas!!!!!!
    I’d love to try it…

  26. Laurie Dimno says:

    My skin is calling for this after a VERY long winter here in the Northeast! Please add my name to the hat for a chance to win this great prize, and thank you Mary Jane for the chance!
    Hugs XOXO

  27. Would love to win! Sounds fabulous !

  28. BarnChickCecily says:

    Would love to win this!

  29. melissa says:

    I’d love to give it a try. My skin is need of nourishment after this long dry winter.

  30. Heather Sandoval says:

    I have just started making crockpot soap and I am amazed at the wonderful things that can be created from such simple ingredients. Her Herbal Cream sounds wonderful. Please count me in!

  31. Amanda Y says:

    This sounds wonderful!! I would love to win it, and I will also have to check out the website.

  32. Marti says:

    I first met Amy 25 yr ago. I’ve watched her thru the years. Everything she has ever done is always with pure intent, a loving heart, and of the highest quality. I wish her and Del Jardin much success.

  33. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Congrats Sue on your win! What a nice way to start a week. This product sounds wonderful so enjoy!

  34. Teresa Garza says:

    You make the best Oatmeal Mask I have ever used! I have been without for way too many years! Used to purchase at Room 5 at least 10 years ago! Please help me get some more! Also need face cream for someone with very dry skin and over 60!! Oh no, that’s me! XOXO <3

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Mountain Rose Herbs Pin Party

Our friends at Mountain Rose Herbs are hosting a Grand Giveaway called

“My Herbal Spring Pin Party.”


Photo by Dwight Sipler via Wikimedia Commons

If you’ve never participated in a Pinterest pin party, this is a perfect place to start! It’s not only easy-as-pie, it’s a whole lot of fun—and you may win an Herbal Facial Kit, Tea-To-Go Glass Infusers with Hibiscus High Tea, or a $50 gift certificate to buy a gaggle of goodies at Mountain Rose Herbs.

Here’s the lowdown:


Image courtesy of

Three winners will be chosen at random and announced on April 7.

Good luck, and happy herbal pinning!

  1. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Such a different and fun Spring party. Everyone loves Pinterest boards!

  2. Marsha says:

    I found some really great ideas for my board!

  3. I must start following these pinning parties, I am hooked on Pinterest!

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